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Matrix iOS SDK

This open-source library allows you to build iOS apps compatible with Matrix (, an open standard for interoperable Instant Messaging and VoIP.

This SDK implements an interface to communicate with the Matrix Client/Server API which is defined at

Use the SDK in your app

The SDK uses CocoaPods ( as library dependency manager. In order to set this up:

sudo gem install cocoapods
pod setup

The best way to add the last release of the Matrix SDK to your application project is to add the MatrixSDK dependency to your Podfile:

pod 'MatrixSDK'

If you want to use the develop version of the SDK, use instead:

pod 'MatrixSDK', :git => '', :branch => 'develop'


As a quick overview, there are the classes to know to use the SDK.

Matrix API level

MXRestClient:Exposes the Matrix Client-Server API as specified by the Matrix standard to make requests to a Home Server.

Business logic and data model

These classes are higher level tools to handle responses from a Home Server. They contain logic to maintain consistent chat room data.

MXSession:This class handles all data arriving from the Home Server. It uses a MXRestClient instance to fetch data from the home server, forwarding it to MXRoom, MXRoomState, MXRoomMember and MXUser objects.
MXRoom:This class provides methods to get room data and to interact with the room (join, leave...).
MXRoomState:This is the state of room at a certain point in time: its name, topic, visibility (public/private), members, etc.
MXRoomMember:Represents a member of a room.
MXUser:This is a user known by the current user, outside of the context of a room. MXSession exposes and maintains the list of MXUsers. It provides the user id, displayname and the current presence state


The sample app ( demonstrates how to build a chat app on top of Matrix. You can refer to it, play with it, hack it to understand the full integration of the Matrix SDK. This section comes back to the basics with sample codes for basic use cases.

One file to import:

#import <MatrixSDK/MatrixSDK.h>

Use case #1: Get public rooms of an home server

This API does not require the user to be authenticated. So, MXRestClient instantiated with initWithHomeServer does the job:

MXRestClient *mxRestClient = [[MXRestClient alloc] initWithHomeServer:@""];
[mxRestClient publicRooms:^(NSArray *rooms) {

    // rooms is an array of MXPublicRoom objects containing information like room id
    NSLog(@"The public rooms are: %@", rooms);

} failure:^(MXError *error) {

Use case #2: Get the rooms the user has interacted with

Here the user needs to be authenticated. We will use [MXRestClient initWithCredentials]. You'll normally create and initialise these two objects once the user has logged in, then keep them throughout the app's lifetime or until the user logs out:

MXCredentials *credentials = [[MXCredentials alloc] initWithHomeServer:@""

// Create a matrix session
MXRestClient *mxRestClient = [[MXRestClient alloc] initWithCredentials:credentials];

// Create a matrix session
MXSession *mxSession = [[MXSession alloc] initWithMatrixRestClient:mxRestClient];

// Launch mxSession: it will first make an initial sync with the home server
// Then it will listen to new coming events and update its data
[mxSession start:^{

    // mxSession is ready to be used
    // Now we can get all rooms with:

} failure:^(NSError *error) {

Use case #3: Get messages of a room

We reuse the mxSession instance created before:

// Retrieve the room from its room id
MXRoom *room = [mxSession room:@"!"];

// Add a listener on events related to this room
[room listenToEvents:^(MXEvent *event, MXEventDirection direction, MXRoomState *roomState) {

    if (direction == MXEventDirectionForwards) {
        // Live/New events come here
    else if (direction == MXEventDirectionBackwards) {
        // Events that occured in the past will come here when requesting pagination.
        // roomState contains the state of the room just before this event occured.

Let's load a bit of room history using paginateBackMessages:

// Reset the pagination start point to now
[room resetBackState];

[room paginateBackMessages:10 complete:^{

    // At this point, the SDK has finished to enumerate the events to the attached listeners

} failure:^(NSError *error) {

Use case #4: Post a text message to a room

This action does not require any business logic from MXSession: We can use MXRestClient directly:

[MXRestClient postTextMessage:@"the_room_id" text:@"Hello world!" success:^(NSString *event_id) {

    // event_id is for reference
    // If you have registered events listener like in the previous use case, you will get
    // a notification for this event coming down from the home server events stream and
    // now handled by MXSession.

} failure:^(NSError *error) {

Push Notifications

In Matrix, a Home Server can send notifications out to a user when events arrive for them. However in APNS, only you, the app developer, can send APNS notifications because doing so requires your APNS private key. Matrix therefore requires a seperate server decoupled from the homeserver to send Push Notifications, as you cannot trust arbitrary homeservers with your application's APNS private key. This is called the 'Push Gateway'. More about how notifications work in Matrix can be found at

In simple terms, for your application to receive push notifications, you will need to set up a push gateway. This is a publicly accessible server specific to your particular iOS app that receives HTTP POST requests from Matrix Home Servers and sends APNS. Matrix provides a reference push gateway, 'sygnal', which can be found at along with instructions on how to set it up.

You can also write your own Push Gateway. See for the specification on the HTTP Push Notification protocol. Your push gateway can listen for notifications on any path (as long as your app knows that path in order to inform the homeserver) but Matrix strongly recommends that the path of this URL be '/_matrix/push/v1/notify'.

In your application, you will first register for APNS in the normal way (assuming iOS 8 or above):

UIUserNotificationSettings *settings = [UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:(UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application
        didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:(UIUserNotificationSettings *)notificationSettings
    [application registerForRemoteNotifications];

When you receive the APNS token for this particular application instance, you then encode this into text and use it as the 'pushkey' to call setPusherWithPushkey in order to tell the homeserver to send pushes to this device via your push gateway's URL. Matrix recommends base 64 encoding for APNS tokens (as this is what sygnal uses):

- (void)application:(UIApplication*)app
  didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData*)deviceToken {
    NSString *b64Token = [self.deviceToken base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0];
    NSDictionary *pushData = @{
        @"url": @"" // your push gateway URL
    NSString *deviceLang = [NSLocale preferredLanguages][0];
    NSString *profileTag = makeProfileTag(); // more about this later
    MXRestClient *restCli = [MatrixSDKHandler sharedHandler].mxRestClient;
        appDisplayName:@"My Super Cool Matrix iOS App"
        deviceDisplayName:[[UIDevice currentDevice] name]
            // Hooray!
        } failure:^(NSError *error) {
            // Some super awesome error handling goes here

When you call setPusherWithPushkey, this creates a pusher on the Home Server that your session is logged in to. This will send HTTP notifications to a URL you supply as the 'url' key in the 'data' argument to setPusherWithPushkey.

You can read more about these parameters in the Client / Server specification ( A little more information about some of these parameters is included below:

This has two purposes: firstly to form the namespace in which your pushkeys exist on a Home Server, which means you should use something unique to your application: a reverse-DNS style identifier is strongly recommended. Its second purpose is to identify your application to your Push Gateway, such that your Push Gateway knows which private key and certificate to use when talking to the APNS gateway. You should therefore use different app IDs depending on whether your application is in production or sandbox push mode so that your Push Gateway can send the APNS accordingly. Matrix recommends suffixing your appId with '.dev' or '.prod' accordingly.
This identifies which set of push rules this device should obey. For more information about push rules, see the Client / Server push specification: This is an identifier for the set of device-specific push rules that this device will obey. The recommendation is to auto-generate a 16 character alphanumeric string and use this string for the lifetime of the application data. More advanced usage of this will allow for several devices sharing a set of push rules.


The repository contains a Xcode project in order to develop. This project does not build an app but a test suite. See the next section to set the test environment.

Before opening the Matrix SDK Xcode workspace, you need to build it.

The project has some third party library dependencies declared in a pod file. You need to run the CocoaPods command to download them and to set up the Matrix SDK workspace:

$ pod install

Then, open MatrixSDK.xcworkspace.


The tests in the SDK Xcode project are both unit and integration tests.

Out of the box, the tests use one of the home servers (located at http://localhost:8080) of the "Demo Federation of Homeservers" ( . You have to start them from your local Synapse folder:

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ demo/ --no-rate-limit

Then, you can run the tests from the Xcode Test navigator tab or select the MatrixSDKTests scheme and click on the "Test" action.

Known issues

Cocoapods may fail to install on OSX 10.8.x with "i18n requires Ruby version >= 1.9.3.". This is a known problem similar to CocoaPods/CocoaPods#2458 that needs to be raised with the cocoapods team.


The SDK currently manages only login-password type registration. This type of registration is not accepted by the home server hosted at It has been disabled for security and spamming reasons. So, for now, you will be not be able to register a new account with the SDK on such home server. But you can login an existing user.

If you run your own home server, the default launch parameters enables the login-password type registration and you will be able to register a new user to it.