This script consumes all CLI XML exported with Backup-* scripts in order to re-create Azure AD Groups and Service Principals at the "new" tenant as well as re-applies the RBAC to subscriptions and fix Access Policies in Azure KeyVaults as well.
For Example, Powershell:
.\Restore-AzureRBAC.ps1 -GroupExport <string> -UserExport <string> -ServicePrincipalExport <string> -SubscriptionExport <string> [-Prefix <string>] [-Verify] [-SkipKeyVault] [-SkipSubscription] [<CommonParameters>]
Table describing each of the parameters:
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
GroupExport | String | Yes | Path to the "AAD_Groups.xml" generated by Backup-AzureGroups.ps1 |
UserExport | String | Yes | Path to the "AAD_Users.xml" generated by Backup-AzureUser.ps1 |
ServicePrincipalExport | String | Yes | Path to the "AAD_ServicePrincipal.xml" generated by Backup-AzureServicePrincipal.ps1 |
SubscriptionExport | String | Yes | Path to the "Subscriptions.xml" generated by Backup-AzureSubscriptions.ps1 |
Prefix | String | No | Specifies a prefix to be added to re-created AAD Groups and Service Principal Names |
Verify | switch | No | Switch used to make the script verify the XML have been properly exported |
SkipKeyVault | switch | No | Switch to skip updating Access Policies in Azure KeyVaults |
SkipSubscription | switch | No | Switch to skip updating RBAC in the Subscriptions |
Verify all exported XML are in the right format and are consumables
.\Restore-AzureRBAC.ps1 -GroupExport ".\AAD_Groups.xml" -UserExport ".\AAD_Users.xml" -ServicePrincipalExport ".\AAD_ServicePrincipal.xml" -SubscriptionExport ".\Subscriptions.xml" -Verify
Re-create all missing AAD Groups and SPNs by adding "Migrated-" to their names, fix Azure KeyVault's access policies and re-apply subscription's RBAC.
.\Restore-AzureRBAC.ps1 -GroupExport ".\AAD_Groups.xml" -UserExport ".\AAD_Users.xml" -ServicePrincipalExport ".\AAD_ServicePrincipal.xml" -SubscriptionExport ".\Subscriptions.xml" -Prefix "Migrated-"
Re-create all missing AAD Groups and SPNs with their same name as in the previous tenant and re-apply subscription's RBAC. Do not modify Azure KeyVaults
.\Restore-AzureRBAC.ps1 -GroupExport ".\AAD_Groups.xml" -UserExport ".\AAD_Users.xml" -ServicePrincipalExport ".\AAD_ServicePrincipal.xml" -SubscriptionExport ".\Subscriptions.xml" -SkipKeyVault