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File metadata and controls

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a simple flask app with a postgres backend. We have used kubernetes and helm apis to deploy the application on a local kubernetes installation (kubernetes on docker desktop)

Run using kubernetes

to run the app using kubernetes APIs (commands):

  1. create secret for postgres admin password kubectl create secret generic postgres-secrets --from-literal=password=postgres-admin-password

  2. create secret for Azure Container Registry login kubectl create secret docker-registry acrregistrykey --docker-server=link-to-registry --docker-username=username --docker-password=access-key

  3. update:

    • container image location at containers.image key in flask.deployment.yml file
    • the path key for postgres-init volume in the postgresql.deployment.yml file to the init script (it should be to src/database/db_create.sql file)
    • the path key for postgrespv in the postgres.pv.yml file and point to a folder to save the postgres database dumps/backups. This location can be used to restore the postgres db in case the container crashes.
  4. Apply the k8s config files kubectl apply -f k8s/

Run using helm

  1. create a secretvalues.yml file at the root of the charts (k8shlmcharts folder)
  2. populate the secretvalues in the file as :
      password: postgres-password
      init_script_pth: "/Complete/path/to/file/src/database/db_create.sql"
      postgres_db_backup: "/Complete/path/to/folder/postgresdbvolume"
      acrloginkey: "credentials to login to the docker registry where the images is loaded (dockerhub, acr etc.)"
      registryname: registry+image-name:tag
  3. run command from the root (k8shelmcharts folder) of the helm charts directory helm install flaskapp . -f secretvalues.yml

To Do:

  1. setup on actual kubernetes cluster
  2. setup ingress services
  3. setup a cloud storage as a volume
  4. setup deployment pipelines to push to kubernetes cluster