From 9426cfaecd014eea177613883c65fc67bbc88455 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mika Laster Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2024 15:15:29 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Create uk.json Create Ukrainian translate --- src/locales/uk.json | 1252 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1252 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/locales/uk.json diff --git a/src/locales/uk.json b/src/locales/uk.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4e8be8df16e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/uk.json @@ -0,0 +1,1252 @@ +{ + "_comments": "Перекладено", + "common": { + "active": "Активні", + "cancel": "Скасувати", + "close": "Закрити", + "delete": "Видалити", + "disable": "Вимкнути", + "emptyList": "Тут досі нічого немає!", + "NA": "Недоступно", + "no": "Ні", + "none": "(Немає)", + "ok": "Гаразд", + "save": "Зберегти", + "selectAll": "Виділити все", + "selectNone": "Зняти виділення", + "useGlobalSettings": "Використовувати глобальні налаштування", + "yes": "Так" + }, + "constants": { + "addPaused": { + "always": "Завжди", + "never": "Ніколи", + "title": "Додати призупинені" + }, + "bittorrentProtocols": { + "tcp": "TCP", + "tcp_utp": "TCP та μTP", + "utp": "μTP" + }, + "connectionStatus": { + "connected": "Підключено", + "disconnected": "Відключено", + "firewalled": "Захищено", + "unknown": "Невідомо" + }, + "contentLayout": { + "nosubfolder": "Видалити підпапку", + "original": "Поточний", + "subfolder": "Створити підпапку", + "title": "Як є" + }, + "diskIoMode": { + "disableOsCache": "Вимкнути кеш ОС", + "enableOsCache": "Ввімкнути кеш ОС", + "writeThrough": "Наскрізний запис (libtorrent >= 2.0.6)" + }, + "diskIoType": { + "default": "По замовчуванню", + "memoryMappedFiles": "Файли розмітки пам'яті", + "posixCompliant": "POSIX-сумісні" + }, + "encryption": { + "forceOff": "Вимкнути шифрування", + "forceOn": "Вимагає шифрування", + "preferEncryption": "Дозволити шифрування" + }, + "file_log_age_type": { + "days": "День | Дня | Днів", + "months": "Місяць| Місяці | Місяців", + "years": "Рік | 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"stopCondition": { + "filesChecked": "Файлів перевірено", + "metadataReceived": "Метадані отримано", + "none": "Немає", + "title": "Умови зупинки торренту" + }, + "titleOptions": { + "custom": "Користувацькі", + "default": "По замовчуванню", + "first_torrent_speed": "Швидкість першого торренту", + "global_speed": "Загальна швидкість" + }, + "trackerStatus": { + "disabled": "Disabled", + "not_working": "Not working", + "not_yet_contacted": "Not contacted yet", + "updating": "Updating", + "working": "Working" + }, + "uploadChokingAlgorithm": { + "antiLeech": "Anti-leech", + "fastestUpload": "Fastest upload", + "roundRobin": "Round-robin" + }, + "uploadSlotsBehavior": { + "fixedSlots": "Fixed slots", + "uploadRateBased": "Upload rate based" + }, + "utpTcpMixedMode": { + "peerProportional": "Peer proportional (throttles TCP)", + "preferTcp": "Prefer TCP" + } + }, + "dashboard": { + "displayMode": { + "grid": "Grid", + "list": "List", + "table": "Table", + "title": "Display mode" + }, + 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"Force Start", + "globalSpeed": "Global Speed", + "globalVolume": "Global Volume", + "hash": "Hash", + "infohash_v1": "Infohash v1", + "infohash_v2": "Infohash v2", + "last_activity": "Last Activity", + "magnet_uri": "Magnet URI", + "max_ratio": "Max Ratio", + "max_seeding_time": "Max Seeding Time", + "name": "Name", + "num_complete": "Seeds (swarm)", + "num_incomplete": "Peers (swarm)", + "num_leechs": "Peers (connected)", + "num_seeds": "Seeds (connected)", + "priority": "Priority", + "progress": "Progress", + "ratio": "Ratio", + "ratio_limit": "Ratio Limit", + "save_path": "Save Path", + "seeding_time": "Seeding Time", + "seeding_time_limit": "Seeding Time Limit", + "seen_complete": "Seen Complete", + "seq_dl": "Sequential Download", + "size": "Size", + "state": "State", + "super_seeding": "Super Seeding", + "tags": "Tags", + "time_active": "Time Active", + "total_size": "Total Size", + "tracker": "Tracker", + "trackers_count": "Trackers Count", + "up_limit": "Upload Limit", + 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use global value", + "links": "Links (magnet, http, file, ...)", + "noCategories": "No categories yet. Type a name to create one.", + "noCategoryMatch": "No categories matching \"{query}\". It will be created automatically.", + "noTagMatch": "No tags matching \"{query}\". Press Enter to create it.", + "noTags": "No tags yet. Type a name to create one.", + "params": { + "add_to_top_of_queue": "Add to top of queue", + "category": "Category", + "download_limit": "Download limit", + "downloadPath": "Download Path (when incomplete)", + "inactive_seeding_time_limit": "Inactive seeding time limit", + "limit_collapse": "Configure limits", + "limit_hint": "-1 to disable, -2 or empty to use global value", + "noCategories": "No categories yet. Type a name to create one.", + "noCategoryMatch": "No categories matching \"{query}\". It will be created automatically.", + "noTagMatch": "No tags matching \"{query}\". Press Enter to create it.", + "noTags": "No tags yet. Type a name to create one.", + "ratio_limit": "Ratio limit", + "savePath": "Save path (when completed)", + "seeding_time_limit": "Seeding time limit", + "skip_checking": "Skip hash checking", + "stopped": "Don't start download", + "tags": "Tags", + "title": "Torrent parameters", + "upload_limit": "Upload limit", + "use_auto_tmm": "Automatic Torrent Management" + }, + "pending": "Sending torrents...", + "ratioLimit": "Ratio limit", + "rename": "Rename torrent", + "resetForm": "Reset form", + "savePath": "Save path (when completed)", + "seedingTimeLimit": "Seeding time limit", + "sequentialDownload": "Sequential download", + "skipChecking": "Skip hash checking", + "startNow": "Start torrent immediately", + "submit": "Add torrents", + "success": "{n} torrent added | {n} torrents added", + "tags": "Tags", + "title": "Add Torrents", + "upLimit": "Upload limit" + }, + "category": { + "name": "Category Name", + "nameRequired": "Category name is required", + "oldName": "Old category name", + "savePath": "Save Path", + "title": { + "create": "Create Category", + "edit": "Edit Category" + }, + "warnEdit": "Editing the category name will migrate torrents to the new category.\nErrors may happen, use with caution." + }, + "connectionStatus": { + "dht_nodes": "DHT nodes", + "externalIp": "External IP Address", + "status": "Connection Status", + "total_peer_connections": "Active peer connections" + }, + "delete": { + "deleteWithFiles": "Delete files with torrent", + "title": "Delete {n} torrent | Delete {n} torrents", + "warnDelete": "Ticking this checkbox will delete everything contained in those torrents" + }, + "importSettings": { + "required": "Providing settings is required", + "title": "Import Settings", + "valid": "Please provide valid settings" + }, + "moveTorrent": { + "dl": { + "title": "Change Download Path" + }, + "newPath": "New path", + "oldPath": "Old path", + "required": "New path is required", + "samePath": "New path must be different from old path", + "save": { + "title": "Change Save Path" + } + }, + "moveTorrentFile": { + "oldName": "Old name", + "title": "Move Torrent File | Move Torrent Folder" + }, + "pluginManager": { + "headers": { + "actions": "Actions", + "enabled": "Enabled", + "name": "Name", + "url": "Engine URL", + "version": "Version" + }, + "install": { + "activator": "Install new plugin", + "label": "Plugin URL", + "title": "Install Plugin" + }, + "title": "Plugin Manager", + "update": "Update plugins" + }, + "renameTorrent": { + "newName": "New name", + "oldName": "Old name", + "required": "New name is required", + "sameName": "New name must be different from old name", + "title": "Rename Torrent" + }, + "rss": { + "feed": { + "name": "Name", + "rules": { + "name_required": "Feed name is required", + "url_required": "Feed URL is required" + }, + "title": { + "create": "Create RSS Feed", + "edit": "Edit RSS Feed" + }, + "url": "URL" + }, + "rule": { + "addPaused": "Add paused", + "affectedFeedsSubheader": "Affected Feeds", + "assignedCategory": "Assigned Category", + "enabled": "Enable rule", + "episodeFilter": "Episode Filter", + "episodeFilterPlaceholder": "e.g. S01E02-S01E05", + "ignoreDays": "Ignore items published in the last {days} days", + "ignoreDaysHint": "0 to disable", + "lastMatch": { + "knownValue": "today | {n} day ago | {n} days ago", + "label": "Last match", + "unknownValue": "Unknown" + }, + "matchingArticles": { + "noMatch": "No matching articles", + "title": "Matching Articles" + }, + "mustContain": "Must Contain", + "mustNotContain": "Must Not Contain", + "name": "Name", + "savePath": "Save Path", + "savePathPlaceholder": "Leave blank to use default save path", + "smartFilter": "Use Smart Episode filter", + "title": { + "create": "Create RSS Rule", + "edit": "Edit RSS Rule" + }, + "useRegex": "Use Regular Expression" + } + }, + "share_limit": { + "disabled": "Set no share limit", + "enabled": "Set share limit to", + "global": "Use global share limit", + "inactive_seeding_time_limit": "Inactive minutes", + "ratio_limit": "Ratio", + "seeding_time_limit": "Total minutes", + "title": "Set share ratio limit" + }, + "shutdown": { + "content": "Do you really want to shutdown qBittorrent?", + "error": "Unable to shutdown app. Make sure qBittorrent is running!", + "success": "qBittorrent was shutdown successfully!", + "title": "Shutdown qBittorrent" + }, + "speed_limit": { + "download": "Set Download Speed Limit", + "label": "Speed Limit", + "upload": "Set Upload Speed Limit" + }, + "tag": { + "comma": "Name cannot contain comma when renaming a tag", + "hint": "Pro tip: multiple tags can be created by separating them with a comma", + "name": "Tag name", + "oldName": "Old tag name", + "required": "Tag name is required", + "title": { + "create": "Create Tag", + "rename": "Rename Tag" + }, + "warnEdit": "Editing the tag name will migrate torrents to the new tag.\nErrors may happen, use with caution." + } + }, + "login": { + "error": "Login failed!", + "password": "Password", + "rules": { + "password_required": "Password is required", + "username_required": "Username is required" + }, + "submit": "Login", + "subtitle": "Enter your credentials", + "success": "Login successful!", + "title": "Login", + "username": "Username" + }, + "logs": { + "emptyLogList": "No logs found", + "filters": { + "query": "Search in log message", + "type": "Log Level" + }, + "title": "qBittorrent Logs" + }, + "navbar": { + "addPanel": { + "torrentsPendingCount": "{n} torrent awaiting upload | {n} torrents awaiting upload" + }, + "side": { + "bottom_actions": { + "alt_speed": "Toggle alternative speed", + "conn_status": "Connection status: {status}", + "dark_mode": " Light mode | Dark mode | Follow system settings", + "logout": "Logout", + "shutdown": "Shutdown qBittorrent" + }, + "current_speed": { + "title": "Current Speed" + }, + "filters": { + "activeFilter": "{n} filters active", + "category": "Category Filter", + "disabled": "(Disabled)", + "state": "Torrent State Filter", + "tag": "Tag Filter", + "tracker": "Tracker Filter", + "uncategorized": "(Uncategorized)", + "untagged": "(Untagged)", + "untracked": "(Untracked)" + }, + "speed_graph": { + "download_label": "Download", + "upload_label": "Upload" + }, + "stats": { + "alltime": { + "title": "Alltime Stats" + }, + "downloaded": "Downloaded", + "free_space": "Free Space", + "ratio": "Ratio", + "session": { + "title": "Session Stats" + }, + "uploaded": "Uploaded" + } + }, + "top": { + "active_filters": { + "category": "Category filter: {value}", + "menu_label": "Active filter: {n} | Active filters: {n}", + "multiple_category": "Category filter: {n} categories", + "multiple_state": "State filter: {n} states", + "multiple_tag": "Tag filter: {n} tags", + "multiple_tracker": "Tracker filter: {n} trackers", + "state": "State filter: {value}", + "tag": "Tag filter: {value}", + "text": "Text filter: {value}", + "tracker": "Tracker filter: {value}" + } + } + }, + "rssArticles": { + "filters": { + "title": "Title 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"stopSearch": "Stop", + "tabHeaderEmpty": "(Empty query)", + "title": "Search engine" + }, + "settings": { + "advanced": { + "libtorrent": { + "announceAllTiers": "Always announce to all tiers", + "announceAllTrackers": "Always announce to all trackers in a tier", + "announceIP": "IP address reported to trackers (requires restart)", + "coalesceReadsWrites": "Coalesce reads & writes (libtorrent < 2.0)", + "disk": { + "diskCache": "Disk cache (libtorrent < 2.0)", + "diskCacheExpiry": "Disk cache expiry interval (libtorrent < 2.0)", + "diskIoReadMode": "Disk IO read mode", + "diskIoType": "Disk IO Type (libtorrent >= 2.0; requires restart)", + "diskIoWriteMode": "Disk IO write mode", + "diskQueueSize": "Disk queue size", + "subheader": "Disk" + }, + "maxConcurrentHTTPAnnounces": "Max concurrent HTTP announces", + "networking": { + "outgoingPortsMax": "Outgoing ports (Max) [0: Disabled]", + "outgoingPortsMin": "Outgoing ports (Min) [0: Disabled]", + "peerTos": "DSCP value for connections to peers", + "subheader": "Networking", + "upnpLeaseDuration": "UPnP lease duration [0: Permanent lease]", + "utpTcpMixedModeAlgorithm": "μTP-TCP mixed mode algorithm" + }, + "outgoingConnectionsPerSecond": "Outgoing connections per second", + "peerTurnover": "Peer turnover disconnect percentage", + "peerTurnoverCutoff": "Peer turnover threshold percentage", + "peerTurnoverInterval": "Peer turnover disconnect interval", + "pieceExtentAffinity": "Use piece extent affinity", + "requestQueueSize": "Maximum outstanding requests to a single peer", + "security": { + "allowMultipleConnectionsFromTheSameIPAddress": "Allow multiple connections from the same IP address", + "blockPeersOnPrivilegedPorts": "Disallow connection to peers on privileged ports", + "idnSupport": "Enable Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) support", + "mitigateSSRF": "Server-side request forgery (SSRF) mitigation", + "subheader": "Security", + "validateHTTPSTrackerCertificate": "Validate HTTPS tracker certificate" + }, + "sendBufferLowWatermark": "Send buffer low watermark", + "sendBufferWatermark": "Send buffer watermark", + "sendBufferWatermarkFactor": "Send buffer watermark factor", + "sendUploadPieceSuggestions": "Send upload piece suggestions", + "socketBacklogSize": "Socket backlog size", + "socketReceiveBufferSize": "Socket receive buffer size", + "socketReceiveBufferSizeHint": "0: system default", + "socketSendBufferSize": "Socket send buffer size", + "socketSendBufferSizeHint": "0: system default", + "stopTrackerTimeout": "Stop tracker timeout", + "subheader": "libtorrent Section", + "threads": { + "asyncIoThreads": "Asynchronous I/O threads", + "bdecodeDepthLimit": "Bdecode depth limit", + "bdecodeTokenLimit": "Bdecode token limit", + "filePoolSize": "File pool size", + "hashingThreads": "Hashing threads (libtorrent >= 2.0)", + "outstandingMemory": "Outstanding memory when checking torrents", + "subheader": "Threads" + }, + "uploadChokingAlgorithm": "Upload choking algorithm", + "uploadSlotsBehavior": "Upload slots behavior" + }, + "openDoc": "Open documentation", + "qbittorrent": { + "allocatedRam": "Physical memory (RAM) usage limit (libtorrent >= 2.0)", + "embeddedTracker": { + "enable": "Enable embedded tracker", + "port": "Embedded tracker port", + "portForward": "Enable port forwarding for embedded tracker", + "title": "Embedded Tracker" + }, + "networking": { + "ipAddress": { + "all": "All addresses", + "allIPv4": "All IPv4 addresses", + "allIPv6": "All IPv6 addresses", + "label": "Optional IP address to bind to" + }, + "networkInterfaces": { + "any": "Any interface", + "label": "Network interface" + }, + "title": "Networking" + }, + "reannounceOnIpPortChanged": "Reannounce to all trackers when IP or port changed", + "recheckOnCompletion": "Recheck torrents on completion", + "refreshInterval": "GUI Refresh interval", + "resolveCountries": "Resolve peer countries", + "resumeDataStorageType": { + "label": "Resume data storage type (requires restart)", + "legacy": "Fastresume files", + "sqlite": "SQLite database (experimental)" + }, + "saveInterval": "Save resume data interval", + "subheader": "qBittorrent Section", + "torrentFileSizeLimit": ".torrent file size limit" + } + }, + "behavior": { + "logs": { + "file_log_age": "Delete backup logs older than", + "file_log_backup_enabled": "Enable log file backup", + "file_log_delete_old": "Delete old backup logs", + "file_log_enabled": "Enable log files", + "file_log_max_size": "Backup the log file after", + "file_log_path": "Save path", + "subheader": "Logs management" + }, + "performance_warning": "Log performance warning" + }, + "bittorrent": { + "autoAddTrackers": "Automatically add these trackers to new downloads", + "autoAddTrackersHint": "One tracker per line", + "maxActiveCheckingTorrents": "Max active checking torrents", + "privacy": { + "enableAnonymous": "Enable anonymous mode", + "enableDHT": "Enable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peers", + "enableLPD": "Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers", + "enablePeX": "Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peers", + "encryptionMode": "Encryption Mode", + "moreInfo": "More Information", + "subheader": "Privacy" + }, + "seedLimits": { + "subheader": "Seed Limits", + "then": "Then", + "whenInactiveSeedingTimeReaches": "When inactive seeding time reaches", + "whenRatioReaches": "When ratio reaches", + "whenSeedingTimeReaches": "When seeding time reaches" + }, + "torrentQueueing": { + "downloadRateLimit": "Download rate threshold", + "excludeSlowTorrent": "Do not count slow torrents in these limits", + "maxActiveDownload": "Maximum active downloads", + "maxActiveTorrent": "Maximum active torrents", + "maxActiveUpload": "Maximum active uploads", + "subheader": "Torrent Queueing", + "torrentInactivityTimer": "Torrent inactivity timer", + "uploadRateLimit": "Upload rate threshold" + } + }, + "connection": { + "connectionLimits": { + "globalMaxConnection": "Global maximum number of connections", + "globalMaxUploadSlots": "Global maximum number of upload slots", + "perTorrentMaxConnection": "Maximum number of connections per torrent", + "perTorrentMaxUploadSlots": "Maximum number of upload slots per torrent", + "subheader": "Connection Limits" + }, + "ipFiltering": { + "applyToTrackers": "Apply to trackers", + "bannedIps": "Manually banned IP addresses", + "bannedIpsHint": "One on each line", + "filterPath": "Filter path (.dat, .p2p, .p2b)", + "subheader": "IP Filtering" + }, + "listeningPort": { + "incomingConnectionPort": "Port used for incoming connections", + "randomPort": "Random Port", + "subheader": "Listening Port", + "useUPnP": "Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router" + }, + "protocol": "Peer connection protocol", + "proxy": { + "auth": { + "password": "Password", + "subtitle": "Authentication", + "tip": "Info: The password is saved unencrypted", + "username": "Username" + }, + "bittorrent": "Use proxy for BitTorrent purposes", + "host": "Host", + "hostNameLookup": "Use proxy for hostname lookup", + "misc": "Use proxy for general purposes", + "peerConnections": "Use proxy for peer connections", + "port": "Port", + "rss": "Use proxy for RSS purposes", + "subheader": "Proxy Server" + } + }, + "downloads": { + "excludedFileNames": { + "hint": "One filter per line", + "label": "Excluded file names" + }, + "mailNotification": { + "authEnabled": "Authentication", + "enabled": "Email notification upon download completion", + "from": "From", + "password": "Password", + "smtpServer": "SMTP server", + "sslEnabled": "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)", + "to": "To", + "username": "Username" + }, + "monitoredFolders": { + "actions": "Actions", + "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?", + "editItem": "Edit", + "monitoredFolderPath": "Monitored Folder", + "newItem": "New", + "noData": "No monitored folder yet", + "otherPath": "Other Path", + "saveType": "Override Save Location", + "subheader": "Monitored Folders" + }, + "publicSettings": { + "appendQBExtension": "Append .!qB extension to incomplete files", + "preAllocateDisk": "Pre-allocate disk space for all files" + }, + "runExternalProgram": { + "onAddedEnabled": "Run external program on torrent added", + "onAddedLabel": "Command", + "onFinishedEnabled": "Run external program on torrent finished", + "onFinishedLabel": "Command", + "subheader": "Run external program", + "supportParamC": "%C: Number of files", + "supportParamD": "%D: Save path", + "supportParamF": "%F: Content path (same as root path for multi-file torrent)", + "supportParamG": "%G: Tags (separated by comma)", + "supportParamI": "%I: Info hash v1", + "supportParamJ": "%J: Info hash v2", + "supportParamK": "%K: Torrent ID", + "supportParamL": "%L: Category", + "supportParamN": "%N: Torrent name", + "supportParamR": "%R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path)", + "supportParamT": "%T: Current tracker", + "supportParamTitle": "Supported parameters (case sensitive):", + "supportParamZ": "%Z: Torrent size (bytes)", + "tip": "Tip: Encapsulate parameter with quotation marks to avoid text being cut off at whitespace (e.g., \"%N\")" + }, + "saveManagement": { + "autoTMMEnabled": "Default Torrent Management Mode", + "categoryChangedTMM": "When Category Save Path changed", + "defaultSavePath": "Default Save Path (complete)", + "defaultTMMOptions": { + "automatic": "Automatic", + "manual": "Manual" + }, + "exportDir": "Copy .torrent files to", + "exportDirFinished": "Copy .torrent files for finished downloads to", + "keepIncomplete": "Default Download Path (incomplete torrents)", + "paramChangedTMMOptions": { + "relocateTorrent": "Relocate torrent", + "switchToManual": "Switch torrent to Manual Mode" + }, + "savePathChangedTMM": "When Default Save Path changed", + "subheader": "Saving Management", + "torrentChangedTMM": "When Torrent Category changed" + }, + "whenAddTorrent": { + "addToTopOfQueue": "Add to top of queue", + "autoDeleteMode": "Delete .torrent files afterwards", + "doNotAutoStart": "Do not start the download automatically", + "mergeTrackers": "Merge trackers if torrent already exists", + "subheader": "When adding a torrent" + } + }, + "rss": { + "feeds": { + "createNew": "Add feed", + "noFeeds": "No feeds yet", + "refreshAll": "Refresh All" + }, + "general": { + "autoDownloader": { + "enable": "Enable RSS rules processing", + "subheader": "RSS Torrent Auto Downloader" + }, + "reader": { + "enableProcessing": "Enable fetching RSS feeds", + "feedsRefreshInterval": "Feeds refresh interval", + "maximumArticlesPerFeed": "Maximum number of articles per feed", + "subheader": "RSS Reader" + }, + "smartEpisodeFilter": { + "downloadEpisodes": "Download REPACK/PROPER episodes", + "filters": "Filters", + "filtersHint": "One per line", + "subheader": "RSS Smart Episode Filter" + }, + "useIdForRssLinks": "Use ID for RSS article link" + }, + "rules": { + "createNew": "Create Rule", + "noRules": "No rules yet" + } + }, + "saveSuccess": "Settings saved!", + "speed": { + "download": "Download", + "scheduler": { + "from": "From", + "selectButtonLabel": "Select time", + "subheader": "Schedule the use of alternative rate limits", + "to": "To", + "when": "When" + }, + "settings": { + "applyToPeersOnLan": "Apply rate limit to peers on LAN", + "applyToTransportOverhead": "Apply rate limit to transport overhead", + "applyToUtp": "Apply rate limit to µTP protocol" + }, + "subheader": { + "alternative": "Alternative Rate Limits", + "global": "Global Rate Limits", + "settings": "Rate Limits Settings" + }, + "tip": "0 means unlimited", + "upload": "Upload" + }, + "tabs": { + "advanced": "Advanced", + "behavior": "Behavior", + "bittorrent": "BitTorrent", + "connection": "Connection", + "downloads": "Downloads", + "rss": { + "feeds": "Feeds", + "general": "General", + "rules": "Rules", + "title": "RSS" + }, + "speed": "Speed", + "tagsAndCategories": "Tags & Categories", + "vuetorrent": { + "general": "General", + "title": "VueTorrent", + "torrent_card": { + "grid": "Grid View", + "list": "List View", + "table": "Table View" + } + }, + "webui": "WebUI" + }, + "tagsAndCategories": { + "categoriesSubheader": "Available Categories:", + "createNewCategory": "Create new category", + "createNewTag": "Create new tag", + "noCategories": "No categories yet", + "noTags": "No tags yet", + "tagsSubheader": "Available Tags:" + }, + "title": "Settings", + "vuetorrent": { + "general": { + "canvasRefreshThreshold": "Piece count to disable canvas auto-refresh", + "canvasRenderThreshold": "Piece count to disable canvas rendering", + "check_new": "Check for new version", + "currentVersion": "Current Version", + "customTitle": "Custom title", + "dateFormat": "Date Format", + "download": "Export settings", + "exportSettings": "Export Settings", + "fileContentInterval": "Torrent file content refresh interval", + "hideChipIfUnset": "Hide chips if unset", + "historySize": "History size on eligible fields", + "import": "Import Settings", + "importSettings": "Import Settings", + "isDrawerRight": "Right Drawer", + "isPaginationOnTop": "Top Pagination", + "isShutdownButtonVisible": "Show shutdown button", + "language": "Language", + "openSideBarOnStart": "Open Side Bar on launch", + "paginationSize": { + "infinite_scroll": "Infinite scroll", + "label": "Pagination Size", + "warning": "Using high values can affect performance" + }, + "qbittorrentVersion": "qBittorrent Version", + "refreshInterval": "qBittorrent API refresh interval", + "registerMagnet": "Register magnet links", + "resetSettings": "Reset Settings", + "showAlltimeStat": "Show All-Time Stats", + "showCurrentSpeed": "Show Current Speed", + "showFreeSpace": "Show Free Space", + "showSessionStat": "Show Session Stats", + "showSpeedGraph": "Show Speed Graph", + "showTrackerFilter": "Show Tracker Filter", + "tip": "These settings are for the custom WebUI itself", + "useBinarySize": "Replace data sizes by binary units (kB -> KiB)", + "useBitSpeed": "Replace speed values by bits (kB/s -> kbps)", + "vueTorrentTitle": "Tab title" + }, + "torrentCard": { + "grid": { + "busyTip": "Properties to display for incomplete torrents in grid view", + "doneTip": "Properties to display for completed torrents in grid view" + }, + "list": { + "busyTip": "Properties to display for busy torrents in list view", + "doneTip": "Properties to display for completed torrents in list view" + }, + "table": { + "tip": "Properties to display for torrents in table view" + } + } + }, + "webUI": { + "authentication": { + "banDuration": "Ban Duration", + "banDurationHint": "In seconds", + "bypassLocalhost": "Bypass authentication for clients on localhost", + "bypassWhitelist": "Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets", + "maxAttempts": "Max attempts", + "password": "Password", + "passwordPlaceholder": "(unchanged)", + "sessionTimeout": "Session timeout", + "sessionTimeoutHint": "In seconds", + "subheader": "Authentication", + "username": "Username", + "whitelistExamples": "Example:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40" + }, + "customHeaders": "Add custom HTTP headers", + "customHeadersHint": "One per line", + "customHeadersPlaceholder": "Header1: value1\nHeader2: value2\n...", + "dynDns": { + "domainName": "Domain name", + "password": "Password", + "providers": { + "dynDns": "DynDNS", + "noIp": "NO-IP" + }, + "registerBtn": "Register", + "subheader": "Update my dynamic domain name", + "username": "Username" + }, + "https": { + "certificate": "Certificate", + "key": "Key", + "subheader": "Use HTTPS", + "tip": "Information about certificates" + }, + "interface": { + "ipAddress": "IP Address", + "port": "Port", + "subheader": "Web User Interface", + "useAlternativeWebUI": "Use Alternative WebUI", + "useUPnP": "Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router" + }, + "proxiesList": "Trusted proxies list", + "proxiesListHint": "Seperate IPs with semicolon ( ; )", + "reverseProxySupport": "Enable reverse proxy support", + "security": { + "clickjacking": "Enable clickjacking protection", + "csrf": "Enable Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection", + "hostHeaderValidation": "Enable Host header validation", + "hostHeaderValidationHint": "Seperated with semi-colon ( ; )", + "secureCookie": "Enable cookie \"secure\" flag (requires HTTPS)", + "serverDomains": "Server Domains", + "subheader": "Security" + } + } + }, + "toast": { + "copy": { + "error": "Unable to copy, context isn't secured!", + "success": "Copied to clipboard!" + }, + "magnet_handler": { + "not_supported": "Current context isn't secure. Unable to register handler.", + "registered": "Magnet handler registered." + }, + "new_version": "New version available!", + "qbit": { + "not_supported": "Only available for qbit >= {version}" + } + }, + "topbar": { + "actions": { + "delete": "Delete Torrents", + "logs": "Open Logs", + "pause": "Pause Torrents", + "resume": "Resume Torrents", + "rssArticles": "Open RSS Articles", + "searchEngine": "Open Search Engine", + "settings": "Open Settings" + }, + "addTorrents": "Add Torrents", + "overflow": { + "delete": "Delete", + "logs": "qBittorrent Logs", + "pause": "Pause", + "resume": "Resume", + "rssArticles": "RSS Articles", + "searchEngine": "Search Engine", + "settings": "Settings" + }, + "searchTorrents": "Search torrents" + }, + "torrentDetail": { + "content": { + "fileInfo": "{n} file | {n} files", + "folderInfo": "{n} folder | {n} folders", + "priority": "Set priority", + "rename": { + "bulk": "Bulk rename", + "file": "Rename", + "folder": "Rename folder" + }, + "rootNode": "(Root)" + }, + "info": { + "boolean_values": "Boolean values", + "data_values": "Data values", + "datetime_values": "Datetime Values", + "duration_values": "Duration Values", + "long_text_values": "Long text values", + "speed_values": "Speed values", + "text_values": "Text values" + }, + "overview": { + "canvasRefreshDisabled": "Canvas auto-refresh is disabled", + "canvasRenderDisabled": "Canvas rendering is disabled", + "copy_hash": "Copy Hash", + "dlSpeedAverage": "Download Speed Average", + "downloaded": "Downloaded", + "fetchingMetadata": "Fetching...", + "fileCount": "Selected Files", + "pieceCount": "{owned} / {total} ({pieceSize})", + "ratio": "Ratio", + "selectedFileSize": "Selected Files' Size", + "uploaded": "Uploaded", + "upSpeedAverage": "Upload Speed Average", + "waitingForMetadata": "Waiting for metadata..." + }, + "peers": { + "addPeers": { + "newPeers": "Peer hosts to add", + "newPeersHint": "One per line", + "newPeersPlaceholder": "host:port", + "title": "Add Peers" + }, + "emptyList": "No peers connected at the moment", + "table": { + "client": "Client", + "connection": "Connection", + "downloaded": "Downloaded", + "downloadSpeed": "DL", + "files": "Files", + "flags": "Flags", + "host": "Host", + "progress": "Progress", + "relevance": "Relevance", + "uploaded": "Uploaded", + "upSpeed": "UL" + } + }, + "tabs": { + "content": "Content", + "info": "Info", + "overview": "Overview", + "peers": "Peers", + "tagsAndCategories": "Tags & Categories", + "trackers": "Trackers" + }, + "tagsAndCategories": { + "categories": "Categories", + "tags": "Tags" + }, + "title": "Torrent Detail", + "trackers": { + "addTrackers": { + "newTrackers": "Tracker URLs to add", + "newTrackersHint": "One per line, separate tiers with an empty line", + "title": "Add Trackers" + }, + "editTracker": { + "newUrl": "New URL", + "newUrlRequired": "New URL is required", + "oldUrl": "Old URL", + "title": "Edit Tracker" + }, + "peersValue": "{peers} peers ({seeds} S / {leeches} L)", + "reannounce": "Reannounce all", + "tier": "Tier: {n}" + } + }, + "torrent": { + "properties": { + "added_on": "Added On", + "amount_left": "Amount Left", + "auto_tmm": "Automatic Torrent Management", + "availability": "Availability", + "available_peers": "Peers (swarm)", + "available_seeds": "Seeds (swarm)", + "avg_download_speed": "Average Download Speed", + "avg_upload_speed": "Average Upload Speed", + "category": "Category", + "completed_on": "Completed On", + "content_path": "Content Path", + "downloaded": "Downloaded (global)", + "downloaded_session": "Downloaded (session)", + "download_limit": "Download Limit", + "download_path": "Download Path", + "download_speed": "Download Speed", + "empty_category": "(no category)", + "empty_tags": "(no tags)", + "empty_tracker_domain": "(no tracker)", + "eta": "ETA", + "f_l_piece_prio": "First / Last Piece Priority", + "forced": "Forced state", + "global_speed": "Global Speed", + "global_volume": "Global Volume", + "hash": "Hash", + "infohash_v1": "Infohash v1", + "infohash_v2": "Infohash v2", + "last_activity": "Last Activity", + "magnet": "Magnet Link", + "name": "Torrent Title", + "num_leechs": "Peers (connected)", + "num_seeds": "Seeds (connected)", + "peers": "Peers", + "priority": "Priority", + "progress": "Progress", + "progress_bar": "Progress Bar", + "ratio": "Ratio", + "ratio_limit": "Ratio limit", + "ratio_time_limit": "Ratio time limit", + "save_path": "Save Path", + "seeding_time": "Seeding time", + "seeds": "Seeds", + "seen_complete": "Seen Complete", + "seq_dl": "Sequential Download", + "size": "Size", + "state": "State", + "super_seeding": "Super Seeding Mode", + "tags": "Tags", + "time_active": "Time Active", + "total_size": "Total Size", + "tracker": "Tracker", + "trackers_count": "Trackers Count", + "uploaded": "Uploaded (global)", + "uploaded_session": "Uploaded (session)", + "upload_limit": "Upload Limit", + "upload_speed": "Upload Speed" + }, + "state": { + "allocating": "Визначення", + "checkingDL": "Перевірка (незавершено)", + "checkingResumeData": "Перевірка для відновлення", + "checkingUP": "Перевірка (завершено)", + "downloading": "Завантаження", + "error": "Збій", + "forcedDL": "[Ф] Завантаження", + "forcedUP": "[Ф] Роздача", + "metaDL": "Метадані", + "missingFiles": "Файли відсутні", + "moving": "Переміщаю..", + "pausedDL": "Призупинено", + "pausedUP": "Готово", + "queuedDL": "В черзі (ЗВ)", + "queuedUP": "В черзі (РД)", + "stalledDL": "Завис", + "stalledUP": "Сідування", + "unknown": "Невідомо", + "uploading": "Роздача" + } + }, + "units": { + "minutes": "хвилина | хвилини | хвилин", + "seconds": "секунда | секунди | секунд" + } +}