- Target Machine:
- Compilation Timestamp:
2006-11-30 09:20:34
- Entry Point:
- Contained Sections:
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Size | Entropy | MD5 |
.text | 0x1000 | 0x4bfe | 20480 | 5.99 | 9062ff3acdff9ac80cd9f97a0df42383 |
.rdata | 0x6000 | 0xc44 | 4096 | 3.29 | 28c9e7872eb9d0a20a1d953382722735 |
.data | 0x7000 | 0x17b0 | 4096 | 4.04 | c38a0453ad319c9cd8b1760baf57a528 |
.rsrc | 0x9000 | 0x15d0 | 8192 | 4.50 | 0d4522a26417d45c33759d2a6375a55f |
- GetStartupInfoA
- GetModuleHandleA
- CreatePipe
- PeekNamedPipe
- ReadFile
- CreateProcessA
- MultiByteToWideChar
- GlobalAlloc
- GlobalFree
- GetLocalTime
- RemoveDirectoryA
- FindNextFileA
- FindFirstFileA
- GetFileTime
- SetFileTime
- FindClose
- GetPriorityClass
- OpenProcess
- GetCurrentProcess
- DuplicateHandle
- GetLastError
- LocalFree
- CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
- Process32First
- Process32Next
- GetLogicalDriveStringsA
- GetDriveTypeA
- GetVolumeInformationA
- GetComputerNameA
- CreateFileA
- GetFileSize
- WriteFile
- LoadLibraryA
- GetProcAddress
- FreeLibrary
- GetVersionExA
- GetSystemDefaultLangID
- OpenMutexA
- CreateMutexA
- CloseHandle
- lstrcmpiA
- ExitProcess
- SetEvent
- WaitForSingleObject
- Sleep
- DeleteFileA
- CopyFileA
- GetWindowsDirectoryA
- GetModuleFileNameA
- CreateDirectoryA
- GetFileAttributesA
- SetFileAttributesA
- CreateEventA
- CreateThread
- RegCloseKey
- RegSetValueExA
- RegQueryValueExA
- RegCreateKeyExA
- RegDeleteValueA
- RegOpenKeyExA
- SetSecurityInfo
- SetEntriesInAclA
- AdjustTokenPrivileges
- LookupPrivilegeValueA
- GetTokenInformation
- OpenProcessToken
- GetUserNameA
- LookupAccountSidA
- RegEnumKeyExA
- RegEnumValueA
- WNetCloseEnum
- WNetOpenEnumA
- WNetEnumResourceA
- _except_handler3
- __set_app_type
- pfmode
- pcommode
- _adjust_fdiv
- __setusermatherr
- _initterm
- __getmainargs
- _acmdln
- exit
- _XcptFilter
- _exit
- swprintf
- fwrite
- fopen
- fseek
- fread
- fclose
- _strnicmp
- strcmp
- sprintf
- memcpy
- strstr
- strchr
- atoi
- memset
- strlen
- strrchr
- time
- srand
- rand
- strcpy
- strcat
- malloc
- _EH_prolog
- __CxxFrameHandler
- rename
- _controlfp
- free
- _itoa
- SHDeleteKeyA
- gethostname
- gethostbyname
- WSAGetLastError
- inet_ntoa
- inet_addr
- socket
- htons
- connect
- select
- send
- closesocket
- recv
- WSAStartup
- WSACleanup
- ioctlsocket
SHA-256 | Size | Entropy | File Type | Type | Language |
52a955550acda3b566c9fa9eda164853df4135dfa5eb7b173b3c5453a12f85a3 | 0x10a8 | 6.52 | None | RT_ICON | Chinese-People's Republic of China |
a14e70ed824f3f17d3a51136aa08839954d6d3ccadaa067415c7bfc08e6636b0 | 0x14 | 1.78 | None | RT_GROUP_ICON | Chinese-People's Republic of China |
934b13844893dc0438a47aadc20d4873f806000c761249795c7f265ccca48bc9 | 0x41c | 3.47 | None | RT_VERSION | Chinese-People's Republic of China |
- Copyright:
(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- Product:
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System
- Description:
Internet Explorer
- Original Name:
- Internal Name:
- File Version:
6.00.2900.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
No file signature data found
Armadillo v1.71
Microsoft Visual C++ v5.0/v6.0 (MFC)
Microsoft Visual C++