Our code is a modified version of the original code for the edge probing paper.
First, follow general instructions in the main repo: setup the environment, load data for the edge probing tasks and learn how to launch experiments (e.g., their example experiment).
Folder ./mdl_configs contains examples of config files for variational and online codings.
The fields you have to change are marked with the CHANGE THIS!!!
These fields are: task name, ELMO layer number, paths to the repo and the data.
For pretrained model:
python path_to_this_repo/jiant/main.py --config_file pos_online_layer1.conf --overrides "exp_name = pos_online_layer1, run_name = run1, project_dir = ."
For randomly initalized model, download our model weights elmo_random.pth
and run:
python path_to_this_repo/jiant/main.py --config_file pos_online_layer1.conf --overrides "exp_name = pos_online_layer1, run_name = run1, project_dir = ., elmo_from_pth = path_to_your_random_elmo/elmo_random.pth"
Folder ./mdl_eval_notebooks contains notebooks shoing how to evaluate online and variational codelength from the logs, and how to get pruned probe architecture for the variational probe.