A decentralised marketplace on Ethereum blockchain
Clone this git repository https://github.com/madhukar01/bidfinex/
Install Ganache from http://truffleframework.com/ganache/
Install Metamask browser extension from https://metamask.io/
Install Node.js v8.11 from from https://nodejs.org/en/
npm install //Installs the dependencies from package.json
npm install -g truffle //Installs Truffle framework http://truffleframework.com
truffle version //This should return Truffle version and Solc version after successful install
//Start Ganache client and change port number to 8545 in settings (Or change it in truffle.js configuration file)
truffle compile //Compiles .sol contract files into .json
truffle migrate //Deploys the contracts onto blockchain
npm run-dev //Runs the server locally and opens the webpage in the browser
You can deploy this on public ethereum network as well, you just have to change network configuration in truffle.js