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PR Size Labeler

Add labels to new pull requests based on the size of the changes
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Pull Request Size Labeler

Pull request size labeler triages PRs based on the size of the changes in the PR. Based on:


Create .github/pr-size-labeler.yml

Create a .github/pr-size-labeler.yml file with a list of labels and the size of changes this label has as upper limit.

The key is the name of the label in your repository that you want to add (eg: "Small Change", "Big Change") and the value is the upper limit of changes for that label (10, 20, Infinity). The labels must be in ascending order basend on the limit value.

Basic Example

'Small Change': 2
'Medium Change': 5
'Big Change': 10
'Huge Change': Infinity

Create Workflow

Create a workflow (eg: .github/workflows/pr-size-labeler.yml see Creating a Workflow file) to utilize the labeler action with content:

name: "Pull Request Size Labeler"
on: [pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: julrocas/pr-size-labeler@main
        repo-token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"

Note: This grants access to the GITHUB_TOKEN so the action can make calls to GitHub's rest API


Two inputs are defined in action.yml to let you configure the labeler:

Name Description Default
repo-token Token to use to authorize label changes. Typically the GITHUB_TOKEN secret N/A
configuration-path The path to the label configuration file .github/pr-size-labeler.yml

PR Size Labeler is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Add labels to new pull requests based on the size of the changes

PR Size Labeler is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.