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Developer's guide

This document is a brief overview of how to use this code base. Some understanding of Nextflow and how it implements DSL2 is assumed.


I personally recommend Microsoft Visual Studio Code for working on nextflow pipelines. It's free and comes with a variety of free extensions to support your work.

This template specifically is set up to work with the following VS extensions:

  • nextflow
  • prettier
  • groovy-lint
  • TODO highlight
  • Docker

Basic concept

This pipeline base is organized in the following way:

  • - entry point into the pipeline, imports the core workflow from workflow/<pipeline>.nf
  • workflow/<> - the actual core logic of the pipeline; imports sub-workflows from subworkflow/<sub>.nf
  • subworkflow/<sub>.nf - a self-contained processing chain that is part of the larger workflow (e.g. read alignment and dedup in a WGS calling workflow)
  • modules/<module>.nf - A command line tool/call that can be imported into a (sub)workflow.

Config files

Some aspects of this code base are controlled by config files. These are:

/nextflow.config - this sets some of the command line options and default values

/conf/resources.config - here you can put some pipeline-internal options, like locations of reference files and the like (assuming you use a generic base directory with fixed folder structure or S3 buckets)

/conf/base.config - this file sets the computing specifications for different types of processes.

/conf/lsh.config - this is an example of a site-specific config file (set as "standard" profile in nextflow.config), in which you can provide information about your compute environment. Make sure to create a new profile for it too.

Groovy libraries

This pipeline imports a few functions into the nextflow files from lib/ - mostly to keep the actual pipeline code a bit cleaner/more readable. For example, the --help command line option can be found in lib/WorkflowMain.groovy. Likewise, you could use this approach to do some basic validation of your inputs etc.


By design, modules should provide software as either conda environment or container. See existing modules for how that can be achieved.

conda 'bioconda::multiqc=1.19'
container "${ workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !task.ext.singularity_pull_docker_container ?
    '' :
    '' }"

What does this do? Basically, if conda is enabled as software provider, the specified package will be installed into a process-specific environment. Else, a container is pulled - where the source depends on whether you run Docker (native Docker image) or e.g. Singularity (dedicated singularity image).

We normally use Bioconda as the source for software packages; either directly via conda or through containers that are built directly from Bioconda. You'll not that each Bioconda package lists the matching Biocontainer link. For convenience, it is recommended to provide links to the native Biocontainer Docker container as well as the singularity version hosted by the Galaxy team under

There are two situations where this approach will not work (directly). One is the use of multiple software packages in one pipeline process. While this can be done for conda-based provisioning by simply providing the name of multiple packages, it does not work for pre-built containers. Instead, you need a so-called "mulled" container; which are built from two or more Bioconda packages - described here. Sometimes you can be lucky and find existing mulled containers that do what you need. Else - see the description above.

If mulling containers is not an option, you can also refer to github actions and have the pipeline built its own mulled container. For that, see below.

Github workflows

Github supports the automatic execution of specific tasks on code branches, such as the automatic linting of the code base or building and pushing of Docker containers. To add github workflows to your repository, place them into the sub-directory .github/workflows.

Docker containers

In order to automatically push Docker containers, you must add your docker username and API token as secrets to your repository (DOCKERHUB_USERNAME and DOCKERHUB_TOKEN). Secrets can be created under Settings/Secrets and Variables/Actions. Of course, you also need to have an account on Dockerhub and generate a permanent token. The relevant workflow actions are included in dot_github/workflows. These will read the Dockerfile from the root of this repository, import environment.yml (if you wish to install conda packages into the container), build the whole thing and push the container to an appropriate dockerhub repository

How to start

  1. Create a new repository and use this template

  1. Checkout the new repository

After checking out the repo, create a branch "dev" as well as "main"

git branch dev
git branch main

With these branches created, switch to the dev branch and start developing.

git checkout dev
  1. Go through the source files and address the sections marked with //TODO
  • Update `nextflow.config' with the name and version of your pipeline, required nextflow version and so on

  • Rename the main workflow file and workflow definition to match your pipeline topic (and update accordingly)

  • If you want to provision a pipeline-specific Docker container

    • rename dot_github to .github
    • Create a dockerhub project for this pipeline
    • Update the github actions to the name of the dockerhub project

    IMPORTANT: When you rename files in a git project, use git mv, not plain mv to avoid breaking the built-in file tracking of your git repo!

  1. Outline your primary workflow logic in workflow/<>

  2. Start outlining your subworkflows, if any, in subworkflows/<>

  3. Build all the necessary modules in modules/, using modules/fastp/ as a template

    • Use a subfolder for each software package and folders therein for sub-functions of a given tool (e.g. samtools)
    • Each module should include a container statement to specify which software container is to be used
    • Each module should collect information on the software version(s) of the tools used - see existing modules for examples.

How to test

It is very much recommended to implement a simple test suite for your pipeline.

A default test profile is already included with this code base - you simply have to update the inputs. These inputs should consist of a highly reduced data set that can be processes in a very short amount of time. An example would be short read data from a small section of the genome only (which you could, for example, extract from a BAM file using coordinates). You get the idea. We try to keep test data in a shared repository - you might find something you can use in there, or you could add your own data set. Remember, git has a hard-limit of 50MB for individual files.

To run the test, the syntax would be:

nextflow run my/pipeline -profile standard,test

Here, standard refers to the default site configuration ('standard') - change it if you need to run this pipeline under a different profile.


Nextflow does not have a dedicated linting tool. However, since most of nextflow is actually Groovy, the groovy linting suite works just fine, I find. I would strongly recommend setting this up in a conda environment, but it should also work on your *nix system directly (albeit with some minor pitfalls re: java version)

conda create -n nf-lint nodejs openjdk=17.0.10
conda activate nf-lint
npm install -g npm-groovy-lint

In your pipeline directory, you can check all the files in one go as follows:


You'll note that some obvious errors/warnings are omitted. This behavior is controlled by the settings in .groovylintrc documentation, included with this template. If you need to switch on some stuff, just add it the config file - and vice-versa.

Sending report emails

This template is set up to send the final QC report via Email (--email This requires for sendmail to be configured on the executing node/computer.