AppI'm Kebechet bot, goddess of freshness - I will keep your source code fresh and up-to-date
55 installs
I'm Kebechet bot, goddess of freshness - I will keep your source code fresh and up-to-date.
Kebechet is an AI DevSecOps bot that automates updating dependencies of your project. Currently, it supports managing and updating Python projects based on pipenv files (Pipfile and Pipfile.lock) or requirements.txt/ files (see pip-tools - Kebechet is a replacement for it)
a Pull Request with details of an dependency update
a Pull Request creating a new release
Plans and pricing
This service is provide by Red Hat, free to all open source project; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
$0Kebechet is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation