/figure # .eps and .pdf figure files
/tex # workspace
/tex/diff_tex/ # past .tex files for latexdiff
/tex/submission/ # submission files
/tex/reply_letter/ # workspace for reply letter
/tex/emsoft2016.tex # main tex file
/tex/reference.bib # reference file for bibtex
/tex/latexdiff2pdf.bash # latexdiff script
/tex/sig-alternate-05-2015.cls # documentclass for ACM format
/tex/acmcopyright.sty # copyright style file for ACM format
$ git clone https://github.com/m-yuya/EMSOFT2016.git
$ cd tex
$ make # build and output .pdf file
$ make realclean # remove built files
$ cd tex
$ chmod +x latexdiff2pdf.bash
$ make diff
Listing old tex files...
20160222.tex 20160526.tex 20160605.tex 20160608.tex 20160611.tex
Select *.tex: 20160611 # Type "20160611" by yourself
# then, output diff.pdf