I would love to have you contribute to PACKAGE NAME
if that is of interest! I would divide contributions into two categories: (1) function ideas that aren't coded and (2) functions that are written in scripts. Once you've decided which of these categories you fall into, follow the instructions under the relevant subheading.
If you have an idea for a function submit your idea to sparkle.malone@yale.edu, and jmatthes@wellesley.edu to add a discussion of your function to the flux gradient working group meeting.
If you've already written up an R function in a script you have two options for getting it added to PACKAGE
Scripts Option A
- Open a GitHub issue and paste your function into it
In return for your generous contribution to PACKAGE
you can consider the following modes of credit:
Add you as a contributor in the
of the package with a link to a professional website of your choosing -
Put your name in the README of the repository next to the description of your function
Note that I make no distinction between contributing a function idea and contributing written code in terms of credit received.