var Dockerfile = require ( "dockerfilejs" ) . Dockerfile ;
var file = new Dockerfile ( ) ;
file . comment ( 'The above code example yields this file!' )
. env ( { DEBUG :'express:* node index.js' } )
. expose ( 8080 )
. separator ( '\n' )
. from ( { image : 'node' , tag : 'latest' } )
. comment ( 'FROM gets bumped under initial comments' )
. render ( ) ;
# The above code example yields this file!
FROM node:latest
ENV DEBUG="express:* node index.js"
# FROM gets bumped under initial comments
Complex environment? No problem!
file . env ( {
complex : {
objects : 'are not' ,
a : 'problem' ,
at : {
all : 'really!'
} } ) . render ( ) ;
ENV complex.objects="are not" \
complex.a=problem \!
Made a mistake? Get rid of it!
file . copy ( '~/.ssh/*' , '/tmp' ) ;
// oops!
file . steps ( ) . pop ( ) ;
file . separator ( '\n' )
// Will set the separator of each step for the entire file.render() output
file . label ( { complex : { objects : 'allowed' } } ) ;
// LABEL complex.objects="allowed"
file . expose ( [ 8080 , '8081' , { number : 443 , protocol : 'tcp' } ] ) ;
// EXPOSE 8080 8081 443/tcp
file . run ( { command : [ 'touch /file.txt' , [ 'echo' , 'hello world' , '>>' , '/file.txt' ] ] } ) ;
// RUN touch /file.txt \
// && echo "hello world" >> /file.txt
file . copy ( { src : [ '/id_rsa' , '/' ] , dest : '/root/.ssh/' } , true ) ;
// ONBUILD COPY ["/id_rsa", "/", "/root/.ssh"]
file . copy ( { src : [ '/id_rsa' , '/' ] , dest : '/root/.ssh/' , onbuild : true } ) ;
// ONBUILD COPY ["/id_rsa", "/", "/root/.ssh"]
file . copy ( { src : [ '/id_rsa' ] , dest : '/root/.ssh/' , chown : '0:0' } ) ;
// COPY --chown=0:0 ["/id_rsa", "/root/.ssh"]
file . copy ( { src : [ '/id_rsa' ] , dest : '/root/.ssh/' , user : 0 , group : 0 } ) ;
// COPY --chown=0:0 ["/id_rsa", "/root/.ssh"]
file . copy ( { src : [ '/id_rsa' ] , dest : '/root/.ssh/' , chown : { user : 0 , group : 0 } ) ;
// COPY --chown=0:0 ["/id_rsa", "/root/.ssh"]
file . cmd ( { executable : '/bin/bash' , params : [ '-c' , 'hello world' ] } ) ;
// CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "hello world"]
file . cmd ( { command :'/bin/bash' , params : [ '-c' , 'hello world' ] } )
// CMD /bin/bash -c "hello world"
file . healthCheck ( {
options : { retries : 4 , timeout : '30s' } ,
command : 'wget' ,
params : [ '' ]
} )
// HEALTHCHECK --retries=4 --timeout=30s \
// CMD wget
file . user ( 'root' ) ;
// USER root
file . from ( { image : 'node' , tag : '10-alpine' , name : 'build' } )
// FROM node:10-alpine AS build
// ... run your build commands here ...
file . stage ( )
// Adds a new stage
file . from ( { image : 'node' , registry : '' , tag : '10-alpine' } )
// Sets the `FROM` instruction in the new stage, etc ...
file . copy ( { from : 'build' , src : [ './lib' ] , dest : './lib' } )
// COPY --from=build ["./lib", "./lib"]