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Matthew Gilbert edited this page Jun 16, 2017 · 5 revisions

Release Notes

  • Ensure working directory is clean
  • Check pep8: make lint
  • Update CHANGELOG with summary, commit


  • Create a test environment:
conda create -n "pdblp_0.1.1-test" pandas sphinx
conda install -n "pdblp_0.1.1-test" -c conda-forge pyparsing=2.2.0
  • Activate the environment: source activate pdblp_0.1.1-test
  • Run tests: make test

For docs (if they have been changed)

  • From pdblp/doc/ run make html
  • Serve documentation and inspect cd _build/html/ && python -m http.server
  • Deploy using make github

Test PyPI

  • Bump pdblp/ and commit: git commit -m 'Updated for upcoming release'
  • Append -dev to __version__ in
  • Test submission to PyPI: python sdist upload -r pypitest
  • Remove -dev from __version__ in
  • Pip install package into pdblp_0.1.1-test: pip install -i pdblp==0.1.1-dev

Tag and deploy

  • Make an empty commit: git commit --allow-empty -m 'RLS: v0.1.1'
  • Tag the commit using an annotated tag. git tag -a v0.1.1 -m "Version 0.1.1"
  • Push commits git push
  • Push the tag! git push --tags
  • Create new release at, add CHANGELOG into release notes
  • Release to PyPI:

PyPI submission

  • python sdist upload -r pypi
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