Add support for .NET Core.
Easy to use timers. Time a block of code with a using
statement or time a lambda, with or without a return value. async ... await
is also supported.
Usage: given an existing instance of IStatsDPublisher
called stats
you can do:
// timing a block of code in a using statement:
using (stats.StartTimer("someStat"))
// timing a lambda without a return value:
stats.Time("someStat", () => DoSomething());
// timing a lambda with a return value:
var result = stats.Time("someStat", () => GetSomething());
// works with async
using (stats.StartTimer("someStat"))
await DoSomethingAsync();
// and correctly times async lambdas using the usual syntax:
var result = await stats.Time("someStat", async () => await GetSomethingAsync());
The idea of "disposable timers" comes from this StatsD client.
NuGet metadata
- Move to Sys.Diag.Trace for logs to remove NLog dependency (so as to not force that on dependents)
- We've been in production with this for a while now. It deserves the 1.0 version tag.
- Sort out references and dependencies such that nuget is relied upon.
- Ability to prefix each stat, so the prefix/namespace can be supplied one-time via configuration rather than built each time a stat is pushed. Eg, Mailman would want every stat to be prefixed with
{country}.mailman_{instance position}
- First release