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Setup for Ember tests

Setup a Node.js environment and prepare it to run Ember tests
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Sets up problem matchers for Ember tests to get a nicer output for errors.

What does it do

  • Setup problem matchers for nicer error output for:
    • eslint
    • typescript
    • testem

Note: ember-template-lint adds its own matchers, so no need to do anything more for it.

Example usage

name: Ember CI

on: [push]


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - uses: rwjblue/setup-volta@v1
    - uses: mydea/actions-ember-testing@v2
    - name: Install dependencies
      run: yarn install
    - name: Run tests
      run: yarn test
    - name: Lint JS
      run: yarn lint:js
    - name: Lint HBS
      run: yarn lint:hbs

Browser timeout

If your tests sometimes fail with the message Error: Browser failed to connect within 30s. testem.js not loaded?, you can extend this timeout in your testem.js by adding browser_start_timeout: 60.

Note on updating from v1

In v1, this also installed Volta, Node and Yarn for you. In v2, this was dropped in favor of using rwjblue/setup-volta.

Setup for Ember tests is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Setup a Node.js environment and prepare it to run Ember tests

Setup for Ember tests is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.