The following table keeps track on the capabilities of the maliput_malidrive
's XODR parser according to the 1.5 version of OpenDRIVE format specification.
Group | SubGroup | OpenDRIVE Record | Status |
Road | Link | Predecessor/Successor | 🟢 |
Road | Link | Neighbor | 🔴 |
Road | Road Type | Type | 🟢 |
Road | Road Type | Country | 🟢 |
Road | Road Type | Speed | 🟢 |
Road | PlanView | Lines | 🟢 |
Road | PlanView | Arcs | 🟢 |
Road | PlanView | Spirals | 🟢 |
Road | PlanView | Cubic Polynomials | 🔴 |
Road | PlanView | Parametric Cubic Polynomials | 🔴 |
Road | ElevationProfile | Elevation | 🟢 |
Road | LateralProfile | Superelevation | 🟢 |
Road | LateralProfile | Crossfall | 🔴 |
Road | LateralProfile | Road Shape | 🔴 |
Road | Road Objects | Road Shape | 🔴 |
Road | Road Signals | Road Shape | 🔴 |
Road | Surface | OpenCRG | 🔴 |
Road | Railroad Elements | RailRoad Switches | 🔴 |
LaneSection | LaneOffset | Lane Offset | 🟢 |
LaneSection | Lane | Left | 🟢 |
LaneSection | Lane | Center | 🟢 |
LaneSection | Lane | Right | 🟢 |
LaneSection | Lane | LaneLink | 🟢 |
LaneSection | Lane | LaneWidth | 🟢 |
LaneSection | Lane | LaneBorder | 🔴 |
LaneSection | Lane | RoadMark | 🔴 |
LaneSection | Lane | LaneMaterial | 🔴 |
LaneSection | Lane | LaneVisibility | 🔴 |
LaneSection | Lane | LaneSpeed | 🟢 |
LaneSection | Lane | LaneAccess | 🔴 |
LaneSection | Lane | LaneRule | 🔴 |
Controller | ControlEntry | ControlEntry | 🔴 |
Junction | Connection | Predecessor | 🟢 |
Junction | Connection | Successor | 🟢 |
Junction | Connection | LaneLink | 🟢 |
Junction | Priority | Priority | 🔴 |
Junction | Controller | Controller | 🔴 |
Junction | Surface | Surface | 🔴 |
JunctionGroup | Junction Reference | Junction Reference | 🔴 |
Stations | Platform | Segment | 🔴 |
Ancillary Data | Lane | userData | 🟢 |
Include tag | Include file | include | 🔴 |
Alternative Layouts | Sets | set | 🔴 |
Data Quality Description | dataQuality | dataQuality | 🔴 |