- Upgrade dependencies.
- Upgrade dependencies.
- Remove deprecated enum types.
- Upgrade dependencies.
- Added Question Type header again.
- Added transitionAnimationDuration this default value of 300 ms.
- Added reverseBtnOrder to invert btnbOk and btnCancel Order.
- Remove Flare Dependency in favor of new Rive runtime to render header animation.
- Remove Simple animation dependency in favor of native animations.
- Deprecate all uppercase Enums in favor of effective dart new ones.
- [Breaking] Temporary remove question type header for being incompatible with rive.
- [Breaking] Change typo in 'onDismissCallback' and 'alignment' props.
- Fix issue #103 dismissOnTouchOutside does not work when dismissOnBackKeyPress is false.
- Now there are 2 more type of dismiss in onDismissCallback (MODAL_BARRIER ,ANDROID_BACK_BTN),
- New feature custom barrier color via prop "barrierColor" PR#96
- New feature use keyboard enter key to trigger ok button enable via prop "enableEnterKey" default to false PR#97
- New feature add props for custom titleStyle and descStyle via "titleTextStyle" and "descTextStyle" PR#98
- New feature add padding between body and dialog when DialogType.NO_HEADER is selected via prop "bodyHeaderDistance" default to 15 PR#99
- Breaking the signature of some function change to fallow flutter_lints rules. PR#100
- New feature to pass data back from dialog.
- Dependencies updated!!
- Fix useRootNavigator for nested routes.
- Migrated AnimatedButton to underline use ElevatedButton from flutter core.
- Improve padding in Error Animation.
- onDismiss Callback now indicates by which method the dialog was dismissed using an Enum.
- Null safety stable release.
- Added DialogType INFO_REVERSED
- Migrated to Null Safety.
- Added Property buttonsTextStyle, to AwesomeDialog to easy customize built in buttons.
- Added Property buttonTextStyle, to AnimatedButton pr#56.
- Added Property borderSide, to customize the edges of the dialog pr#55.
- Added Property dialogBackgroundColor, to add custom background color pr#54.
- Added Property showCloseIcon, to control if close icon appear.
- Added Property closeIcon, to build a custom close icon.
- Added QUESTION dialogType support.
- Updated INFO dialogType to show info mark.
- Added Property buttonsBorderRadius.
- Safe Call operator on Navigation.of(context) before trying to dismiss the Dialog.
- Added Property width to control the maximum width of the dialog, especially useful in web flutter, or landscape mode, by default it is MediaQuery.of(context).size.width.
- Added Property dismissOnBackKeyPress to control if AwesomeDialog is dismissible by back button
- Added Property keyboardAware to control whenever or not add the Padding introducing on v1.1.1, and make it optional. Default value True.
- Added Padding EdgeInsets.only(bottom: MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets.bottom) to AwesomeDialog to be aware of keyboard input
- [Breaking Change in title Prop]
- Merge Pull Request Fixed title prop and fixed some padding issues. #17, thanks to @iampawan.
- Exported anims helper class for external use.
- Added AutoHide feature.
- Added DialogType NO_HEADER feature.
- Organized project files.
- Upgrade dependencies. and animations.
- Fix tiny bug after features of version 0.1.2
- Upgrade dependencies
- Remove spacing for buttons if no buttons are especified.
- Added prop padding with default value EdgeInsets.only(left: 5, right: 5). this is not breaking change since this is the padding used on eraly version.
- Added prop headerAnimationLoop.
- Fix a bug when there is only a single button, removing unwanted space
- Added isDense property
- Added aligment property
- Change default color to Theme.of(context).cardColor
- Fix a Bug when using PressEvent() for Navigation.
- Formating text and enchancing description.
- Initial release.