The value that represents 100%, to be easily comparable with the loan rates.
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint256 |
uint256 |
Accept the borrower role, must be called by pendingBorrower.
function acceptBorrower()
Accept the lender role, must be called by pendingLender.
function acceptLender()
Accept the proposed terms and trigger refinance execution.
function acceptNewTerms(
address refinancer_,
uint256 deadline_,
bytes[] calls_
returns (
bytes32 refinanceCommitment_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | refinancer_ |
address |
address |
The address of the refinancer contract. |
1 | deadline_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The deadline for accepting the new terms. |
2 | calls_ |
bytes[] |
bytes[] |
The encoded arguments to be passed to refinancer. |
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | refinanceCommitment_ |
bytes32 |
bytes32 |
The hash of the accepted refinance agreement. |
The borrower of the loan, responsible for repayments.
function borrower()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | address |
address |
The amount of principal yet to be returned to satisfy the loan call.
function calledPrincipal()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint256 |
uint256 |
The lender called the loan, giving the borrower a notice period within which to return principal and pro-rata interest.
function callPrincipal(
uint256 principalToReturn_
returns (
uint40 paymentDueDate_,
uint40 defaultDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | principalToReturn_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The minimum amount of principal the borrower must return. |
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | paymentDueDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The new payment due date for returning the principal and pro-rate interest to the lender. |
1 | defaultDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The date the loan will be in default. |
The timestamp of the date the loan was called.
function dateCalled()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint40 |
uint40 |
The timestamp of the date the loan was funded.
function dateFunded()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint40 |
uint40 |
The timestamp of the date the loan was impaired.
function dateImpaired()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint40 |
uint40 |
The timestamp of the date the loan was last paid.
function datePaid()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint40 |
uint40 |
The timestamp of the date the loan will be in default.
function defaultDate()
returns (
uint40 paymentDefaultDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | paymentDefaultDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The annualized delegate service fee rate.
function delegateServiceFeeRate()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint64 |
uint64 |
The address of the proxy factory.
function factory()
returns (
address factory_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | factory_ |
address |
address |
Lend funds to the loan/borrower.
function fund()
returns (
uint256 fundsLent_,
uint40 paymentDueDate_,
uint40 defaultDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | fundsLent_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The amount funded. |
1 | paymentDueDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The due date of the first payment. |
2 | defaultDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The timestamp of the date the loan will be in default. |
The address of the fundsAsset funding the loan.
function fundsAsset()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | address |
address |
Get the breakdown of the total payment needed to satisfy the next payment installment.
function getPaymentBreakdown(
uint256 timestamp_
returns (
uint256 principal_,
uint256 interest_,
uint256 lateInterest_,
uint256 delegateServiceFee_,
uint256 platformServiceFee_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | timestamp_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The timestamp that corresponds to when the payment is to be made. |
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | principal_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the total amount that will go towards principal. |
1 | interest_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the total amount that will go towards interest fees. |
2 | lateInterest_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the total amount that will go towards late interest fees. |
3 | delegateServiceFee_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the total amount that will go towards delegate service fees. |
4 | platformServiceFee_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the total amount that will go towards platform service fees. |
The Maple globals address
function globals()
returns (
address globals_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | globals_ |
address |
address |
The amount of time the borrower has, after a payment is due, to make a payment before being in default.
function gracePeriod()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint32 |
uint32 |
Fast forward the payment due date to the current time. This enables the pool delegate to force a payment (or default).
function impair()
returns (
uint40 paymentDueDate_,
uint40 defaultDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | paymentDueDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The new payment due date to result in the removal of the loan's impairment status. |
1 | defaultDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The timestamp of the date the loan will be in default. |
The address of the implementation contract being proxied.
function implementation()
returns (
address implementation_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | implementation_ |
address |
address |
The annualized interest rate (APR), in units of 1e18, (i.e. 1% is 0.01e18).
function interestRate()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint64 |
uint64 |
Whether the loan is called.
function isCalled()
returns (
bool isCalled_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | isCalled_ |
bool |
bool |
Whether the loan is impaired.
function isImpaired()
returns (
bool isImpaired_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | isImpaired_ |
bool |
bool |
Whether the loan is in default.
function isInDefault()
returns (
bool isInDefault_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | isInDefault_ |
bool |
bool |
The rate charged at late payments.
function lateFeeRate()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint64 |
uint64 |
The premium over the regular interest rate applied when paying late.
function lateInterestPremiumRate()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint64 |
uint64 |
The lender of the Loan.
function lender()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | address |
address |
Make a payment to the loan.
function makePayment(
uint256 principalToReturn_
returns (
uint256 interest_,
uint256 lateInterest_,
uint256 delegateServiceFee_,
uint256 platformServiceFee_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | principalToReturn_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The amount of principal to return, to the lender to reduce future interest payments. |
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | interest_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the amount paying interest. |
1 | lateInterest_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the amount paying late interest. |
2 | delegateServiceFee_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the amount paying delegate service fees. |
3 | platformServiceFee_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the amount paying platform service fees. |
Modifies the proxy's storage by delegate-calling a migrator contract with some arguments. Access control logic critical since caller can force a selfdestruct via a malicious `migrator_` which is delegatecalled.
function migrate(
address migrator_,
bytes arguments_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | migrator_ |
address |
address |
The address of a migrator contract. |
1 | arguments_ |
bytes |
bytes |
Some encoded arguments to use for the migration. |
The amount of time the borrower has, after the loan is called, to make a payment, paying back the called principal.
function noticePeriod()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint32 |
uint32 |
The timestamp of the due date of the next payment.
function paymentDueDate()
returns (
uint40 paymentDueDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | paymentDueDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The specified time between loan payments.
function paymentInterval()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint32 |
uint32 |
The address of the pending borrower.
function pendingBorrower()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | address |
address |
The address of the pending lender.
function pendingLender()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | address |
address |
The annualized platform service fee rate.
function platformServiceFeeRate()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint64 |
uint64 |
The amount of principal owed (initially, the requested amount), which needs to be paid back.
function principal()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | uint256 |
uint256 |
Propose new terms for refinance.
function proposeNewTerms(
address refinancer_,
uint256 deadline_,
bytes[] calls_
returns (
bytes32 refinanceCommitment_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | refinancer_ |
address |
address |
The address of the refinancer contract. |
1 | deadline_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The deadline for accepting the new terms. |
2 | calls_ |
bytes[] |
bytes[] |
The encoded arguments to be passed to refinancer. |
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | refinanceCommitment_ |
bytes32 |
bytes32 |
The hash of the proposed refinance agreement. |
The hash of the proposed refinance agreement.
function refinanceCommitment()
returns (
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | bytes32 |
bytes32 |
Nullify the current proposed terms.
function rejectNewTerms(
address refinancer_,
uint256 deadline_,
bytes[] calls_
returns (
bytes32 refinanceCommitment_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | refinancer_ |
address |
address |
The address of the refinancer contract. |
1 | deadline_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The deadline for accepting the new terms. |
2 | calls_ |
bytes[] |
bytes[] |
The encoded arguments to be passed to refinancer. |
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | refinanceCommitment_ |
bytes32 |
bytes32 |
The hash of the rejected refinance agreement. |
Remove the loan's called status.
function removeCall()
returns (
uint40 paymentDueDate_,
uint40 defaultDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | paymentDueDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The restored payment due date. |
1 | defaultDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The date the loan will be in default. |
Remove the loan impairment by restoring the original payment due date.
function removeImpairment()
returns (
uint40 paymentDueDate_,
uint40 defaultDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | paymentDueDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The restored payment due date. |
1 | defaultDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The timestamp of the date the loan will be in default. |
Repossess collateral, and any funds, for a loan in default.
function repossess(
address destination_
returns (
uint256 fundsRepossessed_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | destination_ |
address |
address |
The address where the collateral and funds asset is to be sent, if any. |
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | fundsRepossessed_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The amount of funds asset repossessed. |
Modifies the proxy's implementation address.
function setImplementation(
address newImplementation_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | newImplementation_ |
address |
address |
The address of an implementation contract. |
Set the `pendingBorrower` to a new account.
function setPendingBorrower(
address pendingBorrower_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | pendingBorrower_ |
address |
address |
The address of the new pendingBorrower. |
Set the `pendingLender` to a new account.
function setPendingLender(
address pendingLender_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | pendingLender_ |
address |
address |
The address of the new pendingLender. |
Remove all available balance of a specified token. NOTE: Open Term Loans are not designed to hold custody of tokens, so this is designed as a safety feature.
function skim(
address token_,
address destination_
returns (
uint256 skimmed_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | token_ |
address |
address |
The address of the token contract. |
1 | destination_ |
address |
address |
The recipient of the token. |
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | skimmed_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The amount of token removed from the loan. |
Upgrades a contract implementation to a specific version. Access control logic critical since caller can force a selfdestruct via a malicious `migrator_` which is delegatecalled.
function upgrade(
uint256 toVersion_,
bytes arguments_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | toVersion_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The version to upgrade to. |
1 | arguments_ |
bytes |
bytes |
Some encoded arguments to use for the upgrade. |
Borrower was accepted, and set to a new account.
event BorrowerAccepted(
address borrower_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | borrower_ |
address |
address |
The address of the new borrower. |
The lender reverted the action of the loan being called and the payment due date was restored to it's original value.
event CallRemoved(
uint40 paymentDueDate_,
uint40 defaultDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | paymentDueDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The restored payment due date. |
1 | defaultDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The date the loan will be in default. |
The loan was funded.
event Funded(
uint256 amount_,
uint40 paymentDueDate_,
uint40 defaultDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | amount_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The amount funded. |
1 | paymentDueDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The due date of the first payment. |
2 | defaultDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The date the loan will be in default. |
The payment due date was fast forwarded to the current time, activating the grace period. This is emitted when the pool delegate wants to force a payment (or default).
event Impaired(
uint40 paymentDueDate_,
uint40 defaultDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | paymentDueDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The new payment due date. |
1 | defaultDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The date the loan will be in default. |
The payment due date was restored to it's original value, reverting the action of loan impairment.
event ImpairmentRemoved(
uint40 paymentDueDate_,
uint40 defaultDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | paymentDueDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The restored payment due date. |
1 | defaultDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The date the loan will be in default. |
Loan was initialized.
event Initialized(
address borrower_,
address lender_,
address fundsAsset_,
uint256 principalRequested_,
uint32[3] termDetails_,
uint64[4] rates_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | borrower_ |
address |
address |
The address of the borrower. |
1 | lender_ |
address |
address |
The address of the lender. |
2 | fundsAsset_ |
address |
address |
The address of the lent asset. |
3 | principalRequested_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The amount of principal requested. |
4 | termDetails_ |
uint32[3] |
uint32[3] |
Array of loan parameters: [0]: gracePeriod, [1]: noticePeriod, [2]: paymentInterval |
5 | rates_ |
uint64[4] |
uint64[4] |
Array of rate parameters: [0]: delegateServiceFeeRate, [1]: interestRate, [2]: lateFeeRate, [3]: lateInterestPremiumRate |
Lender was accepted, and set to a new account.
event LenderAccepted(
address lender_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | lender_ |
address |
address |
The address of the new lender. |
The terms of the refinance proposal were accepted.
event NewTermsAccepted(
bytes32 refinanceCommitment_,
address refinancer_,
uint256 deadline_,
bytes[] calls_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | refinanceCommitment_ |
bytes32 |
bytes32 |
The hash of the refinancer, deadline, and calls proposed. |
1 | refinancer_ |
address |
address |
The address that will execute the refinance. |
2 | deadline_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The deadline for accepting the new terms. |
3 | calls_ |
bytes[] |
bytes[] |
The individual calls for the refinancer contract. |
A refinance was proposed.
event NewTermsProposed(
bytes32 refinanceCommitment_,
address refinancer_,
uint256 deadline_,
bytes[] calls_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | refinanceCommitment_ |
bytes32 |
bytes32 |
The hash of the refinancer, deadline, and calls proposed. |
1 | refinancer_ |
address |
address |
The address that will execute the refinance. |
2 | deadline_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The deadline for accepting the new terms. |
3 | calls_ |
bytes[] |
bytes[] |
The individual calls for the refinancer contract. |
The terms of the refinance proposal were rejected.
event NewTermsRejected(
bytes32 refinanceCommitment_,
address refinancer_,
uint256 deadline_,
bytes[] calls_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | refinanceCommitment_ |
bytes32 |
bytes32 |
The hash of the refinancer, deadline, and calls proposed. |
1 | refinancer_ |
address |
address |
The address that will execute the refinance. |
2 | deadline_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The deadline for accepting the new terms. |
3 | calls_ |
bytes[] |
bytes[] |
The individual calls for the refinancer contract. |
Payments were made.
event PaymentMade(
address lender_,
uint256 principalPaid_,
uint256 interestPaid_,
uint256 lateInterestPaid_,
uint256 delegateServiceFee_,
uint256 platformServiceFee_,
uint40 paymentDueDate_,
uint40 defaultDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | lender_ |
address |
address |
The address of the lender the payment was made to. |
1 | principalPaid_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the total amount that went towards paying down principal. |
2 | interestPaid_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the total amount that went towards interest. |
3 | lateInterestPaid_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the total amount that went towards late interest. |
4 | delegateServiceFee_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the total amount that went towards delegate service fees. |
5 | platformServiceFee_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The portion of the total amount that went towards platform service fee. |
6 | paymentDueDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The new payment due date. |
7 | defaultDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The date the loan will be in default. |
Pending borrower was set.
event PendingBorrowerSet(
address pendingBorrower_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | pendingBorrower_ |
address |
address |
Address that can accept the borrower role. |
Pending lender was set.
event PendingLenderSet(
address pendingLender_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | pendingLender_ |
address |
address |
The address that can accept the lender role. |
The lender called the loan, giving the borrower a notice period within which to return principal and pro-rata interest.
event PrincipalCalled(
uint256 principalToReturn_,
uint40 paymentDueDate_,
uint40 defaultDate_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | principalToReturn_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The minimum amount of principal the borrower must return. |
1 | paymentDueDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The new payment due date. |
2 | defaultDate_ |
uint40 |
uint40 |
The date the loan will be in default. |
Principal was returned to lender, to close the loan or return future interest payments.
event PrincipalReturned(
uint256 principalReturned_,
uint256 principalRemaining_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | principalReturned_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The amount of principal returned. |
1 | principalRemaining_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The amount of principal remaining on the loan. |
The loan was in default and funds and collateral was repossessed by the lender.
event Repossessed(
uint256 fundsRepossessed_,
address destination_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | fundsRepossessed_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The amount of funds asset repossessed. |
1 | destination_ |
address |
address |
The address of the recipient of the funds, if any. |
Some token was removed from the loan.
event Skimmed(
address token_,
uint256 amount_,
address destination_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | token_ |
address |
address |
The address of the token contract. |
1 | amount_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The amount of token remove from the loan. |
2 | destination_ |
address |
address |
The recipient of the token. |
The instance was upgraded.
event Upgraded(
uint256 toVersion_,
bytes arguments_
Index | Name | Type | Internal Type | Description |
0 | toVersion_ |
uint256 |
uint256 |
The new version of the loan. |
1 | arguments_ |
bytes |
bytes |
The upgrade arguments, if any. |