Post new OTRS tickets to Rocket.Chat (written in python).
view on Github
Debian OS:
sudo apt install python3-pymysql python3-psycopg2 python3-requests python3-dotenv
Clone the repo to a folder on your OTRS host, e.g.:
cd /opt
git clone
Go to Rocket.Chat Administration panel. Open the Integrations menu and create a new integration "incoming webhook".
Activate the Webhook, the following information is sufficient (examples):
- Name: OTRS2Rocket
- Channel: #notifications
Remember the generated webhook URL for the next step.
Copy .env.example to .env file, open it in an editor and setup the URLs and MySQL connection.
Goto Admin -> Generic Agent -> Add Job
Job name: OTRS to Rocket.Chat
Event Based Execution:
- Event Trigger:
- Type: Ticket
- Event: TicketCreate
Select Tickets:
- ie. Queue "Support" only
Execute Ticket Commands:
- CMD:
- CMD: