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Richard Spindler edited this page Jul 6, 2014 · 7 revisions

Usage information can be found by using the help option:

$ parsec -[abcdehlmvACDEHIKLMOSVZd:f:s:w:R:o:]

-h: Print help
-f: Specify Explorer file to process
-s: Specify System to process
    (Filename will be determined if it exists)
-m: Mask data (hostnames etc)
-d: Set Explorer directory
-l: List explorers
-a: Process all explorers


-R: Report/Print configuration information for a specific component:

    all:        All information
    obp:        Open Boot Prom information
    host:       Host information
    eeprom:     EEPROM information
    os:         Operating Sytem information
    coreadm:    Coreadm information
    dumpadm:    Dupadm information
    explorer:   Explorer information
    cpu:        CPU information
    memory:     Memory information
    io:         IO Information (Controllers, HBAs etc)
    disk:       Disk information
    kernel:     Kernel information
    zones:      Zone information
    security:   All security information
    password:   Password information
    system:     System information
    login:      Login information
    sendmail:   Sendmail information
    inetinit:   Inetinit information
    su:         Su information
    inetd:      Inetd information
    cron:       Cron information
    keyserv:    keyserv information
    telnet:     Telnet information
    power:      Power information
    suspend:    Suspend information
    ssh:        SSH information
    fs:         Filesystem information
    services:   Services information
    lu:         LiveUpgrade information
    locale:     Locale information
    modinfo:    Module information
    package:    Package information
    patch:      Patch information
    tcp:        TCP information
    udp:        UDP information
    ldom:       LDom information
    fru:        FRU information

Example (Display CPUs):

parsec -s hostanme -R cpu


-A: Print all configuration information (default)
-E: Print EEPROM configuration information
-I: Print IO configuration information
-H: Print Host information
-L: Print LDom information
-C: Print CPU configuration information
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