This repository contains URDF and macro files for simulating the UR5 robotic arm and Robotiq85 gripper in Gazebo and other robotic simulators.
- ROS Noetic
- Gazebo11
cd ~
mkdir -p grasp_ws/src
cd grasp/src
git clone
git clone
cd ~/grasp_ws
source devel/setup.bash
Executing these commands, rviz will show the gripper, ur5 and ur5-gripper respectively.
# display robotiq85 gripper
roslaunch robotiq_description display_robotiq85.launch
# display ur5
roslaunch ur5_description display.launch
# display ur5-gripper
roslaunch ur5_description display_with_gripper.launch
roslaunch ur5_moveit_config demo_gazebo.launch
(The pkg was created following detailed tutorial)
Control ur5 with MotionPlanning Plugin in rviz
Control robotiq-gripper with MotionPlanning Plugin in rviz