Releases: manusa/electronim
Releases · manusa/electronim
What's Changed
- 🐛 spell check function with the right one #352 by @maazshakeel in #355
- 🐛 #350 - don't return promise in dom-ready handler by @mslourens in #357
- 🐛 #360 - return void instead of promise in preload.mediadevices-shim by @vishnukaushik in #361
- 🐛 latest Chrome release retrieved from by @manusa in #369
- ⬆ Bump webpack to 5.89.0 by @manusa in #358
- ⬆ Bump electron to 27.0.2 by @manusa in #359
- ⬆ Bump node to 18 by @manusa in #368
- ⬆ Bump axios to 1.6.5 by @manusa in #366
- ⬆ Bump @testing-library/user-event to 14.5.2 by @manusa in #370
- ⬆ Bump electron-builder to 24.9.1 by @manusa in #371
- ⬆ Bump electron to 27.2.1 by @manusa in #372
- ⬆ Bump eslint to 8.56.0 by @manusa in #373
- ⬆ Bump eslint-plugin-jest to 27.6.1 by @manusa in #374
- ⬆ Bump markdown-it to 14.0.0 by @manusa in #375
New Contributors
- @maazshakeel made their first contribution in #355
- @mslourens made their first contribution in #357
- @vishnukaushik made their first contribution in #361
Full Changelog: v0.0.97...v0.0.98
What's Changed
- Changed so that void is returned by @bharath090909 in #348
- ⬆ Bump eslint to 8.51.0 by @manusa in #349
- ⬆ Bump sass to 1.69.3 by @manusa in #351
- 🐛 en-us dictionary has a new different key (en) by @manusa in #353
- ⬆ Bump electron to 26.4.0 by @manusa in #354
New Contributors
- @bharath090909 made their first contribution in #348
Full Changelog: v0.0.96...v0.0.97
What's Changed
- ⬆ Bump electron-builder to 24.6.4 by @manusa in #330
- ⬆ Bump @testing-library/dom to 9.3.3 by @manusa in #331
- ⬆ Bump @testing-library/user-event to 14.5.1 by @manusa in #332
- ⬆ Bump axios to 1.5.1 by @manusa in #333
- ⬆ Bump electron to 25.8.4 by @manusa in #334
- ⬆ Bump preact to 10.18.0 by @manusa in #336
- ⬆ Bump jest to 29.7.0 by @manusa in #338
- ⬆ Bump eslint to 8.50.0 by @manusa in #339
- ⬆ Bump sass to 1.68.0 by @manusa in #340
- Added a compare function to avoid sorting elements alphabetically by @saffi-786 in #337
- ⬆ Bump sass to 1.69.0 by @manusa in #342
- ⬆ Bump electron to 26.3.0 by @manusa in #344
New Contributors
- @saffi-786 made their first contribution in #337
Full Changelog: v0.0.95...v0.0.96
What's Changed
- 🐛 chrome-tabs proper text rendering by @manusa in #308
- ⬆ Bump @testing-library/dom to 9.3.1 by @manusa in #309
- ⬆ Bump electron-builder to 24.6.3 by @manusa in #310
- ⬆ Bump eslint to 8.48.0 by @manusa in #311
- ⬆ Bump jest to 29.6.4 by @manusa in #312
- ⬆ Bump sass to 1.66.1 by @manusa in #315
- ⬆ Bump sass-loader to 13.3.2 by @manusa in #316
- ⬆ Bump webpack to 5.88.2 by @manusa in #317
- ⬆ Bump axios to 1.5.0 by @manusa in #318
- ⬆ Bump dictionary-en-us to 3.0.0 by @manusa in #319
- ⬆ Bump preact to 10.17.1 by @manusa in #320
- ⬆ Bump electron to 25.8.0 by @manusa in #321
- Add to by @huntr-helper in #322
- 🐛 shell.openExternal only invoked for http(s) / ftp(s) protocols by @manusa in #323
New Contributors
- @huntr-helper made their first contribution in #322
Full Changelog: v0.0.93...v0.0.94
What's Changed
- ⬆ Bump electron to 23.1.0 by @manusa in #287
- ⬆ Bump @testing-library/dom to 9.0.0 by @manusa in #288
- ⬆ Bump axios to 1.3.4 by @manusa in #289
- ⬆ Bump preact to 10.13.0 by @manusa in #290
- ⬆ Bump electron to 23.2.0 by @manusa in #294
- ⬆ Bump webpack to 5.76.3 by @manusa in #295
- ⬆ Bump @testing-library/dom to 9.2.0 by @manusa in #296
- ⬆ Bump preact to 10.13.2 by @manusa in #297
Full Changelog: v0.0.90...v0.0.91
What's Changed
- 🐛 isHandledInternally should only consider target URL by @manusa in #267
- ⬆ Bump electron to 22.0.3 by @manusa in #270
- ✨ cache storage cleared upon app quit by @manusa in #271
- ⬆ Bump axios to 1.2.3 by @manusa in #272
- ⬆ Bump @testing-library/dom to 8.20.0 by @manusa in #273
Full Changelog: v0.0.88...v0.0.89