- Supports loading configuration overrides from a properties or YAML file.
- Supports client calls to additional containers using AdditionalContainerClient.
- Supports event sourcing with Ambar.
- Supports passing service application arguments.
- Deleted the deprecated TestContainersSetupExtension.
- Supports Kafka native.
- Update Conduktor Gateway version to 3.2.1
- Update Testcontainers version to 1.20.1
- Default Conduktor version increased.
- Update kafka-avro-serializer to 7.5.3.
- Support passing in WIREMOCK_OPTIONS environment variable.
- Update default Wiremock tag to 3.6.0.
- Supports MariaDB.
- Default port for services changed from 9001 to 8080.
- Support addition of container group id for concurrent component test runs.
- Support localstack initialisation file.
- Support configurable configuration files system property.
- Support configurable service health endpoint for startup.
- New service configuration parameters supported.
- New service configuration parameters supported.
- Supports Kafka SASL plain.
- Updated Testcontainers version to 1.19.2.
- ComponentTestExtension replaces the deprecated TestContainersSetupExtension.
- Support MongoDB replica sets.
- Updated default Debezium version to 2.4.0.Final.
- Supports Elasticsearch.
- PostgresClient for connecting to Postgres instance.
- MongoDbClient for connecting to MongoDB instance.
- Supports MongoDB.
- Supports Conduktor Gateway.
- Updated default Conduktor Platform version to 1.15.0.
- Updated default Debezium version to 2.2.
- Updated default Wiremock version to 2.35.0.
- Supports Spring Boot 3.x.
- Supports Kafka Clients 3.x.
- Requires Java 17 or above.
- Supports multiple Kafka broker nodes.
- Supports configurable topic replication factor.
- Supports configurable min insync replicas.
- Supports exporting Kafka broker, consumer and producer JMX metrics to Confluent Control Center.
- Supports creating a configurable test consumer.
- Supports Conduktor Platform.
- Supports monitoring Kafka in Confluent Control Center, including integration with Confluent Schema Registry.
- Schema Registry Client documentation.
- Supports Kafka Schema Registry.
- Supports producing and consuming Avro messages to/from Kafka.
- Distributed under the Apache License 2.0.
- Supports asynchronous message send.
- Supports remote host.
- Supports additional containers.
- Supports Localstack (AWS) - DynamoDB.
- Supports Wiremock.
- Documentation.
- Documentation.
- Component test JUnit5 extension annotation.
- Supports multiple instances of the service under test.
- Supports Kafka broker.
- Supports Postgres database.
- Supports Debezium (Kafka Connect).
- Supports keeping containers up.