diff --git a/.github/.stale.yml b/.github/.stale.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4beb2b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/.stale.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale
+daysUntilStale: 60
+# Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed
+daysUntilClose: 7
+# Label to use when marking an issue as stale
+staleLabel: wontfix
+# Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable
+markComment: >
+ This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had
+ recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you
+ for your contributions.
+# Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable
+closeComment: false
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92f8184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+name: build
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ - develop
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ timeout-minutes: 15
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Set up Python 3.8
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v2
+ with:
+ python-version: 3.8
+ - name: Install poetry
+ run: |
+ pip install -U pip
+ curl -sSL "https://install.python-poetry.org" | python -
+ echo "${HOME}/.poetry/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
+ - name: Set up cache
+ uses: actions/cache@v2
+ with:
+ path: .venv
+ key: venv-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('poetry.lock') }}
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: |
+ poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
+ poetry run pip install -U pip
+ poetry install
+ - name: Check codestyle
+ run: |
+ poetry run flake8 --show-source --statistics --count -- .
+ poetry run isort --check-only -- .
+ # poetry run mypy -- .
+ poetry run doc8 -q -- docs
+ # - name: Unit tests
+ # run: |
+ # poetry run pytest .
+ - name: Check dependencies compatibility
+ run: |
+ poetry run poetry check
+ poetry run pip check
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pipeline.yml b/.github/workflows/pipeline.yml
index afc53ed..f0b58a7 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/pipeline.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/pipeline.yml
@@ -7,41 +7,46 @@ on:
- master
+ - develop
- build:
+ build:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 60
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python-version: [3.8]
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Set up Python 3.8
+ - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- python-version: 3.8
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- - name: Get pip cache dir
- id: pip-cache
+ - name: Install poetry
run: |
- echo "::set-output name=dir::$(pip cache dir)"
+ pip install -U pip
+ curl -sSL "https://install.python-poetry.org" | python -
+ echo "${HOME}/.poetry/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- name: Set up cache
uses: actions/cache@v2
- path: ${{ steps.pip-cache.outputs.dir }}
- key: ${{ runner.os }}-pip-${{ hashFiles('requirements.txt') }}
- restore-keys: |
- ${{ runner.os }}-pip-
+ path: .venv
+ key: venv-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('poetry.lock') }}
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python setup.py install
+ poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
+ poetry run pip install -U pip
+ poetry install
- name: Cache data
id: cache-div2k
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: data/*.zip
- key: ${{ runner.os }}-data
+ key: data-div2k
- name: Download DIV2K dataset
if: steps.cache-div2k.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
@@ -50,10 +55,6 @@ jobs:
wget http://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/cvl/DIV2K/DIV2K_valid_HR.zip -P ./data/
wget https://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/cvl/DIV2K/DIV2K_valid_LR_bicubic_X4.zip -P ./data/
- - name: Check pipeline - phase 1 (supervised)
- run: |
- catalyst-dl run -C experiment/config_supervised.yml --check --stages/data_params/batch_size=2:int
- - name: Check pipeline - phase 2(GAN)
+ - name: Check pipeline
run: |
- catalyst-dl run -C experiment/config_gan.yml --check --stages/data_params/batch_size=2:int
+ poetry run catalyst-dl run -C tests/pipeline/config.yml --check
diff --git a/.readthedocs.yml b/.readthedocs.yml
index 6ec71db..b80f037 100644
--- a/.readthedocs.yml
+++ b/.readthedocs.yml
@@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ sphinx:
version: 3.8
+ - method: pip
+ path: .
- requirements: docs/requirements.txt
- - requirements: requirements.txt
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 005b07a..369f220 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -19,29 +19,22 @@ Key points of ESRGAN:
* `Catalyst` as pipeline runner for deep learning tasks. This new and rapidly developing [library](https://github.com/catalyst-team/catalyst).
can significantly reduce the amount of boilerplate code. If you are familiar with the TensorFlow ecosystem, you can think of Catalyst
- as Keras for PyTorch. This framework is integrated with logging systems such as the well-known [TensorBoard](https://www.tensorflow.org/tensorboard).
-* `Pytorch`, `torchvision`, and `PIQ` as main frameworks for deep learning.
-* `Albumentations` for data preprocessing.
+ as Keras for PyTorch. This framework is integrated with logging systems such as the well-known [TensorBoard](https://www.tensorflow.org/tensorboard);
+* `Pytorch` and `torchvision` as main frameworks for deep learning;
+* `Albumentations` and `PIQ` for data processing.
## Quick Start
### Setup environment
-`esrgan` requires python >= 3.8. The [requirements.txt](requirements.txt) file can be used to install the necessary packages.
-git clone https://github.com/leverxgroup/esrgan.git
-pip install ./esrgan
+pip install git+https://github.com/leverxgroup/esrgan.git
### Run an experiment
+catalyst-dl run -C esrgan/config.yml --benchmark
-# step 1 - supervised training of the model
-catalyst-dl run -C esrgan/experiment/config_supervised.yml --benchmark
-# step 2 - use weights from step 1 to train model using GAN approach
-catalyst-dl run -C esrgan/experiment/config_gan.yml --benchmark
-where `esrgan/experiment/config.yml` is a path to the [config](experiment/config.yml) file.
+where `esrgan/config.yml` is a path to the [config](config.yml) file.
## Results
Some examples of work of ESRGAN model trained on [DIV2K](https://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/cvl/DIV2K) dataset:
@@ -52,5 +45,8 @@ Some examples of work of ESRGAN model trained on [DIV2K](https://data.vision.ee.
+## Documentation
+Full documentation for the project is available at https://esrgan.readthedocs.io/
## License
`esrgan` is released under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for additional details about it.
diff --git a/config.yml b/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f52e97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+ upscale: &upscale 4 # 2, 4, 8
+ patch_size: &patch_size 128 # 40, 64, 96, 128, 192
+ _key_value: true
+ &generator_model generator:
+ _target_: esrgan.models.EncoderDecoderNet
+ encoder:
+ _target_: esrgan.models.ESREncoder
+ in_channels: &num_channels 3
+ out_channels: &latent_channels 64
+ num_basic_blocks: 16
+ growth_channels: 32
+ activation: &activation
+ _mode_: partial
+ _target_: torch.nn.LeakyReLU
+ negative_slope: 0.2
+ inplace: true
+ residual_scaling: 0.2
+ decoder:
+ _target_: esrgan.models.ESRNetDecoder
+ in_channels: *latent_channels
+ out_channels: *num_channels
+ scale_factor: *upscale
+ activation: *activation
+ &discriminator_model discriminator:
+ _target_: esrgan.models.VGGConv
+ encoder:
+ _target_: esrgan.models.StridedConvEncoder
+ pool:
+ _target_: catalyst.contrib.layers.AdaptiveAvgPool2d
+ output_size: [7,7]
+ head:
+ _target_: esrgan.models.LinearHead
+ in_channels: 25088 # 512 * (7x7)
+ out_channels: 1
+ latent_channels: [1024]
+ logdir: logs
+ _target_: esrgan.runner.GANConfigRunner
+ generator_key: *generator_model
+ discriminator_key: *discriminator_model
+ stage1_supervised:
+ num_epochs: 10000
+ loaders: &loaders
+ train: &train_loader
+ _target_: torch.utils.data.DataLoader
+ dataset:
+ _target_: torch.utils.data.ConcatDataset
+ datasets:
+ - &div2k_dataset
+ _target_: esrgan.datasets.DIV2KDataset
+ root: data
+ train: true
+ target_type: bicubic_X4
+ patch_size: [*patch_size,*patch_size]
+ transform:
+ _target_: albumentations.Compose
+ transforms:
+ - &spatial_transforms
+ _target_: albumentations.Compose
+ transforms:
+ _target_: albumentations.OneOf
+ transforms:
+ - _target_: albumentations.Flip
+ p: 0.75 # p = 1/4 (vflip) + 1/4 (hflip) + 1/4 (flip)
+ - _target_: albumentations.Transpose
+ p: 0.25 # p = 1/4
+ p: 0.5
+ additional_targets:
+ real_image: image
+ - &hard_transforms
+ _target_: albumentations.Compose
+ transforms:
+ - _target_: albumentations.CoarseDropout
+ max_holes: 8
+ max_height: 2
+ max_width: 2
+ - _target_: albumentations.ImageCompression
+ quality_lower: 65
+ p: 0.25
+ - &post_transforms
+ _target_: albumentations.Compose
+ transforms:
+ - _target_: albumentations.Normalize
+ mean: 0
+ std: 1
+ - _target_: albumentations.ToTensorV2
+ additional_targets:
+ real_image: image
+ low_resolution_image_key: image
+ high_resolution_image_key: real_image
+ download: true
+ - &flickr2k_dataset
+ << : [*div2k_dataset] # Flickr2K with the same params as in `DIV2KDataset`
+ _target_: esrgan.datasets.Flickr2KDataset
+ batch_size: 16
+ shuffle: true
+ num_workers: 8
+ pin_memory: true
+ drop_last: true
+ valid:
+ << : [*train_loader]
+ dataset: # redefine dataset to use only DIV2K
+ << : [*div2k_dataset]
+ train: false
+ transform: *post_transforms
+ batch_size: 1
+ drop_last: false
+ criterion: &criterions
+ content_loss:
+ # `torch.nn.L1Loss` | `torch.nn.MSELoss`
+ _target_: torch.nn.L1Loss
+ optimizer:
+ _key_value: true
+ generator:
+ _target_: torch.optim.Adam
+ lr: 0.0002
+ weight_decay: 0.0
+ _model: *generator_model
+ scheduler:
+ _key_value: true
+ generator:
+ _target_: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR
+ step_size: 500
+ gamma: 0.5
+ _optimizer: generator
+ callbacks: &callbacks
+ psnr_metric:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.FunctionalMetricCallback
+ metric_fn:
+ _target_: piq.psnr
+ data_range: 1.0
+ reduction: mean
+ convert_to_greyscale: false
+ input_key: real_image
+ target_key: fake_image
+ metric_key: psnr
+ ssim_metric:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.FunctionalMetricCallback
+ metric_fn:
+ _target_: piq.ssim
+ kernel_size: 11
+ kernel_sigma: 1.5
+ data_range: 1.0
+ reduction: mean
+ k1: 0.01
+ k2: 0.03
+ input_key: real_image
+ target_key: fake_image
+ metric_key: ssim
+ loss_content:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.CriterionCallback
+ input_key: real_image
+ target_key: fake_image
+ metric_key: loss_content
+ criterion_key: content_loss
+ optimizer_generator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.OptimizerCallback
+ metric_key: loss_content
+ model_key: *generator_model
+ optimizer_key: generator
+ grad_clip_fn: &grad_clip_fn
+ _mode_: partial
+ _target_: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_value_
+ clip_value: 5.0
+ scheduler_generator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.SchedulerCallback
+ scheduler_key: generator
+ loader_key: valid
+ metric_key: loss_content
+ stage2_gan:
+ num_epochs: 8000
+ loaders:
+ << : [*loaders]
+ train:
+ << : [*train_loader]
+ dataset:
+ << : [*div2k_dataset]
+ transform:
+ _target_: albumentations.Compose
+ transforms:
+ - *spatial_transforms
+ - *post_transforms
+ batch_size: 16
+ criterion:
+ << : [*criterions]
+ perceptual_loss:
+ _target_: esrgan.nn.PerceptualLoss
+ layers:
+ conv5_4: 1.0
+ adversarial_generator_loss:
+ # `esrgan.nn.RelativisticAdversarialLoss` | `esrgan.nn.AdversarialLoss`
+ _target_: &adversarial_criterion esrgan.nn.RelativisticAdversarialLoss
+ mode: generator
+ adversarial_discriminator_loss:
+ _target_: *adversarial_criterion
+ mode: discriminator
+ optimizer:
+ _key_value: true
+ generator:
+ _target_: torch.optim.AdamW
+ lr: 0.0001
+ weight_decay: 0.0
+ _model: *generator_model
+ discriminator:
+ _target_: torch.optim.AdamW
+ lr: 0.0001
+ weight_decay: 0.0
+ _model: *discriminator_model
+ scheduler:
+ _key_value: true
+ generator:
+ _target_: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR
+ milestones: &scheduler_milestones [1000,2000,4000,6000]
+ gamma: 0.5
+ _optimizer: generator
+ discriminator:
+ _target_: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR
+ milestones: *scheduler_milestones
+ gamma: 0.5
+ _optimizer: discriminator
+ callbacks:
+ # re-use `psnr_metric`, `ssim_metric`, and `loss_content` callbacks
+ << : [*callbacks]
+ loss_perceptual:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.CriterionCallback
+ input_key: real_image
+ target_key: fake_image
+ metric_key: loss_perceptual
+ criterion_key: perceptual_loss
+ loss_adversarial:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.CriterionCallback
+ input_key: g_fake_logits # first argument of criterion is fake_logits
+ target_key: g_real_logits # second argument of criterion is real_logits
+ metric_key: loss_adversarial
+ criterion_key: adversarial_generator_loss
+ loss_generator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.MetricAggregationCallback
+ metric_key: &generator_loss loss_generator
+ metrics:
+ loss_content: 0.01
+ loss_perceptual: 1.0
+ loss_adversarial: 0.005
+ mode: weighted_sum
+ loss_discriminator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.CriterionCallback
+ input_key: d_fake_logits
+ target_key: d_real_logits
+ metric_key: &discriminator_loss loss_discriminator
+ criterion_key: adversarial_discriminator_loss
+ optimizer_generator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.OptimizerCallback
+ metric_key: *generator_loss
+ model_key: *generator_model
+ optimizer_key: generator
+ grad_clip_fn: *grad_clip_fn
+ optimizer_discriminator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.OptimizerCallback
+ metric_key: *discriminator_loss
+ model_key: *discriminator_model
+ optimizer_key: discriminator
+ grad_clip_fn: *grad_clip_fn
+ scheduler_generator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.SchedulerCallback
+ scheduler_key: generator
+ loader_key: valid
+ metric_key: *generator_loss
+ scheduler_discriminator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.SchedulerCallback
+ scheduler_key: discriminator
+ loader_key: valid
+ metric_key: *discriminator_loss
diff --git a/docs/_static/abalation_study.png b/docs/_static/abalation_study.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9941535
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_static/abalation_study.png differ
diff --git a/docs/_static/architecture.png b/docs/_static/architecture.png
index 5226a30..cca2ae7 100644
Binary files a/docs/_static/architecture.png and b/docs/_static/architecture.png differ
diff --git a/docs/_static/bn_artifacts.jpg b/docs/_static/bn_artifacts.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d30ec0e
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_static/bn_artifacts.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/_static/patch_a.png b/docs/_static/patch_a.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2ddf52
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_static/patch_a.png differ
diff --git a/docs/_static/patch_b.png b/docs/_static/patch_b.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f885b7a
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_static/patch_b.png differ
diff --git a/docs/_static/qualitative_cmp_01.jpg b/docs/_static/qualitative_cmp_01.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c523281
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_static/qualitative_cmp_01.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/_static/qualitative_cmp_02.jpg b/docs/_static/qualitative_cmp_02.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54d6bb5
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_static/qualitative_cmp_02.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/_static/qualitative_cmp_03.jpg b/docs/_static/qualitative_cmp_03.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e19c38
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_static/qualitative_cmp_03.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/_static/qualitative_cmp_04.jpg b/docs/_static/qualitative_cmp_04.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b76744
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_static/qualitative_cmp_04.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/_static/train_deeper_neta.png b/docs/_static/train_deeper_neta.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0934de9
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_static/train_deeper_neta.png differ
diff --git a/docs/_static/train_deeper_netb.png b/docs/_static/train_deeper_netb.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6c4f89
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/_static/train_deeper_netb.png differ
diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
index ca830d8..583629b 100644
--- a/docs/conf.py
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -9,24 +9,40 @@
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
-import datetime
import os
import sys
+from typing import Iterable
+import tomlkit
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../"))
# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
-project = 'esrgan'
-copyright = '2020, Emerline, Inc. and its affiliates.'
-author = 'Emerline'
+def _get_project_meta():
+ with open("../pyproject.toml") as pyproject:
+ file_contents = pyproject.read()
+ return tomlkit.parse(file_contents)["tool"]["poetry"]
+pkg_meta = _get_project_meta()
+project = str(pkg_meta["name"])
+copyright = "2020, Emerline, Inc. and its affiliates." # noqa: WPS125
+author = "Emerline"
+# The short X.Y version
+version = str(pkg_meta["version"])
+# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
+release = version
-## -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
+# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
-# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
+# extensions coming with Sphinx (named "sphinx.ext.*") or your custom
# ones.
extensions = [
@@ -34,7 +50,7 @@
- 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx',
+ "sphinx.ext.intersphinx",
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
@@ -57,7 +73,7 @@
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path.
-exclude_patterns = []
+exclude_patterns: Iterable[str] = []
autodoc_inherit_docstrings = False
napoleon_google_docstring = True
@@ -76,7 +92,7 @@
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
-html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"
+html_theme = "press"
html_favicon = "_static/index.ico"
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
@@ -84,4 +100,4 @@
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
html_static_path = ["_static"]
-html_short_title = "esrgan"
+html_short_title = project
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 27db55d..4a7f169 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -22,48 +22,38 @@ capable of recovering HR images from LR ones. And ESRGAN (Enhanced SRGAN) is one
Key points of ESRGAN:
- SRResNet-based architecture with residual-in-residual blocks;
-- Mixture of context, perceptual, and adversarial losses. Context and perceptual losses are used for proper image upscaling,
- while adversarial loss pushes neural network to the natural image manifold using a discriminator network
- that is trained to differentiate between the super-resolved images and original photo-realistic images.
+- Mixture of context, perceptual, and adversarial losses. Context and perceptual losses are used for proper
+ image upscaling, while adversarial loss pushes neural network to the natural image manifold using a discriminator
+ network that is trained to differentiate between the super-resolved images and original photo-realistic images.
.. image:: ./_static/architecture.png
+ :width: 100%
* `Catalyst` as pipeline runner for deep learning tasks. This new and rapidly developing `library `__
- can significantly reduce the amount of boilerplate code. If you are familiar with the TensorFlow ecosystem, you can think of Catalyst
- as Keras for PyTorch. This framework is integrated with logging systems such as the well-known `TensorBoard `__.
-* `Pytorch`, `torchvision`, and `PIQ` as main frameworks for deep learning.
-* `Albumentations` for data preprocessing.
+ can significantly reduce the amount of boilerplate code. If you are familiar with the TensorFlow ecosystem,
+ you can think of Catalyst as Keras for PyTorch. This framework is integrated with logging systems
+ such as the well-known `TensorBoard `__;
+* `Pytorch` and `torchvision` as main frameworks for deep learning;
+* `Albumentations` and `PIQ` for data processing.
Quick Start
-Setup environment
-`esrgan` requires python >= 3.8. The `requirements.txt <../requirements.txt>`__ file can be used to install the necessary packages.
- git clone https://github.com/leverxgroup/esrgan.git
- pip install ./esrgan
-Run an experiment
+ # step 1 - Setup environment, please check `Installation` for more info
+ pip install git+https://github.com/leverxgroup/esrgan.git
- # step 1 - supervised training of the model
- catalyst-dl run -C esrgan/experiment/config_supervised.yml --benchmark
+ # step 2 - Load / prepare config with training details
+ wget https://github.com/leverxgroup/esrgan/blob/master/config.yml
- # step 2 - use weights from step 1 to train model using GAN approach
- catalyst-dl run -C esrgan/experiment/config_gan.yml --benchmark
-where `esrgan/experiment/config.yml` is a path to the `config file <../experiment/config.yml>`__.
+ # step 3 - train ESRGAN
+ catalyst-dl run -C config.yml --benchmark
@@ -71,43 +61,27 @@ Results
Some examples of work of ESRGAN model trained on `DIV2K `__ dataset:
-.. |squirrel_lr| image:: ./_static/sq_crop_lr.png
- :width: 128px
- :height: 128px
-.. |squirrel_sr| image:: ./_static/sq_crop_sr_x4.png
- :width: 128px
- :height: 128px
-.. |squirrel_hr| image:: ./_static/sq_crop_hr.png
- :width: 128px
- :height: 128px
-.. |wolf_lr| image:: ./_static/wf_crop_lr.png
- :width: 128px
- :height: 128px
-.. |wolf_sr| image:: ./_static/wf_crop_sr_x4.png
- :width: 128px
- :height: 128px
-.. |wolf__hr| image:: ./_static/wf_crop_hr.png
- :width: 128px
- :height: 128px
-.. |fish_lr| image:: ./_static/fish_crop_lr.png
- :width: 128px
- :height: 128px
-.. |fish_sr| image:: ./_static/fish_crop_sr_x4.png
- :width: 128px
- :height: 128px
-.. |fish_hr| image:: ./_static/fish_crop_hr.png
- :width: 128px
- :height: 128px
-===================== =============== ======================
- LR (low resolution) ESRGAN (ours) HR (high resolution)
-===================== =============== ======================
- |squirrel_lr| |squirrel_sr| |squirrel_hr|
- |wolf_lr| |wolf_sr| |wolf__hr|
- |fish_lr| |fish_sr| |fish_hr|
-===================== =============== ======================
+.. table::
+ :widths: 33 33 33
+ +---------------------------------------+------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | .. centered:: LR (low resolution) | .. centered:: ESRGAN (ours) | .. centered:: HR (high resolution) |
+ +=======================================+==========================================+=======================================+
+ | .. image:: ./_static/sq_crop_lr.png | .. image:: ./_static/sq_crop_sr_x4.png | .. image:: ./_static/sq_crop_hr.png |
+ | :width: 128px | :width: 128px | :width: 128px |
+ | :height: 128px | :height: 128px | :height: 128px |
+ | :align: center | :align: center | :align: center |
+ +---------------------------------------+------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | .. image:: ./_static/wf_crop_lr.png | .. image:: ./_static/wf_crop_sr_x4.png | .. image:: ./_static/wf_crop_hr.png |
+ | :width: 128px | :width: 128px | :width: 128px |
+ | :height: 128px | :height: 128px | :height: 128px |
+ | :align: center | :align: center | :align: center |
+ +---------------------------------------+------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | .. image:: ./_static/fish_crop_lr.png | .. image:: ./_static/fish_crop_sr_x4.png | .. image:: ./_static/fish_crop_hr.png |
+ | :width: 128px | :width: 128px | :width: 128px |
+ | :height: 128px | :height: 128px | :height: 128px |
+ | :align: center | :align: center | :align: center |
+ +---------------------------------------+------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
@@ -120,18 +94,25 @@ Bugfixes and contributions are very much appreciated!
-`esrgan` is released under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. See `LICENSE <../LICENSE>`__ for additional details about it.
+`esrgan` is released under a CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0 license. See `LICENSE `__ for additional details about it.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 3
+ :caption: General
+ pages/install
+ pages/esrgan
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: API
- pages/api/core
+ pages/api/nn
- pages/api/criterions
+ pages/api/catalyst
Indices and tables
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+Various features for customization/modification of `Catalyst `__ pipelines e.g., runners, metrics, callbacks:
+.. contents::
+ :depth: 2
+ :local:
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.runner.GANRunner
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.runner.GANConfigRunner
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
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-Core (Catalyst abstractions)
-There are 3 main abstractions in `Catalyst `__: *Experiment*, *Runner*, and *Callback*.
-In general, the *Experiment* knows **what** you would like to run, *Runner* contains all the logic of **how** to run the experiment,
-while *Callbacks* allow you to customize experiment run logic by using specific custom callback functions without changing neither *Experiment* nor *Runner*.
-.. note::
- To learn more about Catalyst Core concepts, please check out
- - :py:obj:`catalyst.core.experiment.IExperiment` (`docs `__)
- - :py:obj:`catalyst.core.runner.IRunner` (`docs `__)
- - :py:obj:`catalyst.core.callback.Callback` (`docs `__)
-*Experiment* in an abstraction that contains information about the experiment – a model, a criterion, an optimizer, a scheduler, and their hyperparameters.
-It also contains information about the data and transformations used. In other words, the Experiment knows **what** you would like to run.
-.. automodule:: esrgan.core.experiment
- :members:
- :undoc-members:
-GAN Runners
-*Runner* is an abstraction that knows how to run an experiment. It contains all the logic of **how** to run the experiment, stages, epoch and batches.
-.. automodule:: esrgan.core.runner
- :members:
- :undoc-members:
-*Callback* is an abstraction that lets you customize your experiment run logic.
-To give users maximum flexibility and extensibility Catalyst supports callback execution anywhere in the training loop:
-.. code:: bash
- -- stage start
- ---- epoch start
- ------ loader start
- -------- batch start
- ---------- batch handler (Runner logic)
- -------- batch end
- ------ loader end
- ---- epoch end
- -- stage end
- exception – if an Exception was raised
-For example, to calculate ROC-AUC of the model you may use :py:func:`on_batch_end` method to gather per-batch predictions
-and :py:func:`on_loader_end` method to average those statistics.
-.. automodule:: esrgan.callbacks.metrics
- :members:
- :undoc-members:
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Adversarial Loss
-.. automodule:: esrgan.criterions.adversarial
- :members:
- :undoc-members:
-Perceptual Loss
-.. automodule:: esrgan.criterions.perceptual
- :members:
- :undoc-members:
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--- a/docs/pages/api/datasets.rst
+++ b/docs/pages/api/datasets.rst
@@ -1,20 +1,39 @@
-All datasets are subclasses of :class:`torch.utils.data.Dataset` i.e, they have ``__getitem__`` and ``__len__`` methods implemented.
-Hence, they can all be passed to a :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader` which can load multiple samples parallelly using ``torch.multiprocessing`` workers.
+The models subpackage contains definitions for the following datasets for image super-resolution:
+.. contents::
+ :depth: 2
+ :local:
+All datasets are subclasses of :class:`torch.utils.data.Dataset` i.e, they have ``__getitem__`` and ``__len__`` methods
+implemented. Hence, they can all be passed to a :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader` which can load multiple samples
+parallelly using ``torch.multiprocessing`` workers.
For example: ::
- div2k_data = esrgan.dataset.DIV2KDataset('path/to/div2k_root/')
+ div2k_data = esrgan.datasets.DIV2KDataset('path/to/div2k_root/')
data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(div2k_data, batch_size=4, shuffle=True)
-.. autoclass:: esrgan.dataset.div2k.DIV2KDataset
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.datasets.DIV2KDataset
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.datasets.Flickr2KDataset
+ :members:
Folder of Images
-.. autoclass:: esrgan.dataset.image_folder.ImageFolderDataset
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.datasets.ImageFolderDataset
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--- a/docs/pages/api/models.rst
+++ b/docs/pages/api/models.rst
@@ -1,71 +1,68 @@
+The models subpackage contains definitions of models for addressing image super-resolution tasks:
-.. automodule:: esrgan.model.generator
+.. contents::
+ :depth: 2
+ :local:
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.models.EncoderDecoderNet
-.. automodule:: esrgan.model.module.srresnet
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.models.SRResNetEncoder
-.. automodule:: esrgan.model.module.esrnet
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.models.SRResNetDecoder
-.. automodule:: esrgan.model.discriminator
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.models.ESREncoder
-.. automodule:: esrgan.model.module.conv
- :members:
- :undoc-members:
-.. automodule:: esrgan.model.module.linear
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.models.ESRNetDecoder
-These are the basic building block for graphs
-.. automodule:: esrgan.model.module.blocks.container
- :members:
- :undoc-members:
-Residual-in-Residual Block
-.. automodule:: esrgan.model.module.blocks.rrdb
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.models.VGGConv
-.. automodule:: esrgan.model.module.blocks.upsampling
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.models.StridedConvEncoder
-.. automodule:: esrgan.model.module.blocks.misc
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.models.LinearHead
diff --git a/docs/pages/api/nn.rst b/docs/pages/api/nn.rst
new file mode 100644
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+These are the basic building block for graphs:
+.. contents::
+ :depth: 2
+ :local:
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.nn.ConcatInputModule
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.nn.ResidualModule
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+Residual-in-Residual layers
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.nn.ResidualDenseBlock
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.nn.ResidualInResidualDenseBlock
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+UpSampling layers
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.nn.InterpolateConv
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.nn.SubPixelConv
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+Loss functions
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.nn.AdversarialLoss
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.nn.RelativisticAdversarialLoss
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.nn.PerceptualLoss
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.nn.Conv2dSN
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+.. autoclass:: esrgan.nn.LinearSN
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
diff --git a/docs/pages/api/utils.rst b/docs/pages/api/utils.rst
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
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--- a/docs/pages/api/utils.rst
+++ b/docs/pages/api/utils.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
-Set of utilities that can make life a little bit easier.
+Set of utilities that can make life a little bit easier:
+.. contents::
+ :depth: 2
+ :local:
+.. automodule:: esrgan.utils.aug
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
Model init
@@ -26,6 +38,3 @@ Misc
.. automodule:: esrgan.utils.misc
-.. automodule:: esrgan.utils.types
- :members:
- :undoc-members:
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+Network Architecture
+.. image:: ../_static/architecture.png
+ :width: 100%
+Main modifications in the structure of generator G, discriminator D, and training process in comparison to SRGAN:
+1. all BN layers were removed from the generator;
+2. original basic blocks were replaced with the proposed Residual-in-Residual Dense Blocks (RRDB),
+ which combines multi-level residual network and dense connections;
+3. relativistic discriminator, which tries to predict the probability that a real image :math:`x_r`
+ is relatively more realistic than a fake one :math:`x_f`;
+4. perceptual loss on features before activation.
+Qualitative Results
+ PSNR (evaluated on the Y channel) and the perceptual index used in the PIRM-SR challenge
+ are also provided for reference. `\[1\]`_
+.. image:: ../_static/qualitative_cmp_01.jpg
+ :width: 100%
+.. image:: ../_static/qualitative_cmp_02.jpg
+ :width: 100%
+.. image:: ../_static/qualitative_cmp_03.jpg
+ :width: 100%
+.. image:: ../_static/qualitative_cmp_04.jpg
+ :width: 100%
+Ablation Study
+ Overall visual comparisons for showing the effects of each component in ESRGAN.
+ Each column represents a model with its configurations in the top.
+ The red sign indicates the main improvement compared with the previous model. `\[1\]`_
+.. image:: ../_static/abalation_study.png
+ :width: 100%
+BatchNorm artifacts
+ We empirically observe that BN layers tend to bring artifacts. These artifacts, namely BN artifacts,
+ occasionally appear among iterations and different settings, violating the needs for a stable performance
+ over training. We find that the network depth, BN position, training dataset and training loss
+ have impact on the occurrence of BN artifacts. `\[1\]`_
+.. image:: ../_static/bn_artifacts.jpg
+ :width: 100%
+Useful techniques to train a very deep network
+ We find that residual scaling and smaller initialization can help to train a very deep network.
+ - A smaller initialization than MSRA initialization (multiplying 0.1 for all initialization parameters
+ that calculated by MSRA initialization) works well in our experiments;
+ - In our settings, for each residual block, the residual features after the last convolution layer
+ are multiplied by 0.2. `\[1\]`_
+.. |init a| image:: ../_static/train_deeper_neta.png
+ :width: 49%
+.. |init b| image:: ../_static/train_deeper_netb.png
+ :width: 49%
+|init a| |init b|
+The influence of training patch size
+ We observe that training a deeper network benefits from a larger patch size.
+ Moreover, the deeper model achieves more improvement (∼0.12dB) than the shallower one (∼0.04dB)
+ since larger model capacity is capable of taking full advantage of larger training patch size.
+ (Evaluated on Set5 dataset with RGB channels.) `\[1\]`_
+.. |16 blocks| image:: ../_static/patch_a.png
+ :width: 49%
+.. |23 blocks| image:: ../_static/patch_b.png
+ :width: 49%
+|16 blocks| |23 blocks|
+.. _\[1\]: https://github.com/xinntao/ESRGAN
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+You can install ``esrgan`` via `pip `_ or directly from source.
+Install from GitHub
+You can install the latest development version using `pip `_ directly from the GitHub repository:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ pip install git+https://github.com/leverxgroup/esrgan.git
+Install from source
+It's also possible to clone the Git repository and install it from source with `Poetry `_:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ git clone https://github.com/leverxgroup/esrgan.git
+ cd esrgan
+ poetry install
+.. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/
+.. _pypi: https://pypi.org/
+.. _poetry: https://python-poetry.org/
diff --git a/docs/requirements.txt b/docs/requirements.txt
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 094a5da..1dbee2e
--- a/docs/requirements.txt
+++ b/docs/requirements.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/esrgan/__version__.py b/esrgan/__version__.py
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/esrgan/__version__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-__version__ = "0.0.1"
diff --git a/esrgan/callbacks/__init__.py b/esrgan/callbacks/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/esrgan/callbacks/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# flake8: noqa
-from esrgan.callbacks.metrics import PSNRCallback, SSIMCallback
diff --git a/esrgan/callbacks/metrics.py b/esrgan/callbacks/metrics.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2768687..0000000
--- a/esrgan/callbacks/metrics.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-from typing import Union
-from catalyst.core import BatchMetricCallback
-import piq
-class PSNRCallback(BatchMetricCallback):
- """Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) metric callback.
- Compute Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio for a batch of images.
- Args:
- input_key: Input key to use for PSNR calculation;
- specifies our `y_true`.
- output_key: Output key to use for PSNR calculation;
- specifies our `y_pred`.
- prefix: Name of the metric / key to store in logs.
- multiplier: Scale factor for the metric.
- data_range: Value range of input images (usually 1.0 or 255).
- reduction: Reduction over samples in batch, should be one of:
- ``'mean'``, ``'sum'``, or ``'none'``.
- convert_to_greyscale: If ``True``, convert RGB image to YCbCr format
- and computes PSNR only on luminance channel,
- compute on all 3 channels otherwise.
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- input_key: str = "targets",
- output_key: str = "outputs",
- prefix: str = "psnr",
- multiplier: float = 1.0,
- data_range: Union[int, float] = 1.0,
- reduction: str = "mean",
- convert_to_greyscale: bool = False,
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__(
- prefix=prefix,
- metric_fn=piq.psnr,
- input_key=input_key,
- output_key=output_key,
- multiplier=multiplier,
- data_range=data_range,
- reduction=reduction,
- convert_to_greyscale=convert_to_greyscale,
- )
-class SSIMCallback(BatchMetricCallback):
- """Structural similarity (SSIM) metric callback.
- Computes Structural Similarity (SSIM) index between two images.
- It has been proposed in `Image Quality Assessment: From Error Visibility
- to Structural Similarity`__.
- Args:
- input_key: Input key to use for SSIM calculation;
- specifies our `y_true`.
- output_key: Output key to use for SSIM calculation;
- specifies our `y_pred`.
- prefix: Name of the metric / key to store in logs.
- multiplier: Scale factor for the metric.
- kernel_size: The side-length of the Gaussian sliding window
- used in comparison. Must be an odd value.
- kernel_sigma: Standard deviation of normal distribution.
- data_range: Value range of input images (usually 1.0 or 255).
- reduction: Specifies the reduction to apply to the output, should be
- one of: ``'mean'``, ``'sum'``, or ``'none'``.
- k1: Algorithm parameter, small constant used to stabilize the division
- with small denominator (see original paper for more info).
- k2: Algorithm parameter, small constant used to stabilize the division
- with small denominator (see original paper for more info).
- __ https://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~z70wang/publications/ssim.pdf
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- input_key: str = "targets",
- output_key: str = "outputs",
- prefix: str = "ssim",
- multiplier: float = 1.0,
- kernel_size: int = 11,
- kernel_sigma: float = 1.5,
- data_range: Union[int, float] = 1.0,
- reduction: str = "mean",
- k1: float = 0.01,
- k2: float = 0.03,
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__(
- prefix=prefix,
- metric_fn=piq.ssim,
- input_key=input_key,
- output_key=output_key,
- multiplier=multiplier,
- kernel_size=kernel_size,
- kernel_sigma=kernel_sigma,
- data_range=data_range,
- reduction=reduction,
- k1=k1,
- k2=k2,
- )
-__all__ = ["PSNRCallback", "SSIMCallback"]
diff --git a/esrgan/core/__init__.py b/esrgan/core/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f4b655..0000000
--- a/esrgan/core/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# flake8: noqa
-from esrgan.core.experiment import SRExperiment
-from esrgan.core.runner import GANRunner
diff --git a/esrgan/core/experiment.py b/esrgan/core/experiment.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 53b5dc9..0000000
--- a/esrgan/core/experiment.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-import copy
-from typing import Dict, Optional
-from catalyst import dl
-from esrgan import dataset
-class SRExperiment(dl.ConfigExperiment):
- """Experiment for ESRGAN, please check `catalyst docs`__ for more info.
- __ https://catalyst-team.github.io/catalyst/api/core.html#experiment
- """
- def get_datasets(
- self,
- stage: str,
- train_dataset_params: Optional[Dict] = None,
- valid_dataset_params: Optional[Dict] = None,
- infer_dataset_params: Optional[Dict] = None,
- ) -> dict:
- """Returns the datasets for a given stage and epoch.
- Args:
- stage: stage name of interest, e.g. "train", "finetune", "gan" ...
- train_dataset_params: Parameters of train dataset, must contain
- ``'dataset'`` key with the name of dataset to use
- e.g. :py:class:`esrgan.dataset.DIV2KDataset`.
- valid_dataset_params: Parameters of validation dataset.
- infer_dataset_params: Parameters of inference dataset.
- Returns:
- Dictionary with datasets for current stage.
- Example for Config API:
- .. code-block:: yaml
- train_dataset_params:
- dataset: DIV2KDataset
- root: data
- train: true
- target_type: bicubic_X4
- download: true
- """
- train_dataset_params = train_dataset_params or {}
- valid_dataset_params = valid_dataset_params or {}
- infer_dataset_params = infer_dataset_params or {}
- datasets = {}
- for params, mode in zip(
- (train_dataset_params, valid_dataset_params, infer_dataset_params),
- ("train", "valid", "infer"),
- ):
- if params:
- params_ = copy.deepcopy(params)
- dataset_name = params_.pop("dataset")
- dataset_ = dataset.__dict__[dataset_name]
- transform = self.get_transforms(stage=stage, dataset=mode)
- if transform is not None:
- params_["transform"] = transform
- datasets[mode] = dataset_(**params_)
- return datasets
-__all__ = ["SRExperiment"]
diff --git a/esrgan/core/runner.py b/esrgan/core/runner.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aa6daa..0000000
--- a/esrgan/core/runner.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-from typing import Dict
-from catalyst import dl
-import torch
-class GANRunner(dl.Runner):
- """Runner for experiments with supervised / GAN model."""
- def _init(
- self,
- input_key: str = "image",
- target_key: str = "real_image",
- generator_output_key: str = "fake_image",
- discriminator_real_output_gkey: str = "g_real_logits",
- discriminator_fake_output_gkey: str = "g_fake_logits",
- discriminator_real_output_dkey: str = "d_real_logits",
- discriminator_fake_output_dkey: str = "d_fake_logits",
- generator_key: str = "generator",
- discriminator_key: str = "discriminator",
- ) -> None:
- """Catalyst-specific helper method for `__init__`.
- Args:
- input_key: Key in batch dict mapping for model input.
- target_key: Key in batch dict mapping for target.
- generator_output_key: Key in output dict model output
- of the generator will be stored under.
- discriminator_real_output_gkey: Key to store predictions of
- discriminator for real inputs, contain gradients for generator.
- discriminator_fake_output_gkey: Key to store predictions of
- discriminator for predictions of generator,
- contain gradients for generator.
- discriminator_real_output_dkey: Key to store predictions of
- discriminator for real inputs,
- contain gradients for discriminator only.
- discriminator_fake_output_dkey: Key to store predictions of
- discriminator for items produced by generator,
- contain gradients for discriminator only.
- generator_key: Key in model dict mapping for generator model.
- discriminator_key: Key in model dict mapping for discriminator
- model (will be used in gan stages only).
- """
- super()._init()
- self.generator_key = generator_key
- self.discriminator_key = discriminator_key
- self.input_key = input_key
- self.target_key = target_key
- self.generator_output_key = generator_output_key
- self.discriminator_real_output_gkey = discriminator_real_output_gkey
- self.discriminator_fake_output_gkey = discriminator_fake_output_gkey
- self.discriminator_real_output_dkey = discriminator_real_output_dkey
- self.discriminator_fake_output_dkey = discriminator_fake_output_dkey
- def _prepare_for_stage(self, stage: str) -> None:
- """Prepare `_handle_batch` method for current stage.
- Args:
- stage: Name of current stage.
- Raises:
- NotImplementedError: Name of the `stage` should ends with
- ``'_supervised'``, ``'_gan'`` or should be ``'infer'``,
- raise error otherwise.
- """
- super()._prepare_for_stage(stage=stage)
- if stage.endswith("_supervised") or stage == "infer":
- self._handle_batch = self._handle_batch_supervised
- elif stage.endswith("_gan"):
- self._handle_batch = self._handle_batch_gan
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _handle_batch(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> None:
- # `_handle_batch` method is @abstractmethod so it must be defined
- # even if it overwrites in `_prepare_for_stage`
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _handle_batch_supervised(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> None:
- """Process train/valid batch, supervised mode.
- Args:
- batch: Input batch (batch of samples).
- """
- model = self.model[self.generator_key]
- output = model(batch[self.input_key])
- self.output = {self.generator_output_key: output}
- def _handle_batch_gan(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> None:
- """Process train/valid batch, GAN mode.
- Args:
- batch: Input batch, should raw samples for generator
- and ground truth samples for discriminator.
- """
- generator = self.model[self.generator_key]
- discriminator = self.model[self.discriminator_key]
- real_image = batch[self.target_key]
- fake_image = generator(batch[self.input_key])
- noise = torch.randn(real_image.shape, device=self.device)
- real_image = torch.clamp((real_image + 0.05 * noise), min=0.0, max=1.0)
- # predictions used in calculation of adversarial loss of generator
- real_logits_g = discriminator(real_image)
- fake_logits_g = discriminator(fake_image)
- # predictions used in calculation of adversarial loss of discriminator
- real_logits_d = discriminator(real_image)
- fake_logits_d = discriminator(fake_image.detach())
- self.output = {
- self.generator_output_key: fake_image,
- self.discriminator_real_output_gkey: real_logits_g,
- self.discriminator_fake_output_gkey: fake_logits_g,
- self.discriminator_real_output_dkey: real_logits_d,
- self.discriminator_fake_output_dkey: fake_logits_d,
- }
- def predict_batch(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
- """Generate predictions based on input batch (generator inference).
- Args:
- batch: Input batch (batch of samples to adjust e.g. zoom).
- Returns:
- Batch of predictions of the generator.
- """
- model = self.model[self.generator_key]
- output = model(batch[self.input_key].to(self.device))
- return output
-__all__ = ["GANRunner"]
diff --git a/esrgan/criterions/__init__.py b/esrgan/criterions/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f5bb2..0000000
--- a/esrgan/criterions/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# flake8: noqa
-from esrgan.criterions.adversarial import (
- AdversarialLoss, RelativisticAdversarialLoss,
-from esrgan.criterions.perceptual import PerceptualLoss
diff --git a/esrgan/dataset/__init__.py b/esrgan/dataset/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 89e6706..0000000
--- a/esrgan/dataset/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# flake8: noqa
-from esrgan.dataset.div2k import DIV2KDataset
-from esrgan.dataset.image_folder import ImageFolderDataset
diff --git a/esrgan/dataset/div2k.py b/esrgan/dataset/div2k.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2af4fe6..0000000
--- a/esrgan/dataset/div2k.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-import glob
-from pathlib import Path
-import random
-from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
-from albumentations.augmentations import functional as F
-from catalyst import data, utils
-from catalyst.contrib.datasets.functional import download_and_extract_archive
-import numpy as np
-from torch.utils.data import Dataset
-def paired_random_crop(
- images: Iterable[np.ndarray], crops_sizes: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]],
-) -> Iterable[np.ndarray]:
- """Crop a random part of the input images.
- Args:
- images: Sequence of images.
- crops_sizes: Sequence of crop sizes ``(height, width)``.
- Returns:
- List of crops.
- """
- h_start, w_start = random.random(), random.random()
- crops = [
- F.random_crop(image, height, width, h_start, w_start)
- for image, (height, width) in zip(images, crops_sizes)
- ]
- return crops
-class DIV2KDataset(Dataset):
- """`DIV2K `_ Dataset.
- Args:
- root: Root directory where images are downloaded to.
- train: If True, creates dataset from training set,
- otherwise creates from validation set.
- target_type: Type of target to use, ``'bicubic_X2'``, ``'unknown_X4'``,
- ``'X8'``, ``'mild'``, ...
- patch_size: If ``train == True``, define sizes of patches to produce,
- return full image otherwise. Tuple of height and width.
- transform: A function / transform that takes in dictionary (with low
- and high resolution images) and returns a transformed version.
- low_resolution_image_key: Key to use to store images of low resolution.
- high_resolution_image_key: Key to use to store high resolution images.
- download: If true, downloads the dataset from the internet
- and puts it in root directory. If dataset is already downloaded,
- it is not downloaded again.
- """
- url = "http://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/cvl/DIV2K/"
- resources = {
- "DIV2K_train_LR_bicubic_X2.zip": "9a637d2ef4db0d0a81182be37fb00692",
- "DIV2K_train_LR_unknown_X2.zip": "1396d023072c9aaeb999c28b81315233",
- "DIV2K_valid_LR_bicubic_X2.zip": "1512c9a3f7bde2a1a21a73044e46b9cb",
- "DIV2K_valid_LR_unknown_X2.zip": "d319bd9033573d21de5395e6454f34f8",
- "DIV2K_train_LR_bicubic_X3.zip": "ad80b9fe40c049a07a8a6c51bfab3b6d",
- "DIV2K_train_LR_unknown_X3.zip": "4e651308aaa54d917fb1264395b7f6fa",
- "DIV2K_valid_LR_bicubic_X3.zip": "18b1d310f9f88c13618c287927b29898",
- "DIV2K_valid_LR_unknown_X3.zip": "05184168e3608b5c539fbfb46bcade4f",
- "DIV2K_train_LR_bicubic_X4.zip": "76c43ec4155851901ebbe8339846d93d",
- "DIV2K_train_LR_unknown_X4.zip": "e3c7febb1b3f78bd30f9ba15fe8e3956",
- "DIV2K_valid_LR_bicubic_X4.zip": "21962de700c8d368c6ff83314480eff0",
- "DIV2K_valid_LR_unknown_X4.zip": "8ac3413102bb3d0adc67012efb8a6c94",
- "DIV2K_train_LR_x8.zip": "613db1b855721b3d2b26f4194a1d22a6",
- "DIV2K_train_LR_mild.zip": "807b3e3a5156f35bd3a86c5bbfb674bc",
- "DIV2K_train_LR_difficult.zip": "5a8f2b9e0c5f5ed0dac271c1293662f4",
- "DIV2K_train_LR_wild.zip": "d00982366bffee7c4739ba7ff1316b3b",
- "DIV2K_valid_LR_x8.zip": "c5aeea2004e297e9ff3abfbe143576a5",
- "DIV2K_valid_LR_mild.zip": "8c433f812ca532eed62c11ec0de08370",
- "DIV2K_valid_LR_difficult.zip": "1620af11bf82996bc94df655cb6490fe",
- "DIV2K_valid_LR_wild.zip": "aacae8db6bec39151ca5bb9c80bf2f6c",
- "DIV2K_train_HR.zip": "bdc2d9338d4e574fe81bf7d158758658",
- "DIV2K_valid_HR.zip": "9fcdda83005c5e5997799b69f955ff88",
- }
- def __init__(
- self,
- root: str,
- train: bool = True,
- target_type: str = "bicubic_X4",
- patch_size: Tuple[int, int] = (96, 96),
- transform: Optional[Callable[[Dict], Dict]] = None,
- low_resolution_image_key: str = "lr_image",
- high_resolution_image_key: str = "hr_image",
- download: bool = False,
- ) -> None:
- mode = "train" if train else "valid"
- filename_hr = f"DIV2K_{mode}_HR.zip"
- filename_lr = f"DIV2K_{mode}_LR_{target_type}.zip"
- if download:
- # download HR (target) images
- download_and_extract_archive(
- f"{self.url}{filename_hr}",
- download_root=root,
- filename=filename_hr,
- md5=self.resources[filename_hr],
- )
- # download lr (input) images
- download_and_extract_archive(
- f"{self.url}{filename_lr}",
- download_root=root,
- filename=filename_lr,
- md5=self.resources[filename_lr],
- )
- self.train = train
- self.lr_key = low_resolution_image_key
- self.hr_key = high_resolution_image_key
- # 'index' files
- lr_images = self._images_in_dir(Path(root) / Path(filename_lr).stem)
- hr_images = self._images_in_dir(Path(root) / Path(filename_hr).stem)
- assert len(lr_images) == len(hr_images)
- self.data = [
- {"lr_image": lr_image, "hr_image": hr_image}
- for lr_image, hr_image in zip(lr_images, hr_images)
- ]
- self.open_fn = data.ReaderCompose([
- data.ImageReader(input_key="lr_image", output_key=self.lr_key),
- data.ImageReader(input_key="hr_image", output_key=self.hr_key),
- ])
- self.scale = int(target_type[-1]) if target_type[-1].isdigit() else 4
- height, width = patch_size
- self.target_patch_size = patch_size
- self.input_patch_size = (height // self.scale, width // self.scale)
- self.transform = transform if transform is not None else lambda x: x
- def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Dict:
- """Gets element of the dataset.
- Args:
- index: Index of the element in the dataset.
- Returns:
- Dict of low and high resolution images.
- """
- record = self.data[index]
- sample_dict = self.open_fn(record)
- if self.train:
- # use random crops during training
- lr_crop, hr_crop = paired_random_crop(
- (sample_dict[self.lr_key], sample_dict[self.hr_key]),
- (self.input_patch_size, self.target_patch_size),
- )
- sample_dict.update({self.lr_key: lr_crop, self.hr_key: hr_crop})
- sample_dict = self.transform(sample_dict)
- return sample_dict
- def __len__(self) -> int:
- """Get length of the dataset.
- Returns:
- int: Length of the dataset.
- """
- return len(self.data)
- def _images_in_dir(self, path: Path) -> List[str]:
- # fix path to dir for `NTIRE 2017` datasets
- if not path.exists():
- idx = path.name.rfind("_")
- path = path.parent / path.name[:idx] / path.name[idx + 1:]
- files = glob.iglob(f"{path}/**/*", recursive=True)
- images = sorted(filter(utils.has_image_extension, files))
- return images
-__all__ = ["DIV2KDataset"]
diff --git a/esrgan/dataset/image_folder.py b/esrgan/dataset/image_folder.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f1854b4..0000000
--- a/esrgan/dataset/image_folder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-import glob
-from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional
-from catalyst import data, utils
-class ImageFolderDataset(data.ListDataset):
- """A generic data loader where the samples are arranged in this way: ::
- /xxx.ext
- /xxy.ext
- /xxz.ext
- ...
- /123.ext
- /nsdf3.ext
- /asd932_.ext
- Args:
- pathname: Root directory of dataset.
- image_key: Key to use to store image.
- image_name_key: Key to use to store name of the image.
- transform: A function / transform that takes in dictionary
- and returns its transformed version.
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- pathname: str,
- image_key: str = "image",
- image_name_key: str = "filename",
- transform: Optional[Callable[[Dict], Dict]] = None,
- ) -> None:
- files = glob.iglob(pathname, recursive=True)
- images = sorted(filter(utils.has_image_extension, files))
- list_data = [{"image": filename} for filename in images]
- open_fn = data.ReaderCompose([
- data.ImageReader(input_key="image", output_key=image_key),
- data.LambdaReader(input_key="image", output_key=image_name_key),
- ])
- super().__init__(
- list_data=list_data, open_fn=open_fn, dict_transform=transform
- )
-__all__ = ["ImageFolderDataset"]
diff --git a/esrgan/datasets.py b/esrgan/datasets.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0653dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/esrgan/datasets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+import glob
+from pathlib import Path
+import random
+from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from albumentations.augmentations.crops import functional as F
+from catalyst import data
+from catalyst.contrib.datasets import misc
+import numpy as np
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+from esrgan import utils
+__all__ = ["DIV2KDataset", "Flickr2KDataset", "ImageFolderDataset"]
+def has_image_extension(uri: Union[str, Path]) -> bool:
+ """Checks that file has image extension.
+ Args:
+ uri: The resource to load the file from.
+ Returns:
+ ``True`` if file has image extension, ``False`` otherwise.
+ """
+ ext = Path(uri).suffix
+ return ext.lower() in {".bmp", ".png", ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".tif", ".tiff"}
+def images_in_dir(*args: Union[str, Path]) -> List[str]:
+ """Searches for all images in the directory.
+ Args:
+ *args: Path to the folder with images.
+ Each element of path segments can be either a string
+ representing a path segment, an object implementing
+ the :py:class:`os.PathLike` interface which returns a string,
+ or another path object.
+ Returns:
+ List of images in the folder or its subfolders.
+ """
+ # fix path to dir for the `NTIRE 2017` datasets
+ path = Path(*args)
+ if not path.exists():
+ idx = path.name.rfind("_")
+ path = path.parent / path.name[:idx] / path.name[idx + 1:]
+ files = glob.iglob(f"{path}/**/*", recursive=True)
+ images = sorted(filter(has_image_extension, files))
+ return images
+def paired_random_crop(
+ images: Iterable[np.ndarray], crops_sizes: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]],
+) -> Iterable[np.ndarray]:
+ """Crop a random part of the input images.
+ Args:
+ images: Sequence of images.
+ crops_sizes: Sequence of crop sizes ``(height, width)``.
+ Returns:
+ List of crops.
+ """
+ h_start, w_start = random.random(), random.random()
+ crops = [
+ F.random_crop(image, height, width, h_start, w_start)
+ for image, (height, width) in zip(images, crops_sizes)
+ ]
+ return crops
+class _PairedImagesDataset(Dataset):
+ """Base Dataset for the Image Super-Resolution task.
+ Args:
+ train: If True, creates dataset from training set,
+ otherwise creates from validation set.
+ target_type: Type of target to use, ``'bicubic_X2'``, ``'unknown_X4'``,
+ ``'X8'``, ``'mild'``, ...
+ patch_size: If ``train == True``, define sizes of patches to produce,
+ return full image otherwise. Tuple of height and width.
+ transform: A function / transform that takes in dictionary (with low
+ and high resolution images) and returns a transformed version.
+ low_resolution_image_key: Key to use to store images of low resolution.
+ high_resolution_image_key: Key to use to store high resolution images.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ train: bool = True,
+ target_type: str = "bicubic_X4",
+ patch_size: Tuple[int, int] = (96, 96),
+ transform: Optional[Callable[[Any], Dict]] = None,
+ low_resolution_image_key: str = "lr_image",
+ high_resolution_image_key: str = "hr_image",
+ ) -> None:
+ self.train = train
+ self.lr_key = low_resolution_image_key
+ self.hr_key = high_resolution_image_key
+ self.data: List[Dict[str, str]] = []
+ self.open_fn = data.ReaderCompose([
+ data.ImageReader(input_key="lr_image", output_key=self.lr_key),
+ data.ImageReader(input_key="hr_image", output_key=self.hr_key),
+ ])
+ _, downscaling = target_type.split("_")
+ self.scale = int(downscaling) if downscaling.isdigit() else 4
+ height, width = patch_size
+ self.target_patch_size = patch_size
+ self.input_patch_size = (height // self.scale, width // self.scale)
+ self.transform = utils.Augmentor(transform)
+ def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Dict:
+ """Gets element of the dataset.
+ Args:
+ index: Index of the element in the dataset.
+ Returns:
+ Dict of low and high resolution images.
+ """
+ record = self.data[index]
+ sample_dict = self.open_fn(record)
+ if self.train:
+ # use random crops during training
+ lr_crop, hr_crop = paired_random_crop(
+ (sample_dict[self.lr_key], sample_dict[self.hr_key]),
+ (self.input_patch_size, self.target_patch_size),
+ )
+ sample_dict.update({self.lr_key: lr_crop, self.hr_key: hr_crop})
+ sample_dict = self.transform(sample_dict)
+ return sample_dict
+ def __len__(self) -> int:
+ """Get length of the dataset.
+ Returns:
+ Length of the dataset.
+ """
+ return len(self.data)
+class DIV2KDataset(_PairedImagesDataset):
+ """`DIV2K `_ Dataset.
+ Args:
+ root: Root directory where images are downloaded to.
+ train: If True, creates dataset from training set,
+ otherwise creates from validation set.
+ target_type: Type of target to use, ``'bicubic_X2'``, ``'unknown_X4'``,
+ ``'X8'``, ``'mild'``, ...
+ patch_size: If ``train == True``, define sizes of patches to produce,
+ return full image otherwise. Tuple of height and width.
+ transform: A function / transform that takes in dictionary (with low
+ and high resolution images) and returns a transformed version.
+ low_resolution_image_key: Key to use to store images of low resolution.
+ high_resolution_image_key: Key to use to store high resolution images.
+ download: If true, downloads the dataset from the internet
+ and puts it in root directory. If dataset is already downloaded,
+ it is not downloaded again.
+ """
+ url = "http://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/cvl/DIV2K/"
+ resources = {
+ "DIV2K_train_LR_bicubic_X2.zip": "9a637d2ef4db0d0a81182be37fb00692",
+ "DIV2K_train_LR_unknown_X2.zip": "1396d023072c9aaeb999c28b81315233",
+ "DIV2K_valid_LR_bicubic_X2.zip": "1512c9a3f7bde2a1a21a73044e46b9cb",
+ "DIV2K_valid_LR_unknown_X2.zip": "d319bd9033573d21de5395e6454f34f8",
+ "DIV2K_train_LR_bicubic_X3.zip": "ad80b9fe40c049a07a8a6c51bfab3b6d",
+ "DIV2K_train_LR_unknown_X3.zip": "4e651308aaa54d917fb1264395b7f6fa",
+ "DIV2K_valid_LR_bicubic_X3.zip": "18b1d310f9f88c13618c287927b29898",
+ "DIV2K_valid_LR_unknown_X3.zip": "05184168e3608b5c539fbfb46bcade4f",
+ "DIV2K_train_LR_bicubic_X4.zip": "76c43ec4155851901ebbe8339846d93d",
+ "DIV2K_train_LR_unknown_X4.zip": "e3c7febb1b3f78bd30f9ba15fe8e3956",
+ "DIV2K_valid_LR_bicubic_X4.zip": "21962de700c8d368c6ff83314480eff0",
+ "DIV2K_valid_LR_unknown_X4.zip": "8ac3413102bb3d0adc67012efb8a6c94",
+ "DIV2K_train_LR_x8.zip": "613db1b855721b3d2b26f4194a1d22a6",
+ "DIV2K_train_LR_mild.zip": "807b3e3a5156f35bd3a86c5bbfb674bc",
+ "DIV2K_train_LR_difficult.zip": "5a8f2b9e0c5f5ed0dac271c1293662f4",
+ "DIV2K_train_LR_wild.zip": "d00982366bffee7c4739ba7ff1316b3b",
+ "DIV2K_valid_LR_x8.zip": "c5aeea2004e297e9ff3abfbe143576a5",
+ "DIV2K_valid_LR_mild.zip": "8c433f812ca532eed62c11ec0de08370",
+ "DIV2K_valid_LR_difficult.zip": "1620af11bf82996bc94df655cb6490fe",
+ "DIV2K_valid_LR_wild.zip": "aacae8db6bec39151ca5bb9c80bf2f6c",
+ "DIV2K_train_HR.zip": "bdc2d9338d4e574fe81bf7d158758658",
+ "DIV2K_valid_HR.zip": "9fcdda83005c5e5997799b69f955ff88",
+ }
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ root: str,
+ train: bool = True,
+ target_type: str = "bicubic_X4",
+ patch_size: Tuple[int, int] = (96, 96),
+ transform: Optional[Callable[[Any], Dict]] = None,
+ low_resolution_image_key: str = "lr_image",
+ high_resolution_image_key: str = "hr_image",
+ download: bool = False,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__(
+ train=train,
+ target_type=target_type,
+ patch_size=patch_size,
+ transform=transform,
+ low_resolution_image_key=low_resolution_image_key,
+ high_resolution_image_key=high_resolution_image_key,
+ )
+ mode = "train" if train else "valid"
+ filename_hr = f"DIV2K_{mode}_HR.zip"
+ filename_lr = f"DIV2K_{mode}_LR_{target_type}.zip"
+ if download:
+ # download HR (target) images
+ misc.download_and_extract_archive(
+ f"{self.url}{filename_hr}",
+ download_root=root,
+ filename=filename_hr,
+ md5=self.resources[filename_hr],
+ )
+ # download lr (input) images
+ misc.download_and_extract_archive(
+ f"{self.url}{filename_lr}",
+ download_root=root,
+ filename=filename_lr,
+ md5=self.resources[filename_lr],
+ )
+ # 'index' files
+ lr_images = images_in_dir(root, Path(filename_lr).stem)
+ hr_images = images_in_dir(root, Path(filename_hr).stem)
+ assert len(lr_images) == len(hr_images)
+ self.data = [
+ {"lr_image": lr_image, "hr_image": hr_image}
+ for lr_image, hr_image in zip(lr_images, hr_images)
+ ]
+class Flickr2KDataset(_PairedImagesDataset):
+ """`Flickr2K `_ Dataset.
+ Args:
+ root: Root directory where images are downloaded to.
+ train: If True, creates dataset from training set,
+ otherwise creates from validation set.
+ target_type: Type of target to use, ``'bicubic_X2'``, ``'unknown_X4'``,
+ ...
+ patch_size: If ``train == True``, define sizes of patches to produce,
+ return full image otherwise. Tuple of height and width.
+ transform: A function / transform that takes in dictionary (with low
+ and high resolution images) and returns a transformed version.
+ low_resolution_image_key: Key to use to store images of low resolution.
+ high_resolution_image_key: Key to use to store high resolution images.
+ download: If true, downloads the dataset from the internet
+ and puts it in root directory. If dataset is already downloaded,
+ it is not downloaded again.
+ """
+ url = "https://cv.snu.ac.kr/research/EDSR/"
+ resources = {
+ "Flickr2K.tar": "5d3f39443d5e9489bff8963f8f26cb03",
+ }
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ root: str,
+ train: bool = True,
+ target_type: str = "bicubic_X4",
+ patch_size: Tuple[int, int] = (96, 96),
+ transform: Optional[Callable[[Any], Dict]] = None,
+ low_resolution_image_key: str = "lr_image",
+ high_resolution_image_key: str = "hr_image",
+ download: bool = False,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__(
+ train=train,
+ target_type=target_type,
+ patch_size=patch_size,
+ transform=transform,
+ low_resolution_image_key=low_resolution_image_key,
+ high_resolution_image_key=high_resolution_image_key,
+ )
+ filename = "Flickr2K.tar"
+ if download:
+ # download images
+ misc.download_and_extract_archive(
+ f"{self.url}{filename}",
+ download_root=root,
+ filename=filename,
+ md5=self.resources[filename],
+ )
+ degradation, downscaling = target_type.split("_")
+ # 'index' files
+ subdir_lr = Path(f"Flickr2K_LR_{degradation}", downscaling)
+ subdir_hr = "Flickr2K_HR"
+ lr_images = images_in_dir(root, Path(filename).stem, subdir_lr)
+ hr_images = images_in_dir(root, Path(filename).stem, subdir_hr)
+ assert len(lr_images) == len(hr_images)
+ self.data = [
+ {"lr_image": lr_image, "hr_image": hr_image}
+ for lr_image, hr_image in zip(lr_images, hr_images)
+ ]
+class ImageFolderDataset(data.ListDataset):
+ """A generic data loader where the samples are arranged in this way: ::
+ /xxx.ext
+ /xxy.ext
+ /xxz.ext
+ ...
+ /123.ext
+ /nsdf3.ext
+ /asd932_.ext
+ Args:
+ pathname: Root directory of dataset.
+ image_key: Key to use to store image.
+ image_name_key: Key to use to store name of the image.
+ transform: A function / transform that takes in dictionary
+ and returns its transformed version.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ pathname: str,
+ image_key: str = "image",
+ image_name_key: str = "filename",
+ transform: Optional[Callable[[Dict], Dict]] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ files = glob.iglob(pathname, recursive=True)
+ images = sorted(filter(has_image_extension, files))
+ list_data = [{"image": filename} for filename in images]
+ open_fn = data.ReaderCompose([
+ data.ImageReader(input_key="image", output_key=image_key),
+ data.LambdaReader(input_key="image", output_key=image_name_key),
+ ])
+ transform = utils.Augmentor(transform)
+ super().__init__(
+ list_data=list_data, open_fn=open_fn, dict_transform=transform
+ )
diff --git a/esrgan/model/__init__.py b/esrgan/model/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 51236e0..0000000
--- a/esrgan/model/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# flake8: noqa
-from esrgan.model import module
-from esrgan.model.discriminator import VGGConv
-from esrgan.model.generator import EncoderDecoderNet
diff --git a/esrgan/model/discriminator.py b/esrgan/model/discriminator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a18f071..0000000
--- a/esrgan/model/discriminator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-import copy
-from typing import Optional
-from catalyst.registry import MODULE
-import torch
-from torch import nn
-from esrgan import utils
-class VGGConv(nn.Module):
- """VGG-like neural network for image classification.
- Args:
- encoder: Image encoder module, usually used for the extraction
- of embeddings from input signals.
- pool: Pooling layer, used to reduce embeddings from the encoder.
- head: Classification head, usually consists of Fully Connected layers.
- """
- def __init__(
- self, encoder: nn.Module, pool: nn.Module, head: nn.Module,
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__()
- self.encoder = encoder
- self.pool = pool
- self.head = head
- def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
- """Forward call.
- Args:
- x: Batch of images.
- Returns:
- Batch of logits.
- """
- x = self.pool(self.encoder(x))
- x = x.view(x.shape[0], -1)
- x = self.head(x)
- return x
- @classmethod
- def get_from_params(
- cls,
- encoder_params: Optional[dict] = None,
- pooling_params: Optional[dict] = None,
- head_params: Optional[dict] = None,
- ) -> "VGGConv":
- """Create model based on it config.
- Args:
- encoder_params: Params of encoder module.
- pooling_params: Params of the pooling layer.
- head_params: 'Head' module params.
- Returns:
- Model.
- """
- encoder: nn.Module = nn.Identity()
- if (encoder_params_ := copy.deepcopy(encoder_params)) is not None:
- encoder_fn = MODULE.get(encoder_params_.pop("module"))
- encoder = encoder_fn(**encoder_params_)
- pool: nn.Module = nn.Identity()
- if (pooling_params_ := copy.deepcopy(pooling_params)) is not None:
- pool_fn = MODULE.get(pooling_params_.pop("module"))
- pool = pool_fn(**pooling_params_)
- head: nn.Module = nn.Identity()
- if (head_params_ := copy.deepcopy(head_params)) is not None:
- head_fn = MODULE.get(head_params_.pop("module"))
- head = head_fn(**head_params_)
- net = cls(encoder=encoder, pool=pool, head=head)
- utils.net_init_(net)
- return net
-__all__ = ["VGGConv"]
diff --git a/esrgan/model/generator.py b/esrgan/model/generator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a4fa90..0000000
--- a/esrgan/model/generator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-import copy
-from typing import Optional
-from catalyst.registry import MODULE
-import torch
-from torch import nn
-from esrgan import utils
-class EncoderDecoderNet(nn.Module):
- """Generalized Encoder-Decoder network.
- Args:
- encoder: Encoder module, usually used for the extraction
- of embeddings from input signals.
- decoder: Decoder module, usually used for embeddings processing
- e.g. generation of signal similar to the input one (in GANs).
- """
- def __init__(self, encoder: nn.Module, decoder: nn.Module) -> None:
- super().__init__()
- self.encoder = encoder
- self.decoder = decoder
- def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
- """Forward pass method.
- Args:
- x: Batch of input signals e.g. images.
- Returns:
- Batch of generated signals e.g. images.
- """
- x = self.encoder(x)
- x = self.decoder(x)
- x = torch.clamp(x, min=0.0, max=1.0)
- return x
- @classmethod
- def get_from_params(
- cls,
- encoder_params: Optional[dict] = None,
- decoder_params: Optional[dict] = None,
- ) -> "EncoderDecoderNet":
- """Create model based on it config.
- Args:
- encoder_params: Encoder module params.
- decoder_params: Decoder module parameters.
- Returns:
- Model.
- """
- encoder: nn.Module = nn.Identity()
- if (encoder_params_ := copy.deepcopy(encoder_params)) is not None:
- encoder_fn = MODULE.get(encoder_params_.pop("module"))
- encoder = encoder_fn(**encoder_params_)
- decoder: nn.Module = nn.Identity()
- if (decoder_params_ := copy.deepcopy(decoder_params)) is not None:
- decoder_fn = MODULE.get(decoder_params_.pop("module"))
- decoder = decoder_fn(**decoder_params_)
- net = cls(encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder)
- utils.net_init_(net)
- return net
-__all__ = ["EncoderDecoderNet"]
diff --git a/esrgan/model/module/__init__.py b/esrgan/model/module/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index caa3f57..0000000
--- a/esrgan/model/module/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# flake8: noqa
-from esrgan.model.module.blocks import (
- ConcatInputModule, Conv2d, Conv2dSN, InterpolateConv, LeakyReLU, LinearSN,
- ResidualDenseBlock, ResidualInResidualDenseBlock, ResidualModule,
- SubPixelConv,
-from esrgan.model.module.conv import StridedConvEncoder
-from esrgan.model.module.esrnet import ESREncoder, ESRNetDecoder
-from esrgan.model.module.linear import LinearHead
-from esrgan.model.module.srresnet import SRResNetDecoder, SRResNetEncoder
diff --git a/esrgan/model/module/blocks/__init__.py b/esrgan/model/module/blocks/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f046cd3..0000000
--- a/esrgan/model/module/blocks/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# flake8: noqa
-from esrgan.model.module.blocks.container import (
- ConcatInputModule, ResidualModule,
-from esrgan.model.module.blocks.misc import (
- Conv2d, Conv2dSN, LeakyReLU, LinearSN,
-from esrgan.model.module.blocks.rrdb import (
- ResidualDenseBlock, ResidualInResidualDenseBlock,
-from esrgan.model.module.blocks.upsampling import InterpolateConv, SubPixelConv
diff --git a/esrgan/model/module/conv.py b/esrgan/model/module/conv.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c01a50..0000000
--- a/esrgan/model/module/conv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-import collections
-from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
-import torch
-from torch import nn
-from esrgan import utils
-from esrgan.model.module import blocks
-from esrgan.utils.types import ModuleParams
-class StridedConvEncoder(nn.Module):
- """Generalized Fully Convolutional encoder.
- Args:
- layers: List of feature maps sizes of each block.
- layer_order: Ordered list of layers applied within each block.
- For instance, if you don't want to use normalization layer
- just exclude it from this list.
- conv_fn: Convolutional layer params.
- activation_fn: Activation function to use.
- norm_fn: Normalization layer params, e.g. :py:class:`.nn.BatchNorm2d`.
- residual_fn: Block wrapper function, e.g.
- :py:class:`~.blocks.container.ResidualModule` can be used
- to add residual connections between blocks.
- """
- @utils.process_fn_params
- def __init__(
- self,
- layers: Iterable[int] = (3, 64, 128, 128, 256, 256, 512, 512),
- layer_order: Iterable[str] = ("conv", "norm", "activation"),
- conv_fn: ModuleParams = blocks.Conv2d,
- activation_fn: ModuleParams = blocks.LeakyReLU,
- norm_fn: Optional[ModuleParams] = nn.BatchNorm2d,
- residual_fn: Optional[ModuleParams] = None,
- ):
- super().__init__()
- name2fn: Dict[str, Callable[..., nn.Module]] = {
- "activation": activation_fn,
- "conv": conv_fn,
- "norm": norm_fn,
- }
- self._layers = list(layers)
- net: List[Tuple[str, nn.Module]] = []
- first_conv = collections.OrderedDict([
- ("conv_0", name2fn["conv"](self._layers[0], self._layers[1])),
- ("act", name2fn["activation"]()),
- ])
- net.append(("block_0", nn.Sequential(first_conv)))
- channels = utils.pairwise(self._layers[1:])
- for i, (in_ch, out_ch) in enumerate(channels, start=1):
- block_list: List[Tuple[str, nn.Module]] = []
- for name in layer_order:
- # `conv + 2x2 pooling` is equal to `conv with stride=2`
- kwargs = {"stride": out_ch // in_ch} if name == "conv" else {}
- module = utils.create_layer(
- layer_name=name,
- layer=name2fn[name],
- in_channels=in_ch,
- out_channels=out_ch,
- **kwargs
- )
- block_list.append((name, module))
- block = nn.Sequential(collections.OrderedDict(block_list))
- # add residual connection, like in resnet blocks
- if residual_fn is not None and in_ch == out_ch:
- block = residual_fn(block)
- net.append((f"block_{i}", block))
- self.net = nn.Sequential(collections.OrderedDict(net))
- def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
- """Forward pass."""
- output = self.net(x)
- return output
- @property
- def in_channels(self) -> int:
- """The number of channels in the feature map of the input."""
- return self._layers[0]
- @property
- def out_channels(self) -> int:
- """Number of channels produced by the block."""
- return self._layers[-1]
-__all__ = ["StridedConvEncoder"]
diff --git a/esrgan/model/module/linear.py b/esrgan/model/module/linear.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 72b6cdf..0000000
--- a/esrgan/model/module/linear.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
-import torch
-from torch import nn
-from esrgan import utils
-from esrgan.model.module import blocks
-from esrgan.utils.types import ModuleParams
-class LinearHead(nn.Module):
- """Stack of linear layers used for embeddings classification.
- Args:
- in_channels: Size of each input sample.
- out_channels: Size of each output sample.
- latent_channels: Size of the latent space.
- layer_order: Ordered list of layers applied within each block.
- For instance, if you don't want to use normalization layer
- just exclude it from this list.
- linear_fn: Linear layer params.
- activation_fn: Activation function to use.
- norm_fn: Normalization layer params, e.g. :py:class:`nn.BatchNorm1d`.
- dropout_fn: Dropout layer params, e.g. :py:class:`nn.Dropout`.
- """
- @utils.process_fn_params
- def __init__(
- self,
- in_channels: int,
- out_channels: int,
- latent_channels: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None,
- layer_order: Iterable[str] = ("linear", "activation"),
- linear_fn: ModuleParams = nn.Linear,
- activation_fn: ModuleParams = blocks.LeakyReLU,
- norm_fn: Optional[ModuleParams] = None,
- dropout_fn: Optional[ModuleParams] = None,
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__()
- name2fn: Dict[str, Callable[..., nn.Module]] = {
- "activation": activation_fn,
- "dropout": dropout_fn,
- "linear": linear_fn,
- "norm": norm_fn,
- }
- latent_channels = latent_channels if latent_channels else []
- channels = [in_channels, *latent_channels, out_channels]
- channels_pairs: List[Tuple[int, int]] = list(utils.pairwise(channels))
- net: List[nn.Module] = []
- for in_ch, out_ch in channels_pairs[:-1]:
- for name in layer_order:
- module = utils.create_layer(
- layer_name=name,
- layer=name2fn[name],
- in_channels=in_ch,
- out_channels=out_ch,
- )
- net.append(module)
- net.append(name2fn["linear"](*channels_pairs[-1]))
- self.net = nn.Sequential(*net)
- def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
- """Forward pass.
- Args:
- x: Batch of inputs e.g. images.
- Returns:
- Batch of logits.
- """
- output = self.net(x)
- return output
-__all__ = ["LinearHead"]
diff --git a/esrgan/models/__init__.py b/esrgan/models/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27e828b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/esrgan/models/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# flake8: noqa
+from esrgan.models.discriminator import LinearHead, StridedConvEncoder, VGGConv
+from esrgan.models.esrnet import ESREncoder, ESRNetDecoder
+from esrgan.models.generator import EncoderDecoderNet
+from esrgan.models.srresnet import SRResNetDecoder, SRResNetEncoder
diff --git a/esrgan/models/discriminator.py b/esrgan/models/discriminator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d2a90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/esrgan/models/discriminator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+import collections
+from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from esrgan import utils
+from esrgan.nn import modules
+__all__ = ["StridedConvEncoder", "LinearHead", "VGGConv"]
+class StridedConvEncoder(nn.Module):
+ """Generalized Fully Convolutional encoder.
+ Args:
+ layers: List of feature maps sizes of each block.
+ layer_order: Ordered list of layers applied within each block.
+ For instance, if you don't want to use normalization layer
+ just exclude it from this list.
+ conv: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return convolutional layer e.g., :py:class:`nn.Conv2d`.
+ norm: Class constructor or partial object which when called should
+ return normalization layer e.g., :py:class:`.nn.BatchNorm2d`.
+ activation: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return activation function to use e.g., :py:class:`nn.ReLU`.
+ residual: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return block wrapper module e.g.,
+ :py:class:`esrgan.nn.ResidualModule` can be used
+ to add residual connections between blocks.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ layers: Iterable[int] = (3, 64, 128, 128, 256, 256, 512, 512),
+ layer_order: Iterable[str] = ("conv", "norm", "activation"),
+ conv: Callable[..., nn.Module] = modules.Conv2d,
+ norm: Optional[Callable[..., nn.Module]] = nn.BatchNorm2d,
+ activation: Callable[..., nn.Module] = modules.LeakyReLU,
+ residual: Optional[Callable[..., nn.Module]] = None,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ name2fn: Dict[str, Callable[..., nn.Module]] = {
+ "activation": activation,
+ "conv": conv,
+ "norm": norm,
+ }
+ self._layers = list(layers)
+ net: List[Tuple[str, nn.Module]] = []
+ first_conv = collections.OrderedDict([
+ ("conv_0", name2fn["conv"](self._layers[0], self._layers[1])),
+ ("act", name2fn["activation"]()),
+ ])
+ net.append(("block_0", nn.Sequential(first_conv)))
+ channels = utils.pairwise(self._layers[1:])
+ for i, (in_ch, out_ch) in enumerate(channels, start=1):
+ block_list: List[Tuple[str, nn.Module]] = []
+ for name in layer_order:
+ # `conv + 2x2 pooling` is equal to `conv with stride=2`
+ kwargs = {"stride": out_ch // in_ch} if name == "conv" else {}
+ module = utils.create_layer(
+ layer_name=name,
+ layer=name2fn[name],
+ in_channels=in_ch,
+ out_channels=out_ch,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ block_list.append((name, module))
+ block = nn.Sequential(collections.OrderedDict(block_list))
+ # add residual connection, like in resnet blocks
+ if residual is not None and in_ch == out_ch:
+ block = residual(block)
+ net.append((f"block_{i}", block))
+ self.net = nn.Sequential(collections.OrderedDict(net))
+ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """Forward pass.
+ Args:
+ x: Batch of inputs.
+ Returns:
+ Batch of embeddings.
+ """
+ output = self.net(x)
+ return output
+ @property
+ def in_channels(self) -> int:
+ """The number of channels in the feature map of the input.
+ Returns:
+ Size of the input feature map.
+ """
+ return self._layers[0]
+ @property
+ def out_channels(self) -> int:
+ """Number of channels produced by the block.
+ Returns:
+ Size of the output feature map.
+ """
+ return self._layers[-1]
+class LinearHead(nn.Module):
+ """Stack of linear layers used for embeddings classification.
+ Args:
+ in_channels: Size of each input sample.
+ out_channels: Size of each output sample.
+ latent_channels: Size of the latent space.
+ layer_order: Ordered list of layers applied within each block.
+ For instance, if you don't want to use activation function
+ just exclude it from this list.
+ linear: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return linear layer e.g., :py:class:`nn.Linear`.
+ activation: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return activation function layer e.g., :py:class:`nn.ReLU`.
+ norm: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return normalization layer e.g., :py:class:`nn.BatchNorm1d`.
+ dropout: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return dropout layer e.g., :py:class:`nn.Dropout`.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ in_channels: int,
+ out_channels: int,
+ latent_channels: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None,
+ layer_order: Iterable[str] = ("linear", "activation"),
+ linear: Callable[..., nn.Module] = nn.Linear,
+ activation: Callable[..., nn.Module] = modules.LeakyReLU,
+ norm: Optional[Callable[..., nn.Module]] = None,
+ dropout: Optional[Callable[..., nn.Module]] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ name2fn: Dict[str, Callable[..., nn.Module]] = {
+ "activation": activation,
+ "dropout": dropout,
+ "linear": linear,
+ "norm": norm,
+ }
+ latent_channels = latent_channels or []
+ channels = [in_channels, *latent_channels, out_channels]
+ channels_pairs: List[Tuple[int, int]] = list(utils.pairwise(channels))
+ net: List[nn.Module] = []
+ for in_ch, out_ch in channels_pairs[:-1]:
+ for name in layer_order:
+ module = utils.create_layer(
+ layer_name=name,
+ layer=name2fn[name],
+ in_channels=in_ch,
+ out_channels=out_ch,
+ )
+ net.append(module)
+ net.append(name2fn["linear"](*channels_pairs[-1]))
+ self.net = nn.Sequential(*net)
+ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """Forward pass.
+ Args:
+ x: Batch of inputs e.g. images.
+ Returns:
+ Batch of logits.
+ """
+ output = self.net(x)
+ return output
+class VGGConv(nn.Module):
+ """VGG-like neural network for image classification.
+ Args:
+ encoder: Image encoder module, usually used for the extraction
+ of embeddings from input signals.
+ pool: Pooling layer, used to reduce embeddings from the encoder.
+ head: Classification head, usually consists of Fully Connected layers.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, encoder: nn.Module, pool: nn.Module, head: nn.Module,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ self.encoder = encoder
+ self.pool = pool
+ self.head = head
+ utils.net_init_(self)
+ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """Forward call.
+ Args:
+ x: Batch of images.
+ Returns:
+ Batch of logits.
+ """
+ x = self.pool(self.encoder(x))
+ x = x.view(x.shape[0], -1)
+ x = self.head(x)
+ return x
diff --git a/esrgan/model/module/esrnet.py b/esrgan/models/esrnet.py
similarity index 74%
rename from esrgan/model/module/esrnet.py
rename to esrgan/models/esrnet.py
index d3b7f81..51af6f9 100644
--- a/esrgan/model/module/esrnet.py
+++ b/esrgan/models/esrnet.py
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import collections
-from typing import List, Tuple
+from typing import Callable, List, Tuple
import torch
from torch import nn
from esrgan import utils
-from esrgan.model.module import blocks
-from esrgan.utils.types import ModuleParams
+from esrgan.nn import modules
+__all__ = ["ESREncoder", "ESRNetDecoder"]
class ESREncoder(nn.Module):
@@ -23,8 +24,10 @@ class ESREncoder(nn.Module):
Dense block (RRDB) to use.
num_dense_blocks: Number of dense blocks to use to form `RRDB` block.
num_residual_blocks: Number of convolutions to use to form dense block.
- conv_fn: Convolutional layers parameters.
- activation_fn: Activation function to use after BN layers.
+ conv: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return convolutional layer e.g., :py:class:`nn.Conv2d`.
+ activation: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return activation function to use e.g., :py:class:`nn.ReLU`.
residual_scaling: Residual connections scaling factor.
.. _`ESRGAN: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks`:
@@ -32,7 +35,6 @@ class ESREncoder(nn.Module):
- @utils.process_fn_params
def __init__(
in_channels: int = 3,
@@ -41,8 +43,8 @@ def __init__(
num_basic_blocks: int = 23,
num_dense_blocks: int = 3,
num_residual_blocks: int = 5,
- conv_fn: ModuleParams = blocks.Conv2d,
- activation_fn: ModuleParams = blocks.LeakyReLU,
+ conv: Callable[..., nn.Module] = modules.Conv2d,
+ activation: Callable[..., nn.Module] = modules.LeakyReLU,
residual_scaling: float = 0.2,
) -> None:
@@ -50,16 +52,16 @@ def __init__(
blocks_list: List[nn.Module] = []
# first conv
- first_conv = conv_fn(in_channels, out_channels)
+ first_conv = conv(in_channels, out_channels)
# basic blocks - sequence of rrdb layers
for _ in range(num_basic_blocks):
- basic_block = blocks.ResidualInResidualDenseBlock(
+ basic_block = modules.ResidualInResidualDenseBlock(
- conv_fn=conv_fn,
- activation_fn=activation_fn,
+ conv=conv,
+ activation=activation,
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ def __init__(
# last conv of the encoder
- last_conv = conv_fn(out_channels, out_channels)
+ last_conv = conv(out_channels, out_channels)
self.blocks = nn.ModuleList(blocks_list)
@@ -101,22 +103,23 @@ class ESRNetDecoder(nn.Module):
scale_factor: Ratio between the size of the high-resolution image
(output) and its low-resolution counterpart (input).
In other words multiplier for spatial size.
- conv_fn: Convolutional layers parameters.
- activation_fn: Activation function to use.
+ conv: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return convolutional layer e.g., :py:class:`nn.Conv2d`.
+ activation: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return activation function to use e.g., :py:class:`nn.ReLU`.
.. _`ESRGAN: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks`:
- @utils.process_fn_params
def __init__(
in_channels: int = 64,
out_channels: int = 3,
scale_factor: int = 2,
- conv_fn: ModuleParams = blocks.Conv2d,
- activation_fn: ModuleParams = blocks.LeakyReLU,
+ conv: Callable[..., nn.Module] = modules.Conv2d,
+ activation: Callable[..., nn.Module] = modules.LeakyReLU,
) -> None:
@@ -130,18 +133,18 @@ def __init__(
# upsampling
for i in range(scale_factor // 2):
- upsampling_block = blocks.InterpolateConv(
+ upsampling_block = modules.InterpolateConv(
- conv_fn=conv_fn,
- activation_fn=activation_fn,
+ conv=conv,
+ activation=activation,
blocks_list.append((f"upsampling_{i}", upsampling_block))
# highres conv + last conv
last_conv = nn.Sequential(
- conv_fn(in_channels, in_channels),
- activation_fn(),
- conv_fn(in_channels, out_channels),
+ conv(in_channels, in_channels),
+ activation(),
+ conv(in_channels, out_channels),
blocks_list.append(("conv", last_conv))
@@ -160,6 +163,3 @@ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
output = self.blocks(x)
return output
-__all__ = ["ESREncoder", "ESRNetDecoder"]
diff --git a/esrgan/models/generator.py b/esrgan/models/generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75e3552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/esrgan/models/generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from esrgan import utils
+__all__ = ["EncoderDecoderNet"]
+class EncoderDecoderNet(nn.Module):
+ """Generalized Encoder-Decoder network.
+ Args:
+ encoder: Encoder module, usually used for the extraction
+ of embeddings from input signals.
+ decoder: Decoder module, usually used for embeddings processing
+ e.g. generation of signal similar to the input one (in GANs).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, encoder: nn.Module, decoder: nn.Module) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ self.encoder = encoder
+ self.decoder = decoder
+ utils.net_init_(self)
+ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """Forward pass method.
+ Args:
+ x: Batch of input signals e.g. images.
+ Returns:
+ Batch of generated signals e.g. images.
+ """
+ x = self.encoder(x)
+ x = self.decoder(x)
+ x = torch.clamp(x, min=0.0, max=1.0)
+ return x
diff --git a/esrgan/model/module/srresnet.py b/esrgan/models/srresnet.py
similarity index 67%
rename from esrgan/model/module/srresnet.py
rename to esrgan/models/srresnet.py
index 2da11a0..a6ded02 100644
--- a/esrgan/model/module/srresnet.py
+++ b/esrgan/models/srresnet.py
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import collections
-from typing import List, Tuple
+from typing import Callable, List, Tuple
import torch
from torch import nn
from esrgan import utils
-from esrgan.model.module import blocks
-from esrgan.utils.types import ModuleParams
+from esrgan.nn import modules
+__all__ = ["SRResNetEncoder", "SRResNetDecoder"]
class SRResNetEncoder(nn.Module):
@@ -19,24 +20,27 @@ class SRResNetEncoder(nn.Module):
in_channels: Number of channels in the input image.
out_channels: Number of channels produced by the encoder.
num_basic_blocks: Depth of the encoder, number of basic blocks to use.
- conv_fn: Convolutional layers parameters.
- norm_fn: Batch norm layer to use.
- activation_fn: Activation function to use after BN layers.
+ conv: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return convolutional layer e.g., :py:class:`nn.Conv2d`.
+ norm: Class constructor or partial object which when called should
+ return normalization layer e.g., :py:class:`.nn.BatchNorm2d`.
+ activation: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return activation function to use after BN layers
+ e.g., :py:class:`nn.PReLU`.
.. _`Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative
Adversarial Network`: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.04802.pdf
- @utils.process_fn_params
def __init__(
in_channels: int = 3,
out_channels: int = 64,
num_basic_blocks: int = 16,
- conv_fn: ModuleParams = blocks.Conv2d,
- norm_fn: ModuleParams = nn.BatchNorm2d,
- activation_fn: ModuleParams = nn.PReLU,
+ conv: Callable[..., nn.Module] = modules.Conv2d,
+ norm: Callable[..., nn.Module] = nn.BatchNorm2d,
+ activation: Callable[..., nn.Module] = nn.PReLU,
) -> None:
@@ -45,24 +49,24 @@ def __init__(
# first conv
first_conv = nn.Sequential(
- conv_fn(in_channels, num_features), activation_fn()
+ conv(in_channels, num_features), activation()
# basic blocks - sequence of B residual blocks
for _ in range(num_basic_blocks):
basic_block = nn.Sequential(
- conv_fn(num_features, num_features),
- norm_fn(num_features,),
- activation_fn(),
- conv_fn(num_features, num_features),
- norm_fn(num_features),
+ conv(num_features, num_features),
+ norm(num_features,),
+ activation(),
+ conv(num_features, num_features),
+ norm(num_features),
- blocks_list.append(blocks.ResidualModule(basic_block))
+ blocks_list.append(modules.ResidualModule(basic_block))
# last conv of the encoder
last_conv = nn.Sequential(
- conv_fn(num_features, out_channels), norm_fn(out_channels),
+ conv(num_features, out_channels), norm(out_channels),
@@ -97,22 +101,23 @@ class SRResNetDecoder(nn.Module):
scale_factor: Ratio between the size of the high-resolution image
(output) and its low-resolution counterpart (input).
In other words multiplier for spatial size.
- conv_fn: Convolutional layers parameters.
- activation_fn: Activation function to use.
+ conv: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return convolutional layer e.g., :py:class:`nn.Conv2d`.
+ activation: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return activation function to use e.g., :py:class:`nn.ReLU`.
.. _`Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative
Adversarial Network`: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.04802.pdf
- @utils.process_fn_params
def __init__(
in_channels: int = 64,
out_channels: int = 3,
scale_factor: int = 2,
- conv_fn: ModuleParams = blocks.Conv2d,
- activation_fn: ModuleParams = nn.PReLU,
+ conv: Callable[..., nn.Module] = modules.Conv2d,
+ activation: Callable[..., nn.Module] = nn.PReLU,
) -> None:
@@ -126,15 +131,15 @@ def __init__(
# upsampling
for i in range(scale_factor // 2):
- upsampling_block = blocks.SubPixelConv(
+ upsampling_block = modules.SubPixelConv(
- conv_fn=conv_fn,
- activation_fn=activation_fn,
+ conv=conv,
+ activation=activation,
blocks_list.append((f"upsampling_{i}", upsampling_block))
# highres conv
- last_conv = conv_fn(in_channels, out_channels)
+ last_conv = conv(in_channels, out_channels)
blocks_list.append(("conv", last_conv))
self.blocks = nn.Sequential(collections.OrderedDict(blocks_list))
@@ -152,6 +157,3 @@ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
output = self.blocks(x)
return output
-__all__ = ["SRResNetEncoder", "SRResNetDecoder"]
diff --git a/esrgan/nn/__init__.py b/esrgan/nn/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..649ed62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/esrgan/nn/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# flake8: noqa
+from esrgan.nn.criterions import (
+ AdversarialLoss, PerceptualLoss, RelativisticAdversarialLoss,
+from esrgan.nn.modules import (
+ ConcatInputModule, Conv2d, Conv2dSN, InterpolateConv, LeakyReLU, LinearSN,
+ ResidualDenseBlock, ResidualInResidualDenseBlock, ResidualModule,
+ SubPixelConv,
diff --git a/esrgan/nn/criterions/__init__.py b/esrgan/nn/criterions/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5784e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/esrgan/nn/criterions/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# flake8: noqa
+from esrgan.nn.criterions.adversarial import (
+ AdversarialLoss, RelativisticAdversarialLoss,
+from esrgan.nn.criterions.perceptual import PerceptualLoss
diff --git a/esrgan/criterions/adversarial.py b/esrgan/nn/criterions/adversarial.py
similarity index 98%
rename from esrgan/criterions/adversarial.py
rename to esrgan/nn/criterions/adversarial.py
index 0ca2f63..f037802 100644
--- a/esrgan/criterions/adversarial.py
+++ b/esrgan/nn/criterions/adversarial.py
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss
+__all__ = ["AdversarialLoss", "RelativisticAdversarialLoss"]
class AdversarialLoss(_Loss):
"""GAN Loss function.
@@ -85,7 +87,7 @@ class RelativisticAdversarialLoss(_Loss):
``'generator'``: maximize probability that fake data more realistic
than real (it is useful when training generator),
``'discriminator'``: maximize probability that real data more
- realistic than fake (useful when training discriminator.
+ realistic than fake (useful when training discriminator).
NotImplementedError: If `mode` not ``'generator'``
@@ -107,6 +109,7 @@ def __init__(self, mode: str = "discriminator") -> None:
raise NotImplementedError()
def forward(
+ # self, outputs: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor
self, fake_logits: torch.Tensor, real_logits: torch.Tensor
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Forward propagation method for the relativistic adversarial loss.
@@ -130,6 +133,3 @@ def forward(
loss = (loss_fr + loss_rf) / 2
return loss
-__all__ = ["AdversarialLoss", "RelativisticAdversarialLoss"]
diff --git a/esrgan/criterions/perceptual.py b/esrgan/nn/criterions/perceptual.py
similarity index 99%
rename from esrgan/criterions/perceptual.py
rename to esrgan/nn/criterions/perceptual.py
index 10e9865..0981757 100644
--- a/esrgan/criterions/perceptual.py
+++ b/esrgan/nn/criterions/perceptual.py
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss
import torchvision
+__all__ = ["PerceptualLoss"]
def _layer2index_vgg16(layer: str) -> int:
"""Map name of VGG layer to corresponding number in torchvision layer.
@@ -152,6 +154,3 @@ def _get_features(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
features[name] = x
return features
-__all__ = ["PerceptualLoss"]
diff --git a/esrgan/nn/modules/__init__.py b/esrgan/nn/modules/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f9f3aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/esrgan/nn/modules/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# flake8: noqa
+from esrgan.nn.modules.container import ConcatInputModule, ResidualModule
+from esrgan.nn.modules.misc import Conv2d, Conv2dSN, LeakyReLU, LinearSN
+from esrgan.nn.modules.rrdb import (
+ ResidualDenseBlock, ResidualInResidualDenseBlock,
+from esrgan.nn.modules.upsampling import InterpolateConv, SubPixelConv
diff --git a/esrgan/model/module/blocks/container.py b/esrgan/nn/modules/container.py
similarity index 85%
rename from esrgan/model/module/blocks/container.py
rename to esrgan/nn/modules/container.py
index bb7d637..881f543 100644
--- a/esrgan/model/module/blocks/container.py
+++ b/esrgan/nn/modules/container.py
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
import torch
from torch import nn
+__all__ = ["ConcatInputModule", "ResidualModule"]
class ConcatInputModule(nn.Module):
"""Module wrapper, passing outputs of all previous layers
@@ -19,7 +21,15 @@ def __init__(self, module: Iterable[nn.Module]) -> None:
self.module = module
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
- """Forward pass."""
+ """Forward pass.
+ Args:
+ x: Batch of inputs.
+ Returns:
+ Processed batch.
+ """
output = [x]
for module in self.module:
z = torch.cat(output, dim=1)
@@ -58,8 +68,13 @@ def __init__(
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
- """Forward pass."""
- return x + self.scale * self.module(x)
+ """Forward pass.
+ Args:
+ x: Batch of inputs.
-__all__ = ["ConcatInputModule", "ResidualModule"]
+ Returns:
+ Processed batch.
+ """
+ return x + self.scale * self.module(x)
diff --git a/esrgan/model/module/blocks/misc.py b/esrgan/nn/modules/misc.py
similarity index 100%
rename from esrgan/model/module/blocks/misc.py
rename to esrgan/nn/modules/misc.py
index e5a0d34..5ffc38a 100644
--- a/esrgan/model/module/blocks/misc.py
+++ b/esrgan/nn/modules/misc.py
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
from torch import nn
from torch.nn.utils.spectral_norm import SpectralNorm
+__all__ = ["Conv2d", "Conv2dSN", "LeakyReLU", "LinearSN"]
Conv2d: Callable[..., nn.Module] = functools.partial(
nn.Conv2d, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding=1
@@ -137,6 +140,3 @@ def __init__(
-__all__ = ["Conv2d", "Conv2dSN", "LeakyReLU", "LinearSN"]
diff --git a/esrgan/model/module/blocks/rrdb.py b/esrgan/nn/modules/rrdb.py
similarity index 79%
rename from esrgan/model/module/blocks/rrdb.py
rename to esrgan/nn/modules/rrdb.py
index 95fa73d..cce787c 100644
--- a/esrgan/model/module/blocks/rrdb.py
+++ b/esrgan/nn/modules/rrdb.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
import collections
-from typing import Any, List, Tuple
+from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple
from torch import nn
-from esrgan import utils
-from esrgan.model.module.blocks import container, Conv2d, LeakyReLU
-from esrgan.utils.types import ModuleParams
+from esrgan.nn.modules import container
+from esrgan.nn.modules.misc import Conv2d, LeakyReLU
+__all__ = ["ResidualDenseBlock", "ResidualInResidualDenseBlock"]
class ResidualDenseBlock(container.ResidualModule):
@@ -16,20 +17,22 @@ class ResidualDenseBlock(container.ResidualModule):
:math:`(N, C, H, W)`.
growth_channels: Number of channels in the latent space.
num_blocks: Number of convolutional blocks to use to form dense block.
- conv_fn: Convolutional layers parameters.
- activation_fn: Activation function to use after each conv layer.
+ conv: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return convolutional layer e.g., :py:class:`nn.Conv2d`.
+ activation: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return activation function to use after convolution
+ e.g., :py:class:`nn.LeakyReLU`.
residual_scaling: Residual connections scaling factor.
- @utils.process_fn_params
def __init__(
num_features: int,
growth_channels: int,
num_blocks: int = 5,
- conv_fn: ModuleParams = Conv2d,
- activation_fn: ModuleParams = LeakyReLU,
+ conv: Callable[..., nn.Module] = Conv2d,
+ activation: Callable[..., nn.Module] = LeakyReLU,
residual_scaling: float = 0.2,
) -> None:
in_channels = [
@@ -40,8 +43,8 @@ def __init__(
blocks: List[nn.Module] = []
for in_channels_, out_channels_ in zip(in_channels, out_channels):
block = collections.OrderedDict([
- ("conv", conv_fn(in_channels_, out_channels_)),
- ("act", activation_fn()),
+ ("conv", conv(in_channels_, out_channels_)),
+ ("act", activation()),
@@ -92,6 +95,3 @@ def __init__(
-__all__ = ["ResidualDenseBlock", "ResidualInResidualDenseBlock"]
diff --git a/esrgan/model/module/blocks/upsampling.py b/esrgan/nn/modules/upsampling.py
similarity index 65%
rename from esrgan/model/module/blocks/upsampling.py
rename to esrgan/nn/modules/upsampling.py
index 6cf8b26..f3513e7 100644
--- a/esrgan/model/module/blocks/upsampling.py
+++ b/esrgan/nn/modules/upsampling.py
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
+from typing import Callable
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
-from esrgan import utils
-from esrgan.model.module.blocks.misc import Conv2d, LeakyReLU
-from esrgan.utils.types import ModuleParams
+from esrgan.nn.modules.misc import Conv2d, LeakyReLU
+__all__ = ["SubPixelConv", "InterpolateConv"]
class SubPixelConv(nn.Module):
@@ -19,8 +21,11 @@ class SubPixelConv(nn.Module):
num_features: Number of channels in the input tensor.
scale_factor: Factor to increase spatial resolution by.
- conv_fn: Convolution layer params.
- activation_fn: Activation function to use after sub-pixel convolution.
+ conv: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return convolutional layer e.g., :py:class:`nn.Conv2d`.
+ activation: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return activation function to use after
+ sub-pixel convolution e.g., :py:class:`nn.PReLU`.
.. _`Real-Time Single Image and Video Super-Resolution Using an Efficient
Sub-Pixel Convolutional Neural Network`:
@@ -28,20 +33,19 @@ class SubPixelConv(nn.Module):
- @utils.process_fn_params
def __init__(
num_features: int,
scale_factor: int = 2,
- conv_fn: ModuleParams = Conv2d,
- activation_fn: ModuleParams = nn.PReLU,
+ conv: Callable[..., nn.Module] = Conv2d,
+ activation: Callable[..., nn.Module] = nn.PReLU,
self.block = nn.Sequential(
- conv_fn(num_features, num_features * 4),
+ conv(num_features, num_features * 4),
- activation_fn(),
+ activation(),
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
@@ -65,25 +69,27 @@ class InterpolateConv(nn.Module):
num_features: Number of channels in the input tensor.
scale_factor: Factor to increase spatial resolution by.
- conv_fn: Convolutional layer params.
- activation_fn: Activation function to use after convolution.
+ conv: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return convolutional layer e.g., :py:class:`nn.Conv2d`.
+ activation: Class constructor or partial object which when called
+ should return activation function to use after convolution
+ e.g., :py:class:`nn.PReLU`.
- @utils.process_fn_params
def __init__(
num_features: int,
scale_factor: int = 2,
- conv_fn: ModuleParams = Conv2d,
- activation_fn: ModuleParams = LeakyReLU,
+ conv: Callable[..., nn.Module] = Conv2d,
+ activation: Callable[..., nn.Module] = LeakyReLU,
) -> None:
self.scale_factor = scale_factor
self.block = nn.Sequential(
- conv_fn(num_features, num_features),
- activation_fn(),
+ conv(num_features, num_features),
+ activation(),
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
@@ -100,6 +106,3 @@ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
output = self.block(x)
return output
-__all__ = ["SubPixelConv", "InterpolateConv"]
diff --git a/esrgan/runner.py b/esrgan/runner.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0b0170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/esrgan/runner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+from typing import Dict
+from catalyst import runners
+from catalyst.core.runner import IRunner
+import torch
+__all__ = ["GANRunner", "GANConfigRunner"]
+class GANRunner(IRunner):
+ """Runner for ESRGAN, please check `catalyst docs`__ for more info.
+ Args:
+ input_key: Key in batch dict mapping for model input.
+ target_key: Key in batch dict mapping for target.
+ generator_output_key: Key in output dict model output
+ of the generator will be stored under.
+ discriminator_real_output_gkey: Key to store predictions of
+ discriminator for real inputs, contain gradients for generator.
+ discriminator_fake_output_gkey: Key to store predictions of
+ discriminator for predictions of generator,
+ contain gradients for generator.
+ discriminator_real_output_dkey: Key to store predictions of
+ discriminator for real inputs,
+ contain gradients for discriminator only.
+ discriminator_fake_output_dkey: Key to store predictions of
+ discriminator for items produced by generator,
+ contain gradients for discriminator only.
+ generator_key: Key in model dict mapping for generator model.
+ discriminator_key: Key in model dict mapping for discriminator
+ model (will be used in gan stages only).
+ __ https://catalyst-team.github.io/catalyst/api/core.html#experiment
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ input_key: str = "image",
+ target_key: str = "real_image",
+ generator_output_key: str = "fake_image",
+ discriminator_real_output_gkey: str = "g_real_logits",
+ discriminator_fake_output_gkey: str = "g_fake_logits",
+ discriminator_real_output_dkey: str = "d_real_logits",
+ discriminator_fake_output_dkey: str = "d_fake_logits",
+ generator_key: str = "generator",
+ discriminator_key: str = "discriminator",
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ self.generator_key = generator_key
+ self.discriminator_key = discriminator_key
+ self.input_key = input_key
+ self.target_key = target_key
+ self.generator_output_key = generator_output_key
+ self.discriminator_real_output_gkey = discriminator_real_output_gkey
+ self.discriminator_fake_output_gkey = discriminator_fake_output_gkey
+ self.discriminator_real_output_dkey = discriminator_real_output_dkey
+ self.discriminator_fake_output_dkey = discriminator_fake_output_dkey
+ def predict_batch(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """Generate predictions based on input batch (generator inference).
+ Args:
+ batch: Input batch (batch of samples to adjust e.g. zoom).
+ Returns:
+ Batch of predictions of the generator.
+ """
+ model = self.model[self.generator_key]
+ output = model(batch[self.input_key].to(self.device))
+ return output
+ def handle_batch(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> None:
+ """Inner method to handle specified data batch.
+ Args:
+ batch: Dictionary with data batches from DataLoader.
+ """
+ # `handle_batch` method is `@abstractmethod` so it must be defined
+ # even if it overwrites in `on_stage_start`
+ self._handle_batch_supervised(batch=batch)
+ def _handle_batch_supervised(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> None:
+ """Process train/valid batch, supervised mode.
+ Args:
+ batch: Input batch (batch of samples).
+ """
+ model = self.model[self.generator_key]
+ output = model(batch[self.input_key])
+ self.batch = {**batch, self.generator_output_key: output}
+ def _handle_batch_gan(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> None:
+ """Process train/valid batch, GAN mode.
+ Args:
+ batch: Input batch, should raw samples for generator
+ and ground truth samples for discriminator.
+ """
+ generator = self.model[self.generator_key]
+ discriminator = self.model[self.discriminator_key]
+ real_image = batch[self.target_key]
+ fake_image = generator(batch[self.input_key])
+ noise = torch.randn(real_image.shape, device=real_image.device)
+ real_image = torch.clamp((real_image + 0.05 * noise), min=0.0, max=1.0)
+ # predictions used in calculation of adversarial loss of generator
+ real_logits_g = discriminator(real_image)
+ fake_logits_g = discriminator(fake_image)
+ # predictions used in calculation of adversarial loss of discriminator
+ real_logits_d = discriminator(real_image)
+ fake_logits_d = discriminator(fake_image.detach())
+ self.batch = {
+ **batch,
+ self.generator_output_key: fake_image,
+ self.discriminator_real_output_gkey: real_logits_g,
+ self.discriminator_fake_output_gkey: fake_logits_g,
+ self.discriminator_real_output_dkey: real_logits_d,
+ self.discriminator_fake_output_dkey: fake_logits_d,
+ }
+ def on_stage_start(self, runner: IRunner) -> None:
+ """Prepare `_handle_batch` method for current stage.
+ Args:
+ runner: Current runner.
+ Raises:
+ NotImplementedError: Name of the stage should ends with
+ ``'_supervised'``, ``'_gan'`` or should be ``'infer'``,
+ raise error otherwise.
+ """
+ super().on_stage_start(runner=runner)
+ if self.stage_key.endswith("_supervised") or self.stage_key == "infer":
+ self.handle_batch = self._handle_batch_supervised
+ elif self.stage_key.endswith("_gan"):
+ self.handle_batch = self._handle_batch_gan
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(f"`{self.stage_key}` is not supported")
+class GANConfigRunner(runners.ConfigRunner, GANRunner):
+ """ConfigRunner for ESRGAN, please check `catalyst docs`__ for more info.
+ Args:
+ config: Dictionary with parameters e.g., model or engine to use.
+ input_key: Key in batch dict mapping for model input.
+ target_key: Key in batch dict mapping for target.
+ generator_output_key: Key in output dict model output
+ of the generator will be stored under.
+ discriminator_real_output_gkey: Key to store predictions of
+ discriminator for real inputs, contain gradients for generator.
+ discriminator_fake_output_gkey: Key to store predictions of
+ discriminator for predictions of generator,
+ contain gradients for generator.
+ discriminator_real_output_dkey: Key to store predictions of
+ discriminator for real inputs,
+ contain gradients for discriminator only.
+ discriminator_fake_output_dkey: Key to store predictions of
+ discriminator for items produced by generator,
+ contain gradients for discriminator only.
+ generator_key: Key in model dict mapping for generator model.
+ discriminator_key: Key in model dict mapping for discriminator
+ model (will be used in gan stages only).
+ __ https://catalyst-team.github.io/catalyst/api/core.html#experiment
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ config: Dict,
+ input_key: str = "image",
+ target_key: str = "real_image",
+ generator_output_key: str = "fake_image",
+ discriminator_real_output_gkey: str = "g_real_logits",
+ discriminator_fake_output_gkey: str = "g_fake_logits",
+ discriminator_real_output_dkey: str = "d_real_logits",
+ discriminator_fake_output_dkey: str = "d_fake_logits",
+ generator_key: str = "generator",
+ discriminator_key: str = "discriminator",
+ ):
+ GANRunner.__init__(
+ self,
+ input_key=input_key,
+ target_key=target_key,
+ generator_output_key=generator_output_key,
+ discriminator_real_output_gkey=discriminator_real_output_gkey,
+ discriminator_fake_output_gkey=discriminator_fake_output_gkey,
+ discriminator_real_output_dkey=discriminator_real_output_dkey,
+ discriminator_fake_output_dkey=discriminator_fake_output_dkey,
+ generator_key=generator_key,
+ discriminator_key=discriminator_key,
+ )
+ runners.ConfigRunner.__init__(self, config=config)
diff --git a/esrgan/utils/__init__.py b/esrgan/utils/__init__.py
index 4353009..dbec8a1 100644
--- a/esrgan/utils/__init__.py
+++ b/esrgan/utils/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# flake8: noqa
+from esrgan.utils.aug import Augmentor
from esrgan.utils.init import module_init_, net_init_
from esrgan.utils.misc import is_power_of_two, pairwise
-from esrgan.utils.module_params import create_layer, process_fn_params
+from esrgan.utils.module_params import create_layer
diff --git a/esrgan/utils/aug.py b/esrgan/utils/aug.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..565ecfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/esrgan/utils/aug.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional
+__all__ = ["Augmentor"]
+def indentity(d: Dict) -> Dict:
+ """A placeholder identity operator that is argument-insensitive.
+ Args:
+ d: Dictionary with the data that describes sample.
+ Returns:
+ Same dictionary ``d``.
+ """
+ return d
+class Augmentor:
+ """Applies provided transformation on dictionaries.
+ Args:
+ transform: A function / transform that takes in dictionary
+ and returns a transformed version.
+ If ``None``, the identity function is used.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, transform: Optional[Callable[[Any], Dict]] = None
+ ) -> None:
+ self.transform = transform if transform is not None else indentity
+ def __call__(self, d: Dict) -> Dict:
+ """Applies ``transform`` to the dictionary ``d``.
+ Args:
+ d: Dictionary to transform.
+ Returns:
+ Output of the ``transform`` function.
+ """
+ return self.transform(**d)
diff --git a/esrgan/utils/init.py b/esrgan/utils/init.py
index f8b7cf4..cc1642d 100644
--- a/esrgan/utils/init.py
+++ b/esrgan/utils/init.py
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
import torch
from torch import nn
+__all__ = ["kaiming_normal_", "module_init_", "net_init_"]
def kaiming_normal_(
tensor: torch.Tensor,
@@ -112,6 +114,3 @@ def net_init_(net: nn.Module) -> None:
activation = m
module_init_(m, nonlinearity=activation)
-__all__ = ["kaiming_normal_", "module_init_", "net_init_"]
diff --git a/esrgan/utils/misc.py b/esrgan/utils/misc.py
index f12d99e..0995c81 100644
--- a/esrgan/utils/misc.py
+++ b/esrgan/utils/misc.py
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import itertools
from typing import Any, Iterable
+__all__ = ["pairwise", "is_power_of_two"]
def pairwise(iterable: Iterable[Any]) -> Iterable[Any]:
"""Iterate sequences by pairs.
@@ -13,7 +15,7 @@ def pairwise(iterable: Iterable[Any]) -> Iterable[Any]:
>>> for i in pairwise([1, 2, 5, -3]):
- >>> print(i)
+ ... print(i)
(1, 2)
(2, 5)
(5, -3)
@@ -42,6 +44,3 @@ def is_power_of_two(number: int) -> bool:
result = number == 0 or (number & (number - 1) != 0)
return result
-__all__ = ["pairwise", "is_power_of_two"]
diff --git a/esrgan/utils/module_params.py b/esrgan/utils/module_params.py
index 7a80a67..cc2ad4f 100644
--- a/esrgan/utils/module_params.py
+++ b/esrgan/utils/module_params.py
@@ -1,67 +1,8 @@
-import copy
-import functools
-import re
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional
+from typing import Any, Callable, Optional
-from catalyst.registry import MODULE
from torch import nn
-from esrgan.utils.types import ModuleParams
-def process_fn_params(function: Callable) -> Callable:
- """Decorator for `fn_params` processing.
- Decorator that process all `*_fn` parameters and replaces ``str`` and
- ``dict`` values with corresponding constructors of `nn` modules.
- For example for ``act_fn='ReLU'`` and ``act_fn=nn.ReLU`` parameters
- the result will be ``nn.ReLU`` constructor of ReLU activation function,
- and for ``act_fn={'act': 'ReLU', 'inplace': True}`` the result
- will be 'partial' constructor ``nn.ReLU`` in which
- ``inplace`` argument is set to ``True``.
- Args:
- function: Function to wrap.
- Returns:
- Wrapped function.
- """
- @functools.wraps(function)
- def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
- kwargs_: Dict[str, Any] = {}
- for key, value in kwargs.items():
- if (match := re.match(r"(\w+)_fn", key)) and value:
- value = _process_fn_params(
- params=value, key=match.group(1)
- )
- kwargs_[key] = value
- output = function(*args, **kwargs_)
- return output
- return wrapper
-def _process_fn_params(
- params: ModuleParams, key: Optional[str] = None
-) -> Callable[..., nn.Module]:
- module_fn: Callable[..., nn.Module]
- if callable(params):
- module_fn = params
- elif isinstance(params, str):
- name = params
- module_fn = MODULE.get(name)
- elif isinstance(params, dict) and key is not None:
- params = copy.deepcopy(params)
- name_or_fn = params.pop(key)
- module_fn = _process_fn_params(name_or_fn)
- module_fn = functools.partial(module_fn, **params)
- else:
- NotImplementedError()
- return module_fn
+__all__ = ["create_layer"]
def create_layer(
@@ -101,6 +42,3 @@ def create_layer(
module = layer(in_channels, out_channels, **kwargs)
return module
-__all__ = ["process_fn_params", "create_layer"]
diff --git a/esrgan/utils/scripts/process_images.py b/esrgan/utils/scripts/process_images.py
index 3e128f2..cbc9b6c 100644
--- a/esrgan/utils/scripts/process_images.py
+++ b/esrgan/utils/scripts/process_images.py
@@ -14,8 +14,13 @@
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def parse_args():
- """Parses the command line arguments for the main method."""
+def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
+ """Parses the command line arguments for the main method.
+ Returns:
+ Command line arguments.
+ """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--in-dir", required=True, type=Path)
parser.add_argument("--out-dir", required=True, type=Path)
@@ -83,6 +88,22 @@ def cut_with_overlap(
class Preprocessor:
+ """Cuts raw input images with sliding window.
+ Args:
+ in_dir: Directory with raw images.
+ out_dir: Directory to save processed images,
+ patch_height: Height of slice to cut.
+ patch_width: Width of slice to cut.
+ height_overlap: Height of overlap between two slices.
+ width_overlap: Width of overlap between two slices.
+ min_height: Minimal height that image should have,
+ if image is smaller then it wouldn't be cut.
+ min_width: Minimal width that image should have,
+ if image is smaller then it wouldn't be cut.
+ """
def __init__(
in_dir: Path,
@@ -105,7 +126,12 @@ def __init__(
self.min_width = min_width or min_height
def preprocess(self, filepath: Path) -> None:
- """Process one file."""
+ """Process one file.
+ Args:
+ filepath: Path to file to process.
+ """
image = np.array(utils.imread(filepath))
except Exception as e:
@@ -131,7 +157,12 @@ def preprocess(self, filepath: Path) -> None:
utils.imwrite(uri=out_path, im=patch)
def process_all(self, pool: Pool) -> None:
- """Process all images in the folder."""
+ """Process all images in the folder.
+ Args:
+ pool: Pool of processes which will carry out image processing.
+ """
files = glob.iglob(f"{self.in_dir}/**/*", recursive=True)
images = sorted(filter(utils.has_image_extension, files))
images = [Path(filepath) for filepath in (images)]
diff --git a/esrgan/utils/types.py b/esrgan/utils/types.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d153592..0000000
--- a/esrgan/utils/types.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Union
-from torch import nn
-ModuleParams = Union[Callable[..., nn.Module], str, Dict[str, Any]]
diff --git a/experiment/__init__.py b/experiment/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cf2942..0000000
--- a/experiment/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-from catalyst.dl import registry
-from esrgan.core import SRExperiment as Experiment, GANRunner as Runner
-from esrgan import callbacks, criterions, model
-for registry_key, module in zip(
- (callbacks, criterions, model.module, model),
- registry.__dict__[registry_key].add_from_module(module, prefix=["esrgan."])
diff --git a/experiment/config_gan.yml b/experiment/config_gan.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e769a2..0000000
--- a/experiment/config_gan.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
- - &upscale 4 # 2, 4, 8
- - &patch_size 128 # 40, 64, 96, 128, 192
- _key_value: true
- &generator_model generator:
- model: esrgan.EncoderDecoderNet
- encoder_params:
- module: esrgan.ESREncoder
- in_channels: &num_channels 3
- out_channels: &latent_channels 64
- num_basic_blocks: 16
- growth_channels: 32
- activation_fn: &activation_fn
- activation: LeakyReLU
- negative_slope: 0.2
- inplace: true
- residual_scaling: 0.2
- decoder_params:
- module: esrgan.SRResNetDecoder
- in_channels: *latent_channels
- out_channels: *num_channels
- scale_factor: *upscale
- activation_fn: *activation_fn
- &discriminator_model discriminator:
- model: esrgan.VGGConv
- encoder_params:
- module: esrgan.StridedConvEncoder
- layer_order: [conv, norm, activation]
- norm_fn: BatchNorm2d
- pooling_params:
- module: AdaptiveAvgPool2d
- output_size: [7, 7]
- head_params:
- module: esrgan.LinearHead
- in_channels: 25088 # 512 * (7x7)
- out_channels: 1
- latent_channels: [1024]
- layer_order: [linear, activation]
- expdir: experiment
- logdir: ./logs/esrgan_x4_128ps/gan
- generator_key: *generator_model
- discriminator_key: *discriminator_model
- state_params:
- main_metric: ssim
- minimize_metric: false
- data_params:
- num_workers: 8
- batch_size: 48
- train_dataset_params: &train_dataset_params
- dataset: DIV2KDataset
- root: data
- train: true
- target_type: bicubic_X4
- patch_size: [*patch_size, *patch_size]
- low_resolution_image_key: image
- high_resolution_image_key: real_image
- download: true
- valid_dataset_params:
- << : [*train_dataset_params]
- train: false
- loaders_params:
- valid:
- batch_size: 1
- criterion_params:
- _key_value: true
- content_loss:
- criterion: L1Loss # L1Loss, MSELoss
- perceptual_loss:
- criterion: esrgan.PerceptualLoss
- layers:
- conv5_4: 1.0
- adversarial_generator_loss:
- criterion: &adversarial_criterion esrgan.RelativisticAdversarialLoss
- mode: generator
- adversarial_discriminator_loss:
- criterion: *adversarial_criterion
- mode: discriminator
- callbacks_params:
- metric_psnr:
- callback: esrgan.PSNRCallback
- input_key: real_image
- output_key: fake_image
- metric_ssim:
- callback: esrgan.SSIMCallback
- input_key: real_image
- output_key: fake_image
- stage2_gan:
- state_params:
- num_epochs: 16
- transform_params:
- _key_value: true
- train:
- transform: albumentations.Compose
- transforms:
- - &spatial_transforms
- transform: albumentations.Compose
- transforms:
- - transform: albumentations.HorizontalFlip
- p: 0.5
- additional_targets:
- real_image: image
- - &post_transforms
- transform: albumentations.Compose
- transforms:
- - transform: albumentations.Normalize
- mean: 0
- std: 1
- - transform: albumentations.ToTensorV2
- additional_targets:
- real_image: image
- valid:
- transform: albumentations.Compose
- transforms:
- - *post_transforms
- optimizer_params:
- _key_value: true
- generator_optimizer:
- _model: *generator_model
- optimizer: AdamW
- lr_linear_scaling:
- lr: 0.00003
- base_batch_size: &base_batch_size 16
- weight_decay: 0.0
- discriminator_optimizer:
- _model: *discriminator_model
- optimizer: AdamW
- lr_linear_scaling:
- lr: 0.0001
- base_batch_size: *base_batch_size
- weight_decay: 0.0
- scheduler_params:
- _key_value: true
- generator_scheduler:
- _optimizer: generator_optimizer
- scheduler: MultiStepLR
- milestones: [16, 24, 32]
- gamma: 0.5
- discriminator_scheduler:
- _optimizer: discriminator_optimizer
- scheduler: MultiStepLR
- milestones: [8, 16, 24, 32]
- gamma: 0.5
- callbacks_params:
- loader:
- callback: CheckpointCallback
- load_on_stage_start:
- model: ./logs/esrgan_x4_128ps/supervised/checkpoints/last.pth
- loss_content:
- callback: CriterionCallback
- criterion_key: content_loss
- input_key: real_image
- output_key: fake_image
- prefix: loss_content
- multiplier: 0.01
- loss_perceptual:
- callback: CriterionCallback
- criterion_key: perceptual_loss
- input_key: real_image
- output_key: fake_image
- prefix: loss_perceptual
- multiplier: 1.0
- loss_adversarial_generator:
- callback: CriterionCallback
- criterion_key: adversarial_generator_loss
- input_key: null
- output_key:
- g_real_logits: real_logits
- g_fake_logits: fake_logits
- prefix: loss_adversarial_generator
- multiplier: 0.005
- loss_generator:
- callback: MetricAggregationCallback
- prefix: &generator_loss loss_generator
- metrics: ["loss_content", "loss_perceptual", "loss_adversarial_generator"]
- mode: "sum"
- multiplier: 1.0
- loss_discriminator:
- callback: CriterionCallback
- criterion_key: adversarial_discriminator_loss
- input_key: null
- output_key:
- d_real_logits: real_logits
- d_fake_logits: fake_logits
- prefix: &discriminator_loss loss_discriminator
- multiplier: 1.0
- optimizer_generator:
- callback: AMPOptimizerCallback
- metric_key: *generator_loss
- optimizer_key: generator_optimizer
- grad_clip_params: &grad_clip_params
- func: clip_grad_value_
- clip_value: 5.0
- optimizer_discriminator:
- callback: AMPOptimizerCallback
- metric_key: *discriminator_loss
- optimizer_key: discriminator_optimizer
- grad_clip_params: *grad_clip_params
- scheduler_generator:
- callback: SchedulerCallback
- scheduler_key: generator_scheduler
- reduced_metric: *generator_loss
- scheduler_discriminator:
- callback: SchedulerCallback
- scheduler_key: discriminator_scheduler
- reduced_metric: *discriminator_loss
diff --git a/experiment/config_supervised.yml b/experiment/config_supervised.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 65611ff..0000000
--- a/experiment/config_supervised.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
- - &upscale 4 # 2, 4, 8
- - &patch_size 128 # 40, 64, 96, 128, 192
- _key_value: true
- &generator_model generator:
- model: esrgan.EncoderDecoderNet
- encoder_params:
- module: esrgan.ESREncoder
- in_channels: &num_channels 3
- out_channels: &latent_channels 64
- num_basic_blocks: 16
- growth_channels: 32
- activation_fn: &activation_fn
- activation: LeakyReLU
- negative_slope: 0.2
- inplace: true
- residual_scaling: 0.2
- decoder_params:
- module: esrgan.SRResNetDecoder
- in_channels: *latent_channels
- out_channels: *num_channels
- scale_factor: *upscale
- activation_fn: *activation_fn
- &discriminator_model discriminator:
- model: esrgan.VGGConv
- encoder_params:
- module: esrgan.StridedConvEncoder
- layer_order: [conv, norm, activation]
- norm_fn: BatchNorm2d
- pooling_params:
- module: AdaptiveAvgPool2d
- output_size: [7, 7]
- head_params:
- module: esrgan.LinearHead
- in_channels: 25088 # 512 * (7x7)
- out_channels: 1
- latent_channels: [1024]
- layer_order: [linear, activation]
- expdir: experiment
- logdir: ./logs/esrgan_x4_128ps/supervised
- generator_key: *generator_model
- discriminator_key: *discriminator_model
- state_params:
- main_metric: ssim
- minimize_metric: false
- data_params:
- num_workers: 8
- batch_size: 48
- train_dataset_params: &train_dataset_params
- dataset: DIV2KDataset
- root: data
- train: true
- target_type: bicubic_X4
- patch_size: [*patch_size, *patch_size]
- low_resolution_image_key: image
- high_resolution_image_key: real_image
- download: true
- valid_dataset_params:
- << : [*train_dataset_params]
- train: false
- loaders_params:
- valid:
- batch_size: 1
- criterion_params:
- _key_value: true
- content_loss:
- criterion: L1Loss # L1Loss, MSELoss
- callbacks_params:
- metric_psnr:
- callback: esrgan.PSNRCallback
- input_key: real_image
- output_key: fake_image
- metric_ssim:
- callback: esrgan.SSIMCallback
- input_key: real_image
- output_key: fake_image
- stage1_supervised:
- state_params:
- num_epochs: 40
- transform_params:
- _key_value: true
- train:
- transform: albumentations.Compose
- transforms:
- - &spatial_transforms
- transform: albumentations.Compose
- transforms:
- - transform: albumentations.HorizontalFlip
- p: 0.5
- additional_targets:
- real_image: image
- - &hard_transforms
- transform: albumentations.Compose
- transforms:
- - transform: albumentations.Cutout
- num_holes: 2
- max_h_size: 2
- max_w_size: 2
- - transform: albumentations.ImageCompression
- quality_lower: 65
- p: 0.25
- - &post_transforms
- transform: albumentations.Compose
- transforms:
- - transform: albumentations.Normalize
- mean: 0
- std: 1
- - transform: albumentations.ToTensorV2
- additional_targets:
- real_image: image
- valid:
- transform: albumentations.Compose
- transforms:
- - *post_transforms
- optimizer_params:
- _key_value: true
- generator_optimizer:
- _model: *generator_model
- optimizer: Ralamb # AdamW
- lr_linear_scaling:
- lr: 0.003 # 0.0001
- base_batch_size: &base_batch_size 16
- weight_decay: 0.0
- scheduler_params:
- _key_value: true
- generator_scheduler:
- _optimizer: generator_optimizer
- scheduler: MultiStepLR
- milestones: [8, 20, 28]
- gamma: 0.5
- callbacks_params:
- loss_content:
- callback: CriterionCallback
- input_key: real_image
- output_key: fake_image
- prefix: loss_content
- criterion_key: content_loss
- multiplier: 1.0
- optimizer_generator:
- callback: AMPOptimizerCallback
- metric_key: loss_content
- optimizer_key: generator_optimizer
- grad_clip_params: &grad_clip_params
- func: clip_grad_value_
- clip_value: 5.0
- scheduler_generator:
- callback: SchedulerCallback
- scheduler_key: generator_scheduler
- reduced_metric: loss_content
diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9ab344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,1553 @@
+name = "albumentations"
+version = "1.1.0"
+description = "Fast image augmentation library and easy to use wrapper around other libraries"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+numpy = ">=1.11.1"
+opencv-python-headless = ">=4.1.1"
+PyYAML = "*"
+qudida = ">=0.0.4"
+scikit-image = ">=0.16.1"
+scipy = "*"
+develop = ["pytest", "imgaug (>=0.4.0)"]
+imgaug = ["imgaug (>=0.4.0)"]
+tests = ["pytest"]
+name = "attrs"
+version = "21.4.0"
+description = "Classes Without Boilerplate"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
+dev = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "mypy", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "zope.interface", "furo", "sphinx", "sphinx-notfound-page", "pre-commit", "cloudpickle"]
+docs = ["furo", "sphinx", "zope.interface", "sphinx-notfound-page"]
+tests = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "mypy", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "zope.interface", "cloudpickle"]
+tests_no_zope = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "mypy", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "cloudpickle"]
+name = "catalyst"
+version = "21.12"
+description = "Catalyst. Accelerated deep learning R&D with PyTorch."
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6.0"
+albumentations = {version = ">=0.5.1", optional = true, markers = "extra == \"albu\""}
+hydra-slayer = ">=0.1.1"
+imageio = {version = ">=2.5.0", optional = true, markers = "extra == \"cv\""}
+numpy = ">=1.18"
+opencv-python-headless = {version = ">=", optional = true, markers = "extra == \"cv\""}
+Pillow = {version = ">=6.1", optional = true, markers = "extra == \"cv\""}
+PyYAML = ">=5.1"
+requests = {version = "*", optional = true, markers = "extra == \"cv\""}
+scikit-image = {version = "<0.19.0", optional = true, markers = "extra == \"cv\""}
+tensorboardX = "<2.3.0"
+torch = ">=1.3.0"
+torchvision = {version = ">=0.4.1", optional = true, markers = "extra == \"cv\""}
+tqdm = ">=4.33.0"
+albu = ["albumentations (>=0.5.1)"]
+all = ["imageio (>=2.5.0)", "opencv-python-headless (>=", "scikit-image (<0.19.0)", "torchvision (>=0.4.1)", "Pillow (>=6.1)", "requests", "scipy (>=1.4.1)", "matplotlib (>=3.1.0)", "pandas (>=0.25.0)", "scikit-learn (>=0.22)", "optuna (>=2.0.0)"]
+comet = ["comet-ml"]
+cv = ["imageio (>=2.5.0)", "opencv-python-headless (>=", "scikit-image (<0.19.0)", "torchvision (>=0.4.1)", "Pillow (>=6.1)", "requests"]
+deepspeed = ["deepspeed (>=0.4.0)"]
+dev = ["pytest (==5.3.1)", "sphinx (==2.2.1)", "docutils (==0.17.1)", "mock (==3.0.5)", "catalyst-codestyle (==21.09.2)", "black (==21.8b0)", "catalyst-sphinx-theme (==1.2.0)", "tomlkit (==0.7.2)", "pre-commit (==2.13.0)"]
+fairscale = ["fairscale (>=0.3.4)"]
+hydra = ["hydra-core (<1.1.0)", "omegaconf (>=2.0.2)"]
+ml = ["scipy (>=1.4.1)", "matplotlib (>=3.1.0)", "pandas (>=0.25.0)", "scikit-learn (>=0.22)"]
+mlflow = ["mlflow"]
+neptune = ["neptune-client (>=0.9.8)"]
+nifti = ["nibabel (>=3.1.1)"]
+onnx = ["onnx", "onnxruntime"]
+onnx-gpu = ["onnx", "onnxruntime-gpu"]
+optuna = ["optuna (>=2.0.0)"]
+profiler = ["torch-tb-profiler"]
+wandb = ["wandb"]
+name = "certifi"
+version = "2021.10.8"
+description = "Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle."
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+name = "cffi"
+version = "1.15.0"
+description = "Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code."
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+pycparser = "*"
+name = "chardet"
+version = "4.0.0"
+description = "Universal encoding detector for Python 2 and 3"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
+name = "charset-normalizer"
+version = "2.0.10"
+description = "The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet."
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.5.0"
+unicode_backport = ["unicodedata2"]
+name = "colorama"
+version = "0.4.4"
+description = "Cross-platform colored terminal text."
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
+name = "cycler"
+version = "0.11.0"
+description = "Composable style cycles"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+name = "darglint"
+version = "1.8.1"
+description = "A utility for ensuring Google-style docstrings stay up to date with the source code."
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6,<4.0"
+name = "doc8"
+version = "0.8.1"
+description = "Style checker for Sphinx (or other) RST documentation"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+chardet = "*"
+docutils = "*"
+Pygments = "*"
+restructuredtext-lint = ">=0.7"
+six = "*"
+stevedore = "*"
+name = "docutils"
+version = "0.18.1"
+description = "Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
+name = "eradicate"
+version = "2.0.0"
+description = "Removes commented-out code."
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+name = "flake8"
+version = "3.9.2"
+description = "the modular source code checker: pep8 pyflakes and co"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*,>=2.7"
+mccabe = ">=0.6.0,<0.7.0"
+pycodestyle = ">=2.7.0,<2.8.0"
+pyflakes = ">=2.3.0,<2.4.0"
+name = "flake8-broken-line"
+version = "0.3.0"
+description = "Flake8 plugin to forbid backslashes for line breaks"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6,<4.0"
+flake8 = ">=3.5,<4.0"
+name = "flake8-comprehensions"
+version = "3.8.0"
+description = "A flake8 plugin to help you write better list/set/dict comprehensions."
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+flake8 = ">=3.0,<3.2.0 || >3.2.0"
+name = "flake8-debugger"
+version = "4.0.0"
+description = "ipdb/pdb statement checker plugin for flake8"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+flake8 = ">=3.0"
+pycodestyle = "*"
+six = "*"
+name = "flake8-docstrings"
+version = "1.6.0"
+description = "Extension for flake8 which uses pydocstyle to check docstrings"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+flake8 = ">=3"
+pydocstyle = ">=2.1"
+name = "flake8-eradicate"
+version = "1.2.0"
+description = "Flake8 plugin to find commented out code"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6,<4.0"
+attrs = "*"
+eradicate = ">=2.0,<3.0"
+flake8 = ">=3.5,<5"
+name = "flake8-isort"
+version = "4.1.1"
+description = "flake8 plugin that integrates isort ."
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+flake8 = ">=3.2.1,<5"
+isort = ">=4.3.5,<6"
+testfixtures = ">=6.8.0,<7"
+test = ["pytest-cov"]
+name = "flake8-quotes"
+version = "3.3.1"
+description = "Flake8 lint for quotes."
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+flake8 = "*"
+name = "flake8-rst-docstrings"
+version = "0.2.5"
+description = "Python docstring reStructuredText (RST) validator"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+flake8 = ">=3.0.0"
+pygments = "*"
+restructuredtext-lint = "*"
+name = "fonttools"
+version = "4.28.5"
+description = "Tools to manipulate font files"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+all = ["fs (>=2.2.0,<3)", "lxml (>=4.0,<5)", "zopfli (>=0.1.4)", "lz4 (>=", "matplotlib", "sympy", "skia-pathops (>=0.5.0)", "brotlicffi (>=0.8.0)", "scipy", "brotli (>=1.0.1)", "munkres", "unicodedata2 (>=13.0.0)", "xattr"]
+graphite = ["lz4 (>="]
+interpolatable = ["scipy", "munkres"]
+lxml = ["lxml (>=4.0,<5)"]
+pathops = ["skia-pathops (>=0.5.0)"]
+plot = ["matplotlib"]
+symfont = ["sympy"]
+type1 = ["xattr"]
+ufo = ["fs (>=2.2.0,<3)"]
+unicode = ["unicodedata2 (>=13.0.0)"]
+woff = ["zopfli (>=0.1.4)", "brotlicffi (>=0.8.0)", "brotli (>=1.0.1)"]
+name = "hydra-slayer"
+version = "0.4.0"
+description = "A framework for elegantly configuring complex applications"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6,<4.0"
+name = "idna"
+version = "3.3"
+description = "Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.5"
+name = "imageio"
+version = "2.14.0"
+description = "Library for reading and writing a wide range of image, video, scientific, and volumetric data formats."
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.5"
+numpy = "*"
+pillow = ">=8.3.2"
+build = ["wheel"]
+dev = ["invoke", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "black", "flake8"]
+docs = ["sphinx", "numpydoc", "pydata-sphinx-theme"]
+ffmpeg = ["imageio-ffmpeg", "psutil"]
+fits = ["astropy"]
+full = ["astropy", "black", "flake8", "gdal", "imageio-ffmpeg", "invoke", "itk", "numpydoc", "psutil", "pydata-sphinx-theme", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "sphinx", "tifffile", "wheel"]
+gdal = ["gdal"]
+itk = ["itk"]
+linting = ["black", "flake8"]
+test = ["invoke", "pytest", "pytest-cov"]
+tifffile = ["tifffile"]
+name = "isort"
+version = "5.10.1"
+description = "A Python utility / library to sort Python imports."
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6.1,<4.0"
+pipfile_deprecated_finder = ["pipreqs", "requirementslib"]
+requirements_deprecated_finder = ["pipreqs", "pip-api"]
+colors = ["colorama (>=0.4.3,<0.5.0)"]
+plugins = ["setuptools"]
+name = "joblib"
+version = "1.1.0"
+description = "Lightweight pipelining with Python functions"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+name = "jpeg4py"
+version = "0.1.4"
+description = "libjpeg-turbo cffi bindings and helper classes"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+cffi = "*"
+numpy = "*"
+name = "kiwisolver"
+version = "1.3.2"
+description = "A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+name = "matplotlib"
+version = "3.5.1"
+description = "Python plotting package"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+cycler = ">=0.10"
+fonttools = ">=4.22.0"
+kiwisolver = ">=1.0.1"
+numpy = ">=1.17"
+packaging = ">=20.0"
+pillow = ">=6.2.0"
+pyparsing = ">=2.2.1"
+python-dateutil = ">=2.7"
+setuptools_scm = ">=4"
+name = "mccabe"
+version = "0.6.1"
+description = "McCabe checker, plugin for flake8"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+name = "mypy"
+version = "0.910"
+description = "Optional static typing for Python"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.5"
+mypy-extensions = ">=0.4.3,<0.5.0"
+toml = "*"
+typing-extensions = ">=3.7.4"
+dmypy = ["psutil (>=4.0)"]
+python2 = ["typed-ast (>=1.4.0,<1.5.0)"]
+name = "mypy-extensions"
+version = "0.4.3"
+description = "Experimental type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy typechecker."
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+name = "networkx"
+version = "2.6.3"
+description = "Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+default = ["numpy (>=1.19)", "scipy (>=1.5,!=1.6.1)", "matplotlib (>=3.3)", "pandas (>=1.1)"]
+developer = ["black (==21.5b1)", "pre-commit (>=2.12)"]
+doc = ["sphinx (>=4.0,<5.0)", "pydata-sphinx-theme (>=0.6,<1.0)", "sphinx-gallery (>=0.9,<1.0)", "numpydoc (>=1.1)", "pillow (>=8.2)", "nb2plots (>=0.6)", "texext (>=0.6.6)"]
+extra = ["lxml (>=4.5)", "pygraphviz (>=1.7)", "pydot (>=1.4.1)"]
+test = ["pytest (>=6.2)", "pytest-cov (>=2.12)", "codecov (>=2.1)"]
+name = "numpy"
+version = "1.22.1"
+description = "NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python."
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+name = "opencv-python-headless"
+version = ""
+description = "Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings."
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+numpy = [
+ {version = ">=1.21.2", markers = "python_version >= \"3.10\" or python_version >= \"3.6\" and platform_system == \"Darwin\" and platform_machine == \"arm64\""},
+ {version = ">=1.19.3", markers = "python_version >= \"3.6\" and platform_system == \"Linux\" and platform_machine == \"aarch64\" or python_version >= \"3.9\""},
+ {version = ">=1.14.5", markers = "python_version >= \"3.7\""},
+ {version = ">=1.17.3", markers = "python_version >= \"3.8\""},
+name = "packaging"
+version = "21.3"
+description = "Core utilities for Python packages"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+pyparsing = ">=2.0.2,<3.0.5 || >3.0.5"
+name = "pbr"
+version = "5.8.0"
+description = "Python Build Reasonableness"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.6"
+name = "pillow"
+version = "9.0.0"
+description = "Python Imaging Library (Fork)"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+name = "piq"
+version = "0.6.0"
+description = "Measures and metrics for image2image tasks. PyTorch."
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+torchvision = ">=0.6.1"
+name = "protobuf"
+version = "3.19.3"
+description = "Protocol Buffers"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.5"
+name = "pycodestyle"
+version = "2.7.0"
+description = "Python style guide checker"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
+name = "pycparser"
+version = "2.21"
+description = "C parser in Python"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
+name = "pydocstyle"
+version = "6.1.1"
+description = "Python docstring style checker"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+snowballstemmer = "*"
+toml = ["toml"]
+name = "pyflakes"
+version = "2.3.1"
+description = "passive checker of Python programs"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
+name = "pygments"
+version = "2.11.2"
+description = "Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python."
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.5"
+name = "pyparsing"
+version = "3.0.7"
+description = "Python parsing module"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+diagrams = ["jinja2", "railroad-diagrams"]
+name = "python-dateutil"
+version = "2.8.2"
+description = "Extensions to the standard Python datetime module"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,>=2.7"
+six = ">=1.5"
+name = "pywavelets"
+version = "1.2.0"
+description = "PyWavelets, wavelet transform module"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+numpy = ">=1.17.3"
+name = "pyyaml"
+version = "6.0"
+description = "YAML parser and emitter for Python"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+name = "qudida"
+version = "0.0.4"
+description = "QUick and DIrty Domain Adaptation"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.5.0"
+numpy = ">=0.18.0"
+opencv-python-headless = ">=4.0.1"
+scikit-learn = ">=0.19.1"
+typing-extensions = "*"
+name = "requests"
+version = "2.27.1"
+description = "Python HTTP for Humans."
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*, !=3.5.*"
+certifi = ">=2017.4.17"
+charset-normalizer = {version = ">=2.0.0,<2.1.0", markers = "python_version >= \"3\""}
+idna = {version = ">=2.5,<4", markers = "python_version >= \"3\""}
+urllib3 = ">=1.21.1,<1.27"
+socks = ["PySocks (>=1.5.6,!=1.5.7)", "win-inet-pton"]
+use_chardet_on_py3 = ["chardet (>=3.0.2,<5)"]
+name = "restructuredtext-lint"
+version = "1.3.2"
+description = "reStructuredText linter"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+docutils = ">=0.11,<1.0"
+name = "scikit-image"
+version = "0.18.3"
+description = "Image processing in Python"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+imageio = ">=2.3.0"
+matplotlib = ">=2.0.0,<3.0.0 || >3.0.0"
+networkx = ">=2.0"
+numpy = ">=1.16.5"
+pillow = ">=4.3.0,<7.1.0 || >7.1.0,<7.1.1 || >7.1.1"
+PyWavelets = ">=1.1.1"
+scipy = ">=1.0.1"
+tifffile = ">=2019.7.26"
+data = ["pooch (>=1.3.0)"]
+docs = ["sphinx (>=1.8,<=2.4.4)", "sphinx-gallery (>=0.7.0,!=0.8.0)", "numpydoc (>=1.0)", "sphinx-copybutton", "pytest-runner", "scikit-learn", "matplotlib (>=3.0.1)", "dask[array] (>=0.15.0,!=2.17.0)", "cloudpickle (>=0.2.1)", "pandas (>=0.23.0)", "seaborn (>=0.7.1)", "pooch (>=1.3.0)", "tifffile (>=2020.5.30)", "myst-parser", "ipywidgets", "plotly (>=4.10.0)"]
+optional = ["simpleitk", "astropy (>=3.1.2)", "qtpy", "pyamg", "dask[array] (>=1.0.0,!=2.17.0)", "cloudpickle (>=0.2.1)", "pooch (>=1.3.0)"]
+test = ["pytest (>=5.2.0)", "pytest-cov (>=2.7.0)", "pytest-localserver", "pytest-faulthandler", "flake8", "codecov", "pooch (>=1.3.0)"]
+name = "scikit-learn"
+version = "1.0.2"
+description = "A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+joblib = ">=0.11"
+numpy = ">=1.14.6"
+scipy = ">=1.1.0"
+threadpoolctl = ">=2.0.0"
+benchmark = ["matplotlib (>=2.2.3)", "pandas (>=0.25.0)", "memory-profiler (>=0.57.0)"]
+docs = ["matplotlib (>=2.2.3)", "scikit-image (>=0.14.5)", "pandas (>=0.25.0)", "seaborn (>=0.9.0)", "memory-profiler (>=0.57.0)", "sphinx (>=4.0.1)", "sphinx-gallery (>=0.7.0)", "numpydoc (>=1.0.0)", "Pillow (>=7.1.2)", "sphinx-prompt (>=1.3.0)", "sphinxext-opengraph (>=0.4.2)"]
+examples = ["matplotlib (>=2.2.3)", "scikit-image (>=0.14.5)", "pandas (>=0.25.0)", "seaborn (>=0.9.0)"]
+tests = ["matplotlib (>=2.2.3)", "scikit-image (>=0.14.5)", "pandas (>=0.25.0)", "pytest (>=5.0.1)", "pytest-cov (>=2.9.0)", "flake8 (>=3.8.2)", "black (>=21.6b0)", "mypy (>=0.770)", "pyamg (>=4.0.0)"]
+name = "scipy"
+version = "1.6.1"
+description = "SciPy: Scientific Library for Python"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+numpy = ">=1.16.5"
+name = "setuptools-scm"
+version = "6.4.2"
+description = "the blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+packaging = ">=20.0"
+tomli = ">=1.0.0"
+test = ["pytest (>=6.2)", "virtualenv (>20)"]
+toml = ["setuptools (>=42)"]
+name = "six"
+version = "1.16.0"
+description = "Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*"
+name = "snowballstemmer"
+version = "2.2.0"
+description = "This package provides 29 stemmers for 28 languages generated from Snowball algorithms."
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+name = "stevedore"
+version = "3.5.0"
+description = "Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+pbr = ">=2.0.0,<2.1.0 || >2.1.0"
+name = "tensorboardx"
+version = "2.2"
+description = "TensorBoardX lets you watch Tensors Flow without Tensorflow"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+numpy = "*"
+protobuf = ">=3.8.0"
+name = "testfixtures"
+version = "6.18.3"
+description = "A collection of helpers and mock objects for unit tests and doc tests."
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+build = ["setuptools-git", "wheel", "twine"]
+docs = ["sphinx", "zope.component", "sybil", "twisted", "mock", "django (<2)", "django"]
+test = ["pytest (>=3.6)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-django", "zope.component", "sybil", "twisted", "mock", "django (<2)", "django"]
+name = "threadpoolctl"
+version = "3.0.0"
+description = "threadpoolctl"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+name = "tifffile"
+version = "2021.11.2"
+description = "Read and write TIFF files"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+numpy = ">=1.15.1"
+all = ["imagecodecs (>=2021.7.30)", "matplotlib (>=3.2)", "lxml"]
+name = "toml"
+version = "0.10.2"
+description = "Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language"
+category = "dev"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*"
+name = "tomli"
+version = "2.0.0"
+description = "A lil' TOML parser"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+name = "torch"
+version = "1.8.1"
+description = "Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration"
+category = "main"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6.2"
+numpy = "*"
+typing-extensions = "*"
+name = "torchvision"
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+ {file = "torch-1.8.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:6ffa1e7ae079c7cb828712cb0cdaae5cc4fb87c16a607e6d14526b62c20bcc17"},
+ {file = "torch-1.8.1-cp36-none-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:16f2630d9604c4ee28ea7d6e388e2264cd7bc6031c6ecd796bae3f56b5efa9a3"},
+ {file = "torch-1.8.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:95b7bbbacc3f28fe438f418392ceeae146a01adc03b29d44917d55214ac234c9"},
+ {file = "torch-1.8.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:55137feb2f5a0dc7aced5bba690dcdb7652054ad3452b09a2bbb59f02a11e9ff"},
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+ {file = "torch-1.8.1-cp37-none-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:1388b30fbd262c1a053d6c9ace73bb0bd8f5871b4892b6f3e02d1d7bc9768563"},
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+ {file = "torch-1.8.1-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:dac4d10494e74f7e553c92d7263e19ea501742c4825ddd26c4decfa27be95981"},
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+ {file = "torchvision-0.9.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:f16ceec2862faaffc8fc19bca20e0e79ffdab18a53e6cb75e42e33d090e80d04"},
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+ {file = "torchvision-0.9.1-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:8aa438869e3033cbd8749d041d1ca7beb6171ca9f7f47b42e742fabd6900f8fc"},
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+ {file = "tqdm-4.62.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:d359de7217506c9851b7869f3708d8ee53ed70a1b8edbba4dbcb47442592920d"},
+typing-extensions = [
+ {file = "typing_extensions-4.0.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:7f001e5ac290a0c0401508864c7ec868be4e701886d5b573a9528ed3973d9d3b"},
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+ {file = "urllib3-1.26.8.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:0e7c33d9a63e7ddfcb86780aac87befc2fbddf46c58dbb487e0855f7ceec283c"},
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9881a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
+build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
+name = "esrgan"
+version = "0.1.2"
+description = "Implementation of paper `ESRGAN: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks`"
+license = "CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0"
+authors = [
+ "Yauheni Kachan "
+readme = "README.md"
+repository = "https://github.com/leverxgroup/esrgan"
+documentation = "https://esrgan.readthedocs.io/"
+keywords = [
+ "computer vision",
+ "super-resolution",
+ "generative adversarial networks",
+ "esrgan",
+ "pytorch",
+classifiers = [
+ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
+ "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+ "License :: Free for non-commercial use",
+ "Intended Audience :: Developers",
+ "Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
+ "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence",
+ "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition",
+ "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
+ "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
+ "Programming Language :: Python",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
+esrgan-process-images = 'esrgan.utils.scripts.process_images:main'
+python = "^3.7"
+catalyst = { version = "~21.12", extras = ["cv", "albu"] }
+jpeg4py = "^0.1.4"
+numpy = "^1.19.1"
+piq = "~0.6.0"
+torch = "~1.8.1"
+torchvision = "~0.9.1"
+darglint = "^1.8"
+doc8 = "^0.8"
+flake8 = "^3.8"
+flake8-broken-line = "^0.3."
+flake8-comprehensions = "^3.5"
+flake8-debugger = "^4.0"
+flake8-docstrings = "^1.6"
+flake8-eradicate = "^1.0"
+flake8-isort = "^4.0"
+flake8-quotes = "^3.2"
+flake8-rst-docstrings = "^0.2.3"
+isort = "^5.8"
+mypy = "^0.910"
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c203ba2..0000000
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-catalyst @ git+https://github.com/catalyst-team/catalyst.git@4f9fcd9c046b387378de6d295e7722b40361a020#egg=catalyst[cv]
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 1379d49..cb08d22 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -1,56 +1,126 @@
-albumentations_required = True
-use_libjpeg_turbo = False
+# [catalyst]
+# use_libjpeg_turbo = True
+# All configuration for plugins and other utils is defined here.
+# Read more about `setup.cfg`:
+# https://docs.python.org/3/distutils/configfile.html
+# flake8 configuration:
+# https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/configuration.html
+convention = google
+doctests = True
+# plugins:
+max-complexity = 12
+max-line-length = 79
+max-doc-length = 79
+docstring-quotes = double
+inline-quotes = double
+multiline-quotes = double
+# darglint configuration:
+# https://github.com/terrencepreilly/darglint
+strictness = short
+# excluding some directories:
+exclude =
+ .git,
+ __pycache__,
+ .venv,
+ .eggs,
+ *.egg,
+ dist
+# exclude some pydoctest checks globally:
+ignore =
+ # D100: Missing docstring in public module
+ D100,
+ # D104: Missing docstring in public package
+ D104,
+ # D107: Missing docstring in __init__
+ D107,
+ # D205: 1 blank line required between summary line and description
+ D205,
+ # D301: Use r""" if any backslashes in a docstring
+ D301,
+ # D400: First line should end with a period
+ D400,
+ # D401: First line should be in imperative mood; try rephrasing
+ D401,
+ # RST201: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent
+ RST201,
+ # RST203: Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent
+ RST203,
+ # RST210: Inline strong start-string without end-string
+ RST210,
+ # RST213 Inline emphasis start-string without end-string
+ RST213,
+ # RST301: Unexpected indentation
+ RST301,
+ # RST304: Unknown interpreted text role
+ RST304,
+ # N812: lowercase imported as non lowercase
+ N812
+# isort configuration:
+# https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort/wiki/isort-Settings
multi_line_output = 5
-known_third_party = albumentations,catalyst,cv2,imageio,numpy,pycocotools,torch
-known_first_party = ttfnet
case_sensitive = False
combine_as_imports = True
+default_section = THIRDPARTY
force_grid_wrap = 0
force_sort_within_sections = True
include_trailing_comma = True
+known_first_party = esrgan
line_length = 79
lines_between_types = 0
order_by_type = False
use_parentheses = True
-exclude = .git,__pycache__,build,dist
-ignore =
- # C812-C815: missing trailing comma
- C812,C815,
- # D100: Missing docstring in public module
- D100,
- # D104: Missing docstring in public package
- D104,
- # D107 Missing docstring in __init__
- D107,
- # D205: 1 blank line required between summary line and description
- D205,
- # D400: First line should end with a period
- D400,
- # D301: Use r""" if any backslashes in a docstring
- D301,
- # D401: First line should be in imperative mood; try rephrasing
- D401,
- # RST201: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent
- RST201,
- # RST203: Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent
- RST203,
- # RST301: Unexpected indentation
- RST301,
- # RST304: Unknown interpreted text role
- RST304,
- # N812: lowercase imported as non lowercase
- N812,
- # WPS: ignore wemake-python-style errors
-# extend-ignore = D101, D102, D107, DAR002, DAR101, D105, DAR102, W505, DAR201, D103
-max-line-length = 79
-max-doc-length = 79
-docstring-quotes = double
-inline-quotes = double
-multiline-quotes = double
-convention = google
+# mypy configurations:
+# https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config_file.html
+allow_redefinition = True
+check_untyped_defs = True
+disallow_incomplete_defs = True
+disallow_any_generics = True
+ignore_missing_imports = True
+implicit_reexport = False
+strict_optional = True
+strict_equality = True
+show_error_codes = True
+show_error_context = True
+no_implicit_optional = True
+warn_unused_ignores = True
+warn_redundant_casts = True
+warn_return_any = True
+warn_unused_configs = True
+warn_unreachable = True
+warn_no_return = True
+# doc8 configuration:
+# https://pypi.org/project/doc8/
+ignore-path = docs/build
+max-line-length = 119
+sphinx = True
+# py.test configuration:
+# http://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/customize.html
+# directories that are not visited by pytest collector:
+norecursedirs = *.egg .eggs dist build docs .tox .git __pycache__
+filterwarnings =
+ ignore::DeprecationWarning
+addopts =
+ --strict-markers
+ --doctest-modules
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dd3aec0..0000000
--- a/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Union
-from setuptools import find_packages, setup
-PROJECT_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
-def load_requirements(filename: Union[Path, str] = "requirements.txt"):
- with open(PROJECT_ROOT / filename) as f:
- return f.read().splitlines()
-def load_readme(filename: Union[Path, str] = "README.md") -> str:
- with open(PROJECT_ROOT / filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
- return f"\n{f.read()}"
-def load_version(filename: Union[Path, str]) -> str:
- context = {}
- with open(PROJECT_ROOT / filename) as f:
- exec(f.read(), context)
- return context["__version__"]
- name="esrgan",
- version=load_version(Path("esrgan", "__version__.py")),
- description=(
- "Implementation of paper"
- " `ESRGAN: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks`"
- ),
- long_description=load_readme("README.md"),
- long_description_content_type="text/markdown",
- license="Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)", # noqa: E501
- author="Yauheni Kachan",
- author_email="yauheni.kachan@leverx.com",
- python_requires=">=3.8.0",
- url="esrgan/experiment/config.yml",
- install_requires=load_requirements("requirements.txt"),
- packages=find_packages(exclude=("tests",)),
- include_package_data=True,
- entry_points={
- "console_scripts": [
- "esrgan-process-images=esrgan.utils.scripts.process_images:main",
- ],
- },
- classifiers=[
- "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
- "Operating System :: OS Independent",
- "License :: Free for non-commercial use",
- "Intended Audience :: Developers",
- "Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
- "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence",
- "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition",
- "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
- "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
- "Programming Language :: Python",
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
- ],
diff --git a/tests/pipeline/config.yml b/tests/pipeline/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96bd0f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pipeline/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ upscale: &upscale 4
+ patch_size: &patch_size 40
+ _key_value: true
+ &generator_model generator:
+ _target_: esrgan.models.EncoderDecoderNet
+ encoder:
+ _target_: esrgan.models.ESREncoder
+ in_channels: &num_channels 3
+ out_channels: &latent_channels 64
+ num_basic_blocks: 16
+ growth_channels: 32
+ activation: &activation
+ _mode_: partial
+ _target_: torch.nn.LeakyReLU
+ negative_slope: 0.2
+ inplace: true
+ residual_scaling: 0.2
+ decoder:
+ _target_: esrgan.models.ESRNetDecoder
+ in_channels: *latent_channels
+ out_channels: *num_channels
+ scale_factor: *upscale
+ activation: *activation
+ &discriminator_model discriminator:
+ _target_: esrgan.models.VGGConv
+ encoder:
+ _target_: esrgan.models.StridedConvEncoder
+ pool:
+ _target_: catalyst.contrib.layers.AdaptiveAvgPool2d
+ output_size: [7,7]
+ head:
+ _target_: esrgan.models.LinearHead
+ in_channels: 25088
+ out_channels: 1
+ latent_channels: [1024]
+ logdir: logs/tests
+ _target_: esrgan.runner.GANConfigRunner
+ generator_key: *generator_model
+ discriminator_key: *discriminator_model
+ stage1_supervised:
+ num_epochs: 5
+ loaders: &loaders
+ train: &train_loader
+ _target_: torch.utils.data.DataLoader
+ dataset: &div2k_dataset
+ _target_: esrgan.datasets.DIV2KDataset
+ root: data
+ train: true
+ target_type: bicubic_X4
+ patch_size: [*patch_size,*patch_size]
+ transform:
+ _target_: albumentations.Compose
+ transforms:
+ - _target_: albumentations.Normalize
+ mean: 0
+ std: 1
+ - _target_: albumentations.ToTensorV2
+ additional_targets:
+ real_image: image
+ low_resolution_image_key: image
+ high_resolution_image_key: real_image
+ download: true
+ batch_size: 2
+ shuffle: true
+ num_workers: 8
+ pin_memory: true
+ drop_last: true
+ valid:
+ << : [*train_loader]
+ dataset:
+ << : [*div2k_dataset]
+ train: false
+ batch_size: 1
+ drop_last: false
+ criterion: &criterions
+ content_loss:
+ _target_: torch.nn.L1Loss
+ optimizer:
+ _key_value: true
+ generator:
+ _target_: torch.optim.Adam
+ lr: 0.0002
+ weight_decay: 0.0
+ _model: *generator_model
+ scheduler:
+ _key_value: true
+ generator:
+ _target_: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR
+ step_size: 3
+ gamma: 0.5
+ _optimizer: generator
+ callbacks: &callbacks
+ psnr_metric:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.FunctionalMetricCallback
+ metric_fn:
+ _target_: piq.psnr
+ data_range: 1.0
+ reduction: mean
+ convert_to_greyscale: false
+ input_key: real_image
+ target_key: fake_image
+ metric_key: psnr
+ ssim_metric:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.FunctionalMetricCallback
+ metric_fn:
+ _target_: piq.ssim
+ kernel_size: 11
+ kernel_sigma: 1.5
+ data_range: 1.0
+ reduction: mean
+ k1: 0.01
+ k2: 0.03
+ input_key: real_image
+ target_key: fake_image
+ metric_key: ssim
+ loss_content:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.CriterionCallback
+ input_key: real_image
+ target_key: fake_image
+ metric_key: loss_content
+ criterion_key: content_loss
+ optimizer_generator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.OptimizerCallback
+ metric_key: loss_content
+ model_key: *generator_model
+ optimizer_key: generator
+ grad_clip_fn: &grad_clip_fn
+ _mode_: partial
+ _target_: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_value_
+ clip_value: 5.0
+ scheduler_generator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.SchedulerCallback
+ scheduler_key: generator
+ loader_key: valid
+ metric_key: loss_content
+ stage2_gan:
+ num_epochs: 5
+ loaders: *loaders
+ criterion:
+ << : [*criterions]
+ perceptual_loss:
+ _target_: esrgan.nn.PerceptualLoss
+ layers:
+ conv5_4: 1.0
+ adversarial_generator_loss:
+ _target_: &adversarial_criterion esrgan.nn.RelativisticAdversarialLoss
+ mode: generator
+ adversarial_discriminator_loss:
+ _target_: *adversarial_criterion
+ mode: discriminator
+ optimizer:
+ _key_value: true
+ generator:
+ _target_: torch.optim.AdamW
+ lr: 0.0001
+ weight_decay: 0.0
+ _model: *generator_model
+ discriminator:
+ _target_: torch.optim.AdamW
+ lr: 0.0001
+ weight_decay: 0.0
+ _model: *discriminator_model
+ scheduler:
+ _key_value: true
+ generator:
+ _target_: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR
+ milestones: &scheduler_milestones [2, 4]
+ gamma: 0.5
+ _optimizer: generator
+ discriminator:
+ _target_: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR
+ milestones: *scheduler_milestones
+ gamma: 0.5
+ _optimizer: discriminator
+ callbacks:
+ << : [*callbacks]
+ loss_perceptual:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.CriterionCallback
+ input_key: real_image
+ target_key: fake_image
+ metric_key: loss_perceptual
+ criterion_key: perceptual_loss
+ loss_adversarial:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.CriterionCallback
+ input_key: g_fake_logits
+ target_key: g_real_logits
+ metric_key: loss_adversarial
+ criterion_key: adversarial_generator_loss
+ loss_generator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.MetricAggregationCallback
+ metric_key: &generator_loss loss_generator
+ metrics:
+ loss_content: 0.01
+ loss_perceptual: 1.0
+ loss_adversarial: 0.005
+ mode: weighted_sum
+ loss_discriminator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.CriterionCallback
+ input_key: d_fake_logits
+ target_key: d_real_logits
+ metric_key: &discriminator_loss loss_discriminator
+ criterion_key: adversarial_discriminator_loss
+ optimizer_generator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.OptimizerCallback
+ metric_key: *generator_loss
+ model_key: *generator_model
+ optimizer_key: generator
+ grad_clip_fn: *grad_clip_fn
+ optimizer_discriminator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.OptimizerCallback
+ metric_key: *discriminator_loss
+ model_key: *discriminator_model
+ optimizer_key: discriminator
+ grad_clip_fn: *grad_clip_fn
+ scheduler_generator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.SchedulerCallback
+ scheduler_key: generator
+ loader_key: valid
+ metric_key: *generator_loss
+ scheduler_discriminator:
+ _target_: catalyst.callbacks.SchedulerCallback
+ scheduler_key: discriminator
+ loader_key: valid
+ metric_key: *discriminator_loss