remove du-mine, add mac support for wait-any, tweak zellij color
remove du-mine, add mac support for wait-any, tweak zellij color
update hammerspoon with RustRover, add toml/copilot to vimrc, add swa…
update hammerspoon with RustRover, add toml/copilot to vimrc, add swa…
updates to zellij/alacritty interop
updates to zellij/alacritty interop
Alacritty font-switching, updated gitconfig with git-delta
Alacritty font-switching, updated gitconfig with git-delta
Force push
Alacritty font-switching, updated gitconfig with git-delta
Alacritty font-switching, updated gitconfig with git-delta
add zellij, update alacritty (toml), add sd and bat, vim update
add zellij, update alacritty (toml), add sd and bat, vim update
Force push
add zellij, update alacritty (toml), add sd and bat
add zellij, update alacritty (toml), add sd and bat