The style mapping lvgl style transition
It's possible to set
- the time of the transition
- the delay before starting the transition
- the animation path (also known as timing or easing function)
- the properties to animate
transition with following properties:
- transition-property, supoort multiple values, sets the properties to which a transition effect should be applied
- transition-duration, support write with millisecond, second
- transition-timing-function, sets how intermediate values are calculated for properties being affected by a transition effect, with following value
- linear
- ease-in
- ease-out
- ease-in-out
- overshoot
- bounce
- step
- transition-delay, support write with millisecond, second
function App () {
return (
type: EAlignType.ALIGN_CENTER
>{`Text of a label`}</View>
const style = {
view: {
'transition-property': 'border-width, background-color, border-color',
'transition-duration': '100ms',
'transition-timing-function': 'linear',
'transition-delay': '200ms',
pressedStyle: {
'border-width': 6,
'border-color': 'red',
'background-color': 'red',
'transition-property': 'border-width, background-color, border-color',
'transition-duration': '0.5s',
'transition-timing-function': 'linear',
'transition-delay': '0',