My ranger configuration is not very special. I like to use ranger to quickly naviagte around and edit files. Also, I have defined a couple of bindings that allow me to move directly to the wallpapers folder, change the current wallpaper with feh
and change the current wallpaper and generate a new theme with pywal
. For example, the following moves me directly to the wallpapers folder when I press gw
map gw cd ~/.dotfiles/assets/wallpaper
Then, I can select a wallpaper and I can either use bg
to set as background or bw
to set as background, generate a new palette and apply the theme.
map bg shell cp %f ~/Pictures/wallpaper.jpg && feh --bg-fil ~/Pictures/wallpaper.jpg
map bw shell cp %f ~/Pictures/wallpaper.jpg && ~/.local/bin/wal -c && ~/.local/bin/wal -a 85 -i ~/Pictures/wallpaper.jpg
Additionally, I use a script to launch a new instance of ranger
inside a kitty
terminal with a specific working directory:
# ranger-term
EDITOR=nvim && kitty ranger "$1"
Whenever I need a new instance of ranger
, I use the script. For example, I bind $sup+f
to a new ranger-in-kitty starting at the working directory of the currently focused window in my i3
bindsym $sup+f exec ~/.dotfiles/bin/ranger-term "`$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/xcwd`"
Or I use ranger
for displaying the mounted volumes from the udiskie
tray icon, starting udiskie
in this manner:
exec --no-startup-id udiskie -f "/home/tsagrista/.dotfiles/bin/ranger-term" --tray