This repository contains the implementation for verifying SLSA provenance. It currently supports verifying provenance generated by the SLSA generator for Go projects. We are working on support for verifying provenance for other ecosystems.
You have two options to install the verifier.
$ go install
$ slsa-verifier <options>
$ git clone
$ cd slsa-verifier && git checkout v1.3.0
$ go run ./cli/slsa-verifier <options>
Download the binary from the latest release at
Download the
Verify the checksum:
$ sha256sum -c --strict
slsa-verifier-linux-amd64: OK
Below is a list of options currently supported. Note that signature verification is handled seamlessly without the need for developers to manipulate public keys.
$ git clone
$ go run ./cli/slsa-verifier --help
Usage of ./slsa-verifier:
-artifact-path string
path to an artifact to verify
-branch string
expected branch the binary was compiled from (default "main")
output the verified provenance
-provenance string
path to a provenance file
-source string
expected source repository that should have produced the binary, e.g.
-tag string
[optional] expected tag the binary was compiled from
-versioned-tag string
[optional] expected version the binary was compiled from. Uses semantic version to match the tag
$ go run ./cli/slsa-verifier -artifact-path ~/Downloads/slsa-verifier-linux-amd64 -provenance ~/Downloads/slsa-verifier-linux-amd64.intoto.jsonl -source -tag v1.3.0
Verified signature against tlog entry index 3189970 at URL:
Verified build using builder at commit 5bb13ef508b2b8ded49f9264d7712f1316830d10
PASSED: Verified SLSA provenance
The verified in-toto statement may be written to stdout with the --print-provenance
flag to pipe into policy engines.
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