Shop app with Flutter that uses Firebase
Project made following Maximilian Schwarzmüller's Academind Flutter Course 🎯
Get the Flutter Sdk: official documentation.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Get dependencies inside the project directory:
flutter pub get
Create a Firebase project with email authentication
Make .env file with your Firebase Realtime Database URL and your Firebase project WEB API KEY (see .env.example)
- CRUD: create, read, update and delete operations with Firebase!
- Responsive layout
- Linting with 'Linter' dart package
- Environment variables with 'flutter_dotenv' dart package
- Async HTTP requests to Firebase REST API with HTTP dart package (You should use the firebase package instead. I used HTTP package to learn how to work with different backends)
- Animations: Hero, SlideTransition and FadeTransition
This repo is using Firebase. It uses the Realtime Database to save user products and orders and authentication to signup users to the app.
I use AnimationControllers, AnimationContainers, and route animations to run these animations:
- Hero Animation
- SlideTransition
- FadeTransition