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Saucectl Run Action

A GitHub action to run your tests on Sauce Labs
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GitHub has manually verified the creator of the action as an official partner organization. For more info see About badges in GitHub Marketplace.

Saucectl Run Action from Sauce Labs

This action installs saucectl and launches tests.
You can use it to run your tests on Sauce Labs !


⚠️ Avoid being throttled by GitHub. Be sure to provide GITHUB_TOKEN through the env field, or you may face an API rate limit exceeded error.

- uses: saucelabs/saucectl-run-action@v4
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
    # Which version of saucectl.
    # Default: latest
    saucectl-version: v0.123.0

    # Sauce Labs Credentials.
    sauce-username: ${{ secrets.SAUCE_USERNAME }}
    sauce-access-key: ${{ secrets.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY }}

    # Install saucectl, but don't run it.
    # Default: false
    skip-run: false

    # Relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE to use as the new working directory.
    working-directory: ""

    # An environment variable key-value pair that may be referenced in the tests executed by this command.
    # Currently not supported by espresso/xcuitest.
    env: |

    # Specifies an alternative configuration file for this execution.
    # Default: .sauce/config.yml
    config-file: .sauce/myconfig.yml

    # Specifies the Sauce Labs data center through which tests will run.
    # Valid values are us-west-1 or eu-central-1.
    region: us-west-1

    # Controls how many suites run in parallel.
    # Default: 1
    concurrency: 1

    # Global timeout that limits how long saucectl can run in total.
    # Supports duration values like '10s', '30m' etc.
    timeout: 5m

    # Identifies an active Sauce Connect tunnel to use for secure connectivity to the Sauce Labs cloud.
    tunnel-name: ""

    # Identifies the Sauce Labs user who created the specified tunnel, which is required if the user running the tests did not create the tunnel.
    tunnel-owner: ""
    # How long to wait for the specified tunnel to be ready. Supports duration values like '10s', '30m' etc.
    tunnel-timeout: 30s

    # Specifies a test suite to execute by name rather than all suites defined in the config file.
    select-suite: ""

    # Includes the contents of the suite's console.log in the output of the command regardless of the test results. By default, the console log contents are shown for failed test suites only.
    # Default: false
    show-console-log: false

    # Launches tests without awaiting outcomes; operates in a fire-and-forget manner.
    async: false

Saucectl Run Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


A GitHub action to run your tests on Sauce Labs


GitHub has manually verified the creator of the action as an official partner organization. For more info see About badges in GitHub Marketplace.

Saucectl Run Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.