Run at
For wholesale online.
A Broker is as the man in the middle; everything occurs with his approval.
A Supplier can place an offer or a response on a request.
A Customer can command on an offer, or make a request.
A Complete Product can vary depending on variety, aspect, packaging, size or caliber.
An Offer and an Order have a complete product.
An Offer has a price for the supplier and a price for the customer; in the middle... the broker (idem for location).
The broker has to approve to everything: supplier, customer, offer, order, request or response In every approval a mail is sent to the address of the concerned supplier or customer.
In every approved or updated once approved movement (offer, order...) the interrested suppliers or customers are mailed to warn them that a change has occurred.
Ruby version ruby 2.6.3
System dependencies rails
Database postgresql
Redis server 5.0.5 ( for install on debian)
It was written in rails 5.2 and used 'delayed_job_active_record' but now it uses rails 6 and sidekiq because of the problems with this gem with rails 6.
It uses rspec 4 because the 3 has given problems too
For your config/database.yml the db user, password and database must be informed in secret.yml.enc (see
bundle exec rails db:create && bundle exec rails db:migrate && bundle exec rails db:seed && bundle exec rails products:make_products && bundle exec rails products:make_examples
For the use of the webpack server in dev you have to run in a console apart
You will obtain 3 users (broker1, supplier1, customer1, password 'password83') and a list of 3 fake products (with each 3 varieties, packagings, sizes and calibers
- in each subcategory one 'undefined') , 4 concrete products, 2 offers, 1 order, 2 requests and 1 response.
The products are based on 'config/locales/products/en.yml' (rake nb:make_products
Redis must run and you have to run bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml
if you want the jobs to run and the mails to be sent.
If you want to add a product, simply add it in the file (product, variety, aspect and/or packaging); the tasks and the seeds are idempotent, no problem.
So you can login as a customer or a supplier, do not forget to attach product and create a concrete product before doing an offer or order.
You can login as a broker at /brokers/sign_in and approve the offer or the order
No inference are made (we try...) upon the media employed by the user (screen or not (todo), size of screen, help with webreader or not).
Bootstrap 4 is amazing (thanks to the flexboxes) at that.
If javascript is not activated, the application still works! It must no be a essential part for the functionment.
The application is 'dokerized'. It is using docker-compose.
There is 3 containers :
the 'app', the ruby on rails application
the 'db', the database
the 'web', the nginx that lisen to the 80 port
TODO redis/sidekiq
But you need an .env file (or better parameter in the command line) to inform
It is a work in progress, because it serves me for exploring.
I try this :
- all the 'routes' must be covered with each of the user natures (anonymous, customer,
supplier, broker).
- the negative situations are explored with controller test (not authentificated,
not enough permission, failed parameter)
- the positive situations are explored with feature test (behaviour likewise with
capybara syntax, highly simplified thanks to the 'resilient' nature of the application).
It is too a wip.
I use reek allthrough I am not so strict.
And bullet to try to get ride of misuse of activerecord (in particular the uggly sql n + 1).
It uses webpack instead of sproket (the migration is reflected in the git log).
Rails credentials new system is used so en .gitignore, master.key.
For master.key, for docker it is in ENV and for development in the config/master.key
(generate the first run of credentials:edit).
It use sidekiq
When a supplier or a customer is approved, an email is send to him.
When an offer, an order, a request or a response is approved or updated, an email is send to all interested customers or suppliers.
Click here to see the mail config that is expected in config/credentials.yml
mail: development: HOST: localhost HOST_PORT: 3000 ADDRESS: "" PORT: 587 USER_NAME: "" PASSWORD: "uuuurynruwgrdaaa" AUTHENTICATION: "plain" ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO: true production: HOST: HOST_PORT: 80 ADDRESS: "" PORT: 587 USER_NAME: "" PASSWORD: "telohascreido!" AUTHENTICATION: "plain" ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO: trueIf you use a mecanism like '2-Step Verification' in gmail, you need to create an application password: