v1.7.2 - 2025-01-24
- Supports Laravel 12 by @crynobone in #36
v1.7.1 - 2024-11-26
- Use new static analysis workflow by @Jubeki in #32
- Replace dead link in Security Policy by @Jubeki in #33
- Fix implicitly nullable parameters for PHP 8.4 by @tylersatre in #35
v1.7.0 - 2023-11-30
- Adds L11 support by @nunomaduro in #31
- Laravel 9 support (#24)
- Use func_get_args to pass array_prepend call through to Arr::prepend (#21)
- PHP 8 Support (#20)
- Laravel 8 support (c3ec946)
- Laravel 7 support (c2cb905)
- Removed old 5.9 versions (4c80f77)
- Update version constraints for Laravel 6.0 (60296b9)
- Add support for upcoming Laravel release (7f47ef4)
Initial release.