This is an OpenWeatherMap exporter for Prometheus, it exposes weather metrics.
The config file /etc/sensors/metar.yml
would look like:
metar_base_url: ""
metar_http_port: "12345"
- Elba:
province: LI
stationcode: LIRX
stationgeohash: spx729xc6xu6
- Pisa:
province: PI
stationcode: LIRP
stationgeohash: spz2s7rdd037
http_port is the tcp port where the server will listen
This script needs perl modules that you can install from cpan
cpanm install HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI cpanm install base qw(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI) cpanm install Config::YAML cpanm install WWW::Mechanize cpanm install Geo::METAR cpanm install CGI cpanm install Time::Local cpanm install Data::Dumper cpanm install Text::Unidecode
Copy the script in /usr/local/sbin/ Make it executable chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/
/usr/local/sbin/ > /dev/null 2>&1
To stop, kill its PID