New Features:
- Added Feature Importance: The library now includes a new method in TabularModel and BaseModel for enabling feature importance. Feature Importance has been enabled for FTTransformer and GATE models. [Commit: dc2a49e]
- Enabled two more parameters in the GATE model. [Commit: 3680413]
- Included metric_prob_input parameter in the library configuration. This update allows for better control over metrics in the models. [Commit: 0612db5]
- Slight improvements to the GATE model, including changes to defaults for better performance. [Commit: c30a6c3]
- Minor bug fixes and improvements, including accelerator options in the configuration and progress bar enhancements. [Commit: f932230, bdd9adb, f932230]
Dependency Updates:
- Updated dependencies, including docformatter, pyupgrade, and ruff-pre-commit. [Commits: 4aae9a8, b3df4ce, bdd9adb, 55e800c, c6c4679, c01154b, 107cd2f]
Documentation Updates:
- Updated the library's README.md file. [Commits: db8f3b2, cab6bf1, 669faec, 1e6c400, 3097799, 7fabf6b]
Other Improvements:
For more details, you can refer to the respective commits on the library's GitHub repository.