Status: Descriptive - Draft
An IPLD "Path" is a string identifier used for deep references into IPLD graphs. Paths follow similar escape and segmentation rules as URI paths.
An IPLD Path is a string identifier used for deep references into IPLD graphs.
IPLD Path's are constructed following the same constraints as URI Paths.
Similarly, the string ?
is reserved for future use as a query separator.
Path resolution is broken into two parts: full path resolution and block level resolution.
Block level path resolution is defined by individual codecs.
Full path resolution should use block level resolution through each block.
When a block level resolver returns an IPLD Link
a full path resolution
should retreive that block, load its codec, and continue on with additional
block level resolution until the full path is resolved. Finally, path resolution
should return a representation
of the value for the given path.