- Docker for ..
- Yarn >= 1.17.1
git clone git@github.com:lecstor/lecstors-stack.git
this will take a few minutes the first time.
Change to the repo directory and start the CLI app.
cd lecstors-stack
yarn lecs
Start the stack in docker-for-mac and list the running containers.
lecs> dc up react-app
lecs> dc ps
Visit http://localhost:4321
Brings up:
- gateway; our GraphQL based backend for clients
- react-app; well.. it's a React app
- postgres & rabbitmq
The gateway service and react app will both watch your code for changes and update automatically.
lecs> dc stop react-app
lecs> react-app start
Visit http://localhost:4321
This will tail the react-app logs, use ctrl-c to exit.
lecs> react-app start -p
Visit http://localhost:4322/
Deploy the stack to Kubernetes in Docker Desktop
yarn lecs kubernetes generate
yarn lecs kubernetes create namespace my-namespace
yarn lecs kubernetes apply
Run the Cypress end to end testing framework
yarn lecs cypress open
yarn lecs cypress run
yarn workspace @lecstor/react-ui storybook
yarn workspaces run test
yarn workspace @lecstor/react-ui test
make test
yarn wsrun --skip-missing -c test