# GamersNet

### Team Members

| Name | GitHub Username | Email 
| --- | --- | --- |
| Adam Azarov | AydemSavage | azarova@myumanitoba.ca
| Jay Khakhariya | jayKhakhariya | khakhar1@myumanitoba.ca
| Lucas Huynh | itslupus | huynhl@myumanitoba.ca
| Humayra Anjum Rafi | Humayra98 | rafiha@myumanitoba.ca

## Team Leader: 
* There is no defined group leader for this project as we rotated leaders throughout the sprints.

| Leader | Sprint |
| --- | --- |
| Adam Azarov | Sprint 1 |
| Lucas Huynh | Sprint 2 |
| Humayra Anjum Rafi | Sprint 3 |
| Jay Khakhariya | Sprint 4 |

### Description
* A high level description and details about the project can be found [wiki homepage](https://github.com/itslupus/gamersnet/wiki).

### Languages and Tools
* A description of the tools we are using can be found [here](https://github.com/itslupus/gamersnet/wiki/Tools-&-Tech).

### Meeting Notes
* Meeting notes and time tracking can be found on the [wiki page](https://github.com/itslupus/gamersnet/wiki/Meetings).

### System Architecture Design
* The architecture can be found [here](https://github.com/itslupus/gamersnet/wiki/Architecture).

### Test the site [here](https://comp4350.itslucas.win/)