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Create, Update and Delete to IBM Cloud Code Engine

Create, Update and Delete a project and deploy an app in IBM Cloud Code Engine
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Deploy to IBM Cloud Code Engine

A GitHub action to deploy an application to IBM Cloud Code Engine.


Create a project and app in Code Engine

      - name: Deploy to IBM Cloud Code Engine
        uses: dprosper/icce-cud-cli@v0.4.3
          IMAGE: ${{ env.REGISTRY_ORG_NAMESPACE }}/${{ env.REGISTRY_REPOSITORY }}:${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
          REGISTRY_USER: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_USER }}
          REGISTRY_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_TOKEN }}
          CE_ACTION: create
          CE_PROJECT_NAME: project-${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
          CE_APP_NAME: app-${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
          REGISTRY: ${{ env.REGISTRY }}

Delete a project in Code Engine

      - name: Delete from IBM Cloud Code Engine
        uses: dprosper/icce-cud-cli@v0.4.3
          ISSUE_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
          CE_PROJECT_NAME: projectc-${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
          CE_ACTION: delete

Update an app in Code Engine

      - name: Update in IBM Cloud Code Engine
        uses: dprosper/icce-cud-cli@v0.4.3
          CE_PROJECT_NAME: project-production
          CE_APP_NAME: app-production
          IMAGE: ${{ env.REGISTRY_ORG_NAMESPACE }}/${{ env.REGISTRY_REPOSITORY }}:latest
          CE_ACTION: update


Name Description Default
APP_SECRET A secret of some sort, if needed by the application.
IMAGE The name of the image that is used for the application.
REGISTRY The URL of the registry server.
REGISTRY_USER The username to access the registry server.
REGISTRY_PASSWORD The password to access the registry server.
CE_REGISTRY_SECRET The name of the image registry access secret when added to the project. registry-secret
CE_ACTION Determines the steps to run in the action, create, update or delete.
CE_PROJECT_NAME The name of the project. Use a name that is unique within the region. demo-project
CE_APP_NAME The name of the application. Use a name that is unique within the project. demo-app
APP_PORT The port used by the application. 3000
ISSUE_NUMNER The issue number in the repository that should be used to comment/update when a project is deleted, usabled only when CE_ACTION is set to delete.

Note: Only the IBM Cloud official plug-in repository is supported in this action.

The action can take additional input from json files located in the same directory as the workflow file:

  • If a icce-project-config.json is found it is processed, it supports creating configmaps from a file that will be mounted when the application is deployed and environments (key/value) also generated from a file.

        "configmapsfromfile": [
              "name": "datacenters.json",
              "file": "./data/datacenters.json",
              "path": "/data"
        "envsfromfile": [
              "name": "vgic-env",
              "file": "./data/public.env"

    name: name to give to the configmap file: path and filename of the file to use path: mount path to use when deploying the application

  • If a icce-app-config.json is found it is processed, it supports creating service bindings using the CE_SERVICES method.

        "bindings": [
              "serviceName": "vgic-db"

    serviceName: Name of an already provisioned service to bind to.



For this action you can lock the version to use by specifying it like this: dprosper/icce-cud-cli@v0.4.3.


Apache Version 2.0

Create, Update and Delete to IBM Cloud Code Engine is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Create, Update and Delete a project and deploy an app in IBM Cloud Code Engine



Create, Update and Delete to IBM Cloud Code Engine is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.