The core of the default tree layout is designed around organizing the data into a single descreet location, while allowing a project to change the tree layout.
.builder/ topdir marker and target config container
config Default config rule
<target> Alternate config rules. The default config is
always read before processing alternate rules.
scripts/ The location of the build command and the
builder subdirectory.
sources/ Source code repository holding source archives
for various packages. Caches of SCM aquired
sources are also stored within this path. The
contents of this directory should not be
checked into an the built-tree's SCM. The
location of this path may be changed within a
target rule allowing both an upstream sources
location and a local sources location. If both
a local and remote sources location are defined
then the local sources location will only
contain the latests sources, either pulled from
the upstream server as a caching mechanism, or
produced as part of a local sync of a source
artifacts/ Final binary archives for a package. Like the
sources/ path, the contents of this directory
should never be checked into the build-tree's
SCM. The location of this path may be changed
within a target rule allowing both a an
upstream artifact location and a local artifact
location. If both a remote and a local
artifact location are defined then the local
will only contain the newest artifacts, either
pulled from the upstream server, or produced
from a local build.
packages/ Location to package definitions.
<category>/ Package category. This allows one to organize
packages into groups. One of the nice things
about package categories is that they can have
an explicit Buildrule file which is
automatically read before reading per-package
.buildrules Per-Category build rules shared by all packages
within this <category>.
<package>/ Container for a single package.
Buildrules Rules file defining package metadata and
proceedures for processing a package.
source/ Optional directory for storing source code.
The contents of this directory will be copied
into workdir/<package-name>-<package-version>/
during the build process. If the source/
directory does not exist then the sources are
fetched from a packages source uri into a
temporary directory. SCM URI's are archived up
and then then final source archives are copied
into <topdir>/sources for temporary caching.
Due to the way this directory is used, a
packaged which is produced from a tarball which
does not use a source URI will need to be
extracted into this directory.
files/ Optional location for storing misc files
related to the package such as patches, config
files, etc. Generally usage of this directory
is considered a stop-gap until a package can be
properly placed into a an SCM.
tmp/ Top-level temporary container. This can be
mounted as a tmpfs under Linux to improve build
work/ The working directory used when processing a
build. Primarily this directory will contain
the package source(s).
install/ The temporary installation root for the
package and used to produce the final package
log/ A temporary location which stores the build-log
information. Journal files are also stored
here which track the current stage of a build,
thus allowing a build to be quickly restarted,
useful when developing changes on a single
package out of a local source directory. This
directory is created as necessary.
env/ Environment data for each stage of the build
process is stored here. This is pimarily used
as a debugging aid.
tmp/ Per-package temporary data. This exists simply
to give a package a private temp location
should they need it. Nothing within the build
engine itself relies on this path.