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=== Contact Form 7 Newsletter ===
Contributors: katzwebservices, katzwebdesign
Donate link:
Tags: Constant Contact, Contact Form 7, ContactForm7, Contact Form, Newsletter, Opt In, Email Marketing, form, signup, email newsletter form, newsletter form, newsletter signup, email marketing
Requires at least: 3.2
Tested up to: 3.6.1
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later

Easily integrate email marketing with the Contact Form 7 plugin. When users contact you, they get added to your newsletter!

== Description ==

> __This plugin requires a <a href="" title="Sign up for a free Constant Contact trial" rel="nofollow">Constant Contact account</a>.__ <br />*Don't have an account?* Constant Contact offers a <a href="" rel="nofollow">free 60 day trial</a>, so sign up and give this plugin a whirl!

Automatically add contact form submissions to Constant Contact lists that you choose.

### Get linked with Constant Contact in 60 seconds!
This plugin is very easy to get set up. The instructions are simple:

1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. Go to Contact > Constant Contact menu in the WordPress sidebar
1. Enter your Constant Contact login information
1. Configure the Constant Contact section on the Contact Form 7 "Edit" form page

...and you're done!

### Have multiple forms?
You can configure integrations on a per-form basis. Different Contact Form 7 forms can add users to different Constant Contact lists.

#### Features
* Add contacts to multiple lists at once
* Sync form fields to Constant Contact fields, including your Custom Fields
* Add a newsletter opt-in checkbox to your form (see <a href="">plugin FAQs</a> to learn how)

== Installation ==

1. Upload `contact-form-7-constantcontact to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. Go to Contact > Constant Contact menu in the WordPress sidebar
1. Enter your Constant Contact login information
1. Configure the Constant Contact section on the Contact Form 7 "Edit" form page
1. Map the Integration Fields to the form fields available in the drop-down menus. (see the plugin screenshots)

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Do I need a Constant Contact account? =
Yes, this plugin requires a <a href="" title="Sign up for Constant Contact" rel="nofollow">Constant Contact account</a>.

= Where is the settings page =

In the WordPress administration, navigate to Contact > Constant Contact in the WordPress sidebar. The URL should be `[]/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ctct_cf7`

= How do I change the name of the lists displayed to users? =

When inserting the Constant Contact List code into your form, you will see code that may look something like this:

[ctct ctct-563 type:checkboxes 'General Newsletter::#1' 'Another List::#40']

Let's look at the part of the code that is `'General Newsletter::#1'`. That part tells the plugin to create an option with the name `General Newsletter` with a List ID of `1`. `'Another List::#40'` creates another option with the name `Another List` and the List ID is `40`. To modify the name of the list, change the part before `::`. You could then rename "General Newsletter" to "Product Information" by changing the code to `'Product Information::#1'`

= This plugin uses PressTrends =
By installing this plugin, you agree to allow gathering anonymous usage stats through PressTrends. The data gathered is the active Theme name, WordPress version, plugins installed, and other metrics. This allows the developer of this plugin to know what compatibility issues to test for.

To remove PressTrends integration, add the code to your theme's functions.php file:

add_action('plugins_loaded', 'remove_CTCTCF7_presstrends_plugin', 20);
function remove_CTCTCF7_presstrends_plugin() {
	remove_action('admin_init', array('CTCTCF7', 'presstrends_plugin'));

== Screenshots ==

1. Configure your Constant Contact settings
2. Insert a tag that specifies how you would like users to sign up
3. Map the Contact Form 7 form fields to the Constant Contact fields
4. When a form is connected to Constant Contact, you will see this icon

== Changelog ==

= 2.0 through 2.0.4 =
* Brand-new way of integrating with Contact Form 7 forms! You no longer need to copy and paste form fields. Now there's a simple drop-down menu to pick your Integration Fields.
* Added: When a form is connected to Constant Contact, you will see an icon
* Improved: Handling shortcode processing in CTCT settings
* Fixed: Compatibility with multiple plugins using the same Constant Contact scripts
* 2.0.1 - 2.0.3: Fixed jQuery error on Forms page
* 2.0.4: Added installation instructions and rating box

= 1.1 =
* Adds support for Contact Form 7 3.3 and newer
* Lists will now be updated instead of replaced for existing contacts
* If you don't set an opt-in field, users will no longer receive Welcome to Our Mailing List email.
* Added new "Full Name" tag that will automatically process a full name field into First, Last, and Middle names
* Resolved some PHP warnings

= 1.0.4 =
* Added support for more than 50 contact lists
* Now displays lists in tidy columns on modern browsers
* Restored the "Refresh Lists" link to un-cache lists

= 1.0.3 =
* Renamed Constant Contact API wrapper classes for better namespacing in order to fix <a href="">fatal errors</a> when users already have a plugin with the same class names.
* Fixed issue with first-time form setup potentially breaking sites with PHP warnings, <a href="">as reported here</a>
* Improved documentation: there is now inline help when setting up form integration.
* Improved plugin translation support
* Fixed issue where forms were being sent to Constant Contact, even when integration checkbox was unchecked, <a href="">as reported here</a>

= 1.0.2 =
* Fixed issue with first-time form setup potentially breaking sites with PHP warnings, <a href="">as reported here</a>
* Improved documentation: there is now inline help when setting up form integration.
* Improved plugin translation support

= 1.0.1 =
* Improved documentation: there is now inline help when setting up form integration.
* Improved plugin translation support

= 1.00 =
* Liftoff!

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 2.0 through 2.0.4 =
* Brand-new way of integrating with Contact Form 7 forms! You no longer need to copy and paste form fields. Now there's a simple drop-down menu to pick your Integration Fields.
* Added: When a form is connected to Constant Contact, you will see an icon
* Improved: Handling shortcode processing in CTCT settings
* Fixed: Compatibility with multiple plugins using the same Constant Contact scripts
* 2.0.1 - 2.0.3: Fixed jQuery error on Forms page
* 2.0.4: Added installation instructions and rating box

= 1.1 =
* Adds support for Contact Form 7 3.3 and newer
* Lists will now be updated instead of replaced for existing contacts
* If you don't set an opt-in field, users will no longer receive Welcome to Our Mailing List email.
* Added new "Full Name" tag that will automatically process a full name field into First, Last, and Middle names
* Resolved some PHP warnings

= 1.0.4 =
* Added support for more than 50 contact lists
* Now displays lists in tidy columns on modern browsers
* Restored the "Refresh Lists" link to un-cache lists

= 1.0.3 =
* Renamed Constant Contact API wrapper classes for better namespacing in order to fix <a href="">fatal errors</a> when users already have a plugin with the same class names.
* Fixed issue with first-time form setup potentially breaking sites with PHP warnings, <a href="">as reported here</a>
* Improved documentation: there is now inline help when setting up form integration.
* Improved plugin translation support
* Fixed issue where forms were being sent to Constant Contact, even when integration checkbox was unchecked, <a href="">as reported here</a>

= 1.0.2 =
* Fixed issue with first-time form setup potentially breaking sites with PHP warnings, <a href="">as reported here</a>

= 1.0.1 =
* Improved documentation: there is now inline help when setting up form integration.
* Improved plugin translation support

= 1.00 =
* Liftoff!