- (pending) compose_p
- (pending) keys_in
- (pending) map_accum
- (pending) map_accum_right
- (pending) math_mod
- (pending) pipe_p
- (pending) to_pairs_in
- (pending) uncurry_n
- (pending) values_in
- F
- T
- first function call should have all argumentsg(__2, __)(1, 3)
, this means that it doesn't supportg(__, 2)(1)(3)
,g(__, 2)(1, 3)
andg(__, 2)(__, 3)(1)
- add_index
- always
- ap
- apply
- binary
- bind
- call
- comparator
- compose
- compose_k
- construct
- construct_n
- converge
- curry
- curry_n
- empty - uses x.class.new for defining new empty object if empty method does not exist
- flip
- identity
- invoker
- juxt
- lift
- lift_n
- memoize
- n_ary
- nth_arg
- of
- once
- partial
- partial_right
- pipe
- pipe_k
- tap
- unapply
- unary
- use_with
- adjust
- all
- any
- aperture
- append
- chain
- concat
- contains
- drop
- drop_last
- drop_last_while
- drop_repeats
- drop_repeats_with
- drop_while
- filter - transducer
- find
- find_index - returns nil if index doesn't exist
- find_last
- find_last_index - returns nil if index doesn't exist
- flatten
- for_each
- from_pairs
- group_by
- head
- index_of - returns nil if index doesn't exist
- init
- insert
- insert_all
- intersperse
- into
- join
- last
- last_index_of - returns nil if index doesn't exist
- length
- map - transducer
- map_obj_indexed
- merge_all
- none
- nth
- partition
- pluck
- prepend
- range
- reduce
- reduce_right
- reduced
- reject
- remove
- repeat
- reverse
- scan
- slice
- sort
- sort_by
- split_every
- tail
- take- transducer
- take_last
- take_last_while
- take_while
- times
- transduce
- unfold
- uniq
- uniq_by
- uniq_with - first argument is a function with 1 arity which transforms each list element and applies uniq function to results
- unnest
- update
- xprod
- zip
- zip_obj
- zip_with
- assoc
- assoc_path
- clone
- dissoc
- dissoc_path
- eq_props
- evolve
- has
- has_in
- invert
- invert_obj
- keys
- lens - composition does not work compose(lens1, lensb)
- lens_index
- lens_path
- lens_prop
- merge
- omit
- over
- path
- pick
- pick_all
- pick_by
- project
- prop
- prop_or
- props
- set
- to_pairs
- values
- view
- where
- where_eq
- count_by
- difference
- difference_with
- eq_by
- equals
- gt
- gte
- identical
- intersection
- lt
- lte
- max
- max_by
- min
- min_by
- path_eq
- prop_eq
- sort_by
- union
- union_with