- Fixed Issue with Bauble Hunt allowing depositing baubles into ANY base!
- Tweaked BaubleHunt stat display to show weight of baubles carried at end.
- Tournament will show all tied winners at the very end now.
- Added fixes for behaving properly with non-100% DPI settings.
- Added support for borderless fullscreen windows.
- Fixed some test cases.
- Fixed Issue with Bauble Hunt automatically starting.
- Added new config for Discovery Quest to turn off home base registration and/or missions to make it easier to use as a non-final mission.
- Improved Client Package Performance (should no longer peg CPU).
- Cleaned-up server socket disconnects.
- Added The Hunger Baubles Subgame
- Bauble Games can now spawn any number of different valued Baubles.
- Bauble Games can now spawn different weights of Baubles.
- Added Worm Holes (teleports objects across space)
- Added Deployable Space Mines
- Updated Client Angle/Point Methods
- Orientations are always integers now and should be between 0-360
- Rotate and Steer Command parameters updated
- Movement direction can still be a double
- Added Test Cases for Point Class
- Fixed getAngleTo method to use built-in atan2
- Added isCloseTo box test method
- Added getPointAt for point projections based on angles and distance
- Added isInEllipse check method
- Added getClosestMappedPoint for world bounds assistance
- Orientations are always integers now and should be between 0-360
- ThrustCommand now has a parameter to allow it to block or not, it now blocks by default.
- Added ability for client to get info on ship's running commands getCommandQueue in the environment getShipStatus.
- Command Queue and Current Energy Properties are now only available to its own ship (can't be seen with radar).
- Updated Find the Middle Basic Game
- Added new reset_timer option
- Better Generation of Spawn Points and other Bug Fixes
- Added Dragon's Lair Basic Game (based on Survivor)
- Dragons AI has been slightly improved
- Asteroids and Dragons Initial Movement Speed can be Configured
- Dragons highlight target in Debug mode
- Added Ability for Points to be Generally Handled by Spawn Manager for Asteroids and Dragons for Torpedos and Ramming
- General Fixes/Improvements
- Optimized Network Code to half required Threads
- Spawn Manager fixed to only look at specific Type for evaluating min/max not Subclasses.
- Added option for Torpedoes to be effected by gravity pull_weapon
- Added enable_commands [Server] config option.
- points_lost_on_death can be used in bestscore games.
- Split 'explodable' from 'gravitable' for Entities, two separate object flags now.
- Can click ships in tracking mode to switch tracking to the clicked ship.
- Separated option for 'showip' in Application settings to decouple from showing statistics, no longer always show IP in Debug mode.
- 3 New Ship Graphics
- SteerCommand now shown visually with a 'bank'
- Fixed issue with LowerEnergyScoopCommand and Dragons
- Breaking Changes:
- ThrustCommand is now Blocking by default, the fourth parameter can be passed as false to exhibit the previous behavior. This is to aid in initial understanding of the system until non-blocking commands can be introduced later.
- Made Hungry Hungry Baubles a Basic Game by creating a getObjectiveLocation() method on BasicGameInfo (instead of getGoldenBaublePosition()). This is now also used by Bauble Hunt and Discovery Quest instead of getHomeBasePosition().
- Hungry Hungry Baubles has new options for configuration (default is similar to previous incarnation).
- Hungry Hungry Baubles and Bauble Hunt now share new [BaubleGame] point/percentage spawning parameters.
- Bauble Hunt now respects weight not number carried for ship_cargo_size. Default weights are set to 1 though to behave in same manner as previously.
- BaubleHuntGameInfo has getBaublesCarriedWeight method now.
- One Time Commands (AllStop, FireTorpedo) have been modified with cooldown times (i.e. AllStopCommand now waits for 5 seconds after stopping before returning).
- RotateCommand/Orientation Related Client code now uses int vs. double.
- Client code now does some validation of command arguments, can throw IllegalArgumentException.
- Removed SelfDestructCommand
- Game API: Removed AsteroidMiner as an example game, now configurable generally, config file for game still exists.
- Game API: Player object now has update_score method instead of Game.
- Added Build Numbers
- Replaced all sounds with Public Domain ones
- Added Discovery Quest Subgame
- Subgames can create/intercept Commands
- Simplified/Improved Subgame Physics handlers
- Added collidable property
- Radar methods know player who is radaring now
- Cleaned up round start/end world life cycle management
- Cleaned up object damage/life cycle management
- AllStopCommand can destroy ship properly now
- Cleaned up GUI player ship references
- Cleaned up object damage/life cycle management
- Spawn Manager
- Dynamic GUI Object Spawning
- List Display with Mouse Wheel support
- Middle-click performs action and remains in current mode
- Right-click cancels mode
- Controls timed spawning of objects
- Controls minimum and maximum number of objects
- Controls initial spawn parameters/world generation
- Entities now have static spawn method (to be used by Spawn Manager)
- Controls time to live of spawned objects
- Controls spawning on player additions/respawns
- Dynamic GUI Object Spawning
- Abstracted Tournament Management to separate class
- Added 'Wild' Tournament which moves 'wildcard' players forward based on top scores across rounds.
- Added Influential Body base class (something happens around it)
- Added Dragons (chase ships)
- Added Stars (players take damage the closer they are to their center)
- Added Celestial Body base class (things happen within them)
- Made Black Holes crush ships within them for a period of time
- Ship Tracker HUD in GUI
- Tracking now by player instead of ship
- Dynamic GUI Image Loader
- Aligned JavaDoc Version Numbers with Server
- Breaking Changes:
- Renamed HomeBase to Outpost in Bauble Hunt to align with Discovery Quest
- Changed shipDestroyed parameters in client interface
- Added this changelog
- Functional Updates:
- SteerCommand can also be non-blocking now (optional parameter)
- IdleCommand costs no energy
- Survivor game now based on travel to encourage movement.
- Auto-kick feature for inactive clients (disconnect_on_idle)
- Client prints statistics on exit
- BasicSpaceship doesn't require shipDestroyed method any more
- General Client Disconnect and Threading Improvements
- Log files now append timestamp to name
- Fix issues with Planets and Nebulas
- Additional Celestial Body Graphics by Jeff
- Removed unneeded dependencies from Server build to save 1MB.
- Open Sourced under GPLv2
- Re-architected subgame system on client and server, with new subgames:
- King of the Bubble Game (and variant)
- 'Basic' Games:
- Find the Middle
- Survivor
- Asteroid Miner
- Combat Exercise
- Nebulas (cause drag)
- Steer Command
- Improved Client Disconnect
- Improved Configuration Management
- Improved World Entity Class Hierarchy
- Improved Logging Format
- Added Unit Test Framework
- Stabilization and Bug Fixes
- Website
- King of the Bubble Game (2013-2014)
- 2nd Season (2012-2013) Package with 'Hungry Hungry Baubles' and 'Bauble Hunt' games.
- Introduction of advanced commands: All Stop, Cloak, Fire Torpedo, Raise Shields, Repair, Warp
- Migrate to PyMunk 3.0.0
- Detailed History Not Maintained
Space Battle Arena Begins, developed iteratively over the course of April, May, and June 2012.
'Hungry Hungry Baubles' (then Bauble Hunt) was the first competition.
Initial Commands: Thrust, Brake, Rotate, Idle, Radar, Deploy Laser Beacon, Destroy Laser Beacons