The following will illustrate how to setup the Python IDE PyCharm to debug Shotgun scripts running inside Autodesk Maya.
- First Get PyCharm Professionnal (the version of PyCharm that supports Remote Debugging) Download Pycharm.
- In PyCharm, setup the Maya Interpreter as the default PyCharm Interpreter (File-> Settings -> Project Interpreter).
- Setup a Remote Debugging Configuration: Run-> Edit Configurations. Add a Remote Debug Config. Set a port. Set Single instance. Uncheck both “Redirect to console Input” and ”Suspend after connect”.
- PyCharm, open the Python project you are trying to debug. Put a break point somewhere. Press the debug python. This will start the Debugging server.
- Ensure your maya python path contains the path to PyCharm pydev libraries (C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\PyCharm 3.4.1\helpers). Easy way to do this is to add a scripts in your maya config folder (C:\Users\phaneus\Documents\maya\2015-x64\scripts):
- Start Maya and connect PyDev to the Remote debugger you have established in PyCharm. In order to do so, you can run a particular Python command. I wrapped this command in a Shelve so it is easier to call it.
- Start the script you want to debug (the script opened at step 4.).
- And hope that your breakpoint will be hit!