Install, just copy SD/tools/vForth content into SD at C:/tools/vForth or extract the very same content from the latest zipped file vforth-next/download/vForth_15f_yyyymmdd.zip (direct-threaded) or vforth-next/download/vForth_15e_yyyymmdd.zip (indirect-threaded)
Run, from File-Browser execute the Basic program C:/tools/vForth/Forth15_direct.bas or C:/tools/vForth/Forth15_indirect.bas
The operations of points 1. and 2. has to be performed within an SD image like tbblue.mmc
To operato on a SD image, you can use HDFM-GOOEY available here: http://zxbasic.uk/nextbuild/hdfmgooey/
Remember: to copy a file to SD while you're running vForth environment, you have to temporarily suspend any activity on the SD card.
In vForth, this can be done via REMOUNT available after you give NEEDS REMOUNT .
Install the latest "Mono" cross platform open source .NET framework
$ sudo apt install mono-complete
start CSpect
$ mono CSpect.exe -sound -tv -w3 -zxnext -nextrom -mmc=./tbblue.mmc
THere is a very nice quickstart guide by Marco's retrobits https://retrobits.altervista.org/blog/dogday-cspect-quickstart/