Script generator for the LaserAnimation Sollinger Lasergraph DSP.
This commandline tool uses subcommands to generate scripts and write them to the local filesystem.
This is the help of the root command.
Usage: lasergraph-script-generator <COMMAND>
programming Generate the programming scripts
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
This is the help of the programming command.
It generates the scripts needed for programming on master DSP and deploy the changes to
the node DSPs.
Usage: lasergraph-script-generator programming [OPTIONS] --share-path <SHARE_PATH> --load-path <LOAD_PATH> --dest-path <DEST_PATH> --master <MASTER>
-s, --share-path <SHARE_PATH>
Set the path to the share folder
-l, --load-path <LOAD_PATH>
Set the path to the load folder
-d, --dest-path <DEST_PATH>
Set the local destination path of the scripts
-p, --port <PORT>
TCP port of the Lasergraph DSP nodes
[default: 8210]
-n, --nodes <NODES>
IP addresses of all Lasergraph DSP nodes
-m, --master <MASTER>
IP address of the Lasergraph DSP master
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')