The Lum Network halted following the v1.1.0 upgrade on Apr. 28 at 18:50 UTC. This upgrade is therefore required in order to resume minting blocks. A full postmortem article will be published in the coming days and added to this repository.
Fixes on the Beam module which caused the halt at block height 1960665
Improvements to the export/import feature of the Beam module in order to restore the chain state from a new Genesis export
- This upgrade is scheduled for
Friday Apr. 29 around 17:30 UTC
- There is NO real target block and time for this upgrade
- This is considered a hard fork since it requires to use a new Genesis state based on the export of the Lum Network at block height
For the more tech savvy you can verify that the provided Genesis is the right one. We have already verified and compared it between 3 full validator nodes, but other verifications are welcome.
Steps to reproduce:
- Stop your lum service
- Upgrade binary to v1.1.3
- Run
lumd export --home {LUMD_HOME} &> genesis-export.json
- Pretty the json output
cat genesis-export.json | python3 -m json.tool > genesis-export-pretty.json
- Replace the faulty timestamp for Beam with ID
nano genesis-export-pretty.json
- Find the Beam with ctrl+w then type
+ enter - Replace the created_at value with
- save and exit with ctrl+x + enter
sha256sum genesis-export-pretty.json
-> 8a327bbbcee02f19733160b1fb853e32edf83d3e9139486dfd2781ff0567c3a2
- You should make a copy of your disk or at least your lumd HOME folder
- This is not mandatory but highly recommended
- We will provide backups anyway but please keep in mind that you are responsible for your node operation and that some data cannot be recovered by public backups such as your validator key & state
- Stop your lumd process systemctl stop lumd
- Install version 1.1.3
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout v1.1.3
make install
lumd version
-> v1.1.3
- Download the new genesis state
wget -O genesis-1960665.json
sha256sum genesis-1960665.json
-> 8a327bbbcee02f19733160b1fb853e32edf83d3e9139486dfd2781ff0567c3a2cp genesis-1960665.json {LUMD_HOME}/config/genesis.json
- Unsafe reset your node
lumd unsafe-reset-all --home {LUMD_HOME}
- Upgrade your peers list using the updated list
- Restart your node
systemctl restart lumd
- The import process of the new Genesis file should log tons of Persisted beam...
- Running the following command should show you the new voting round in progress
watch -n 0.08 "curl -s localhost:26657/consensus_state | jq '.result.round_state.height_vote_set[0] | (.prevotes_bit_array, .precommits_bit_array)'"
- You should see tons of spammy logs from nodes with the halted version, this is not an issue and it is supposed to happen
- Once the consensus reaches 2/3 votes we will start producing blocks again