We provide additional details about the code, structure, flow and algorithms featured in this repository.
This file contains utilities for creating a custom tokenizer based on the LlamaTokenizerFast
and BPE (Byte Pair Encoding).
Defines a configuration class for GNN integration:
- GNNConfig: Stores and manages GNN parameters, including layer counts and dimensions.
Enhances Llama decoder layers with GNN functionality:
- LlamaDecoderLayerWithGNN: Key class, integrates GNNs into Llama decoder layers, offering methods for constructing adjacency matrices and applying GNNs.
Other classes:
- AggregatedLearnableAdjacencyTransformer: Computes learnable adjacency matrices for GNNs in transformers. Experimental.
- LlamaAttention_Original: Implements original multi-headed attention mechanisms. Included again for reference.
- LlamaSimpleMLP: Implements a simple MLP layer for integration with transformers.
- ShallowLlamaMLP: Defines a shallow variant of MLP.
Note: LlamaMLP is defined in the original Llama class, not repeated here.
Implements attention mechanisms with GNN functionality, replacing standard Llama attention with GNN-Attention variants (LlamaAttentionGIN, LlamaAttentionPNA, LlamaAttentionPNA_LM)
- AdjRMSNorm: Applies RMS normalization to adjacency matrices.
- GINLayer: Implements a Graph Isomorphism Network (GIN) layer.
- LlamaAttentionGIN: Replaces multi-headed attention with GIN-based aggregation.
- LlamaAttentionPNA: Uses Principal Neighborhood Aggregation (PNA) for attention.
- LlamaAttentionPNA_LM: Adapts PNA-based attention for language modeling (variant with per-token aggregation that LlamaAttentionPNA versus processing each hidden dimension index separately as in LlamaAttentionPNA).
Implements GNN layers for causal modeling and message-passing, for use in fine-tuning:
- CausalGINLayer: A GIN layer with causal masking and messaging capabilities.
Additionalm experimental features:
- CausalGCNLayer: A GCN (Graph Convolutional Network) layer adapted for causal modeling.
- CausalPNALayer: A PNA layer tailored for causal relationships.
- CausalGNNRecombinationLayer: Combines multiple GNN strategies for enhanced performance.
- CausalGraphNeuralNetwork: Combines multiple GNN layers and provides forward propagation with activation functions.
Defines classes for various attention mechanisms, including cross-attention and latent attention for GNNs:
- CrossAttention: Implements a basic cross-attention mechanism.
- LatentTransformerLayer: A transformer layer designed for processing latent representations.
- PerceiverAR_Fixed_Token_Per_Latent: Encodes and decodes fixed tokens per latent representation.
- CG_Attention: Creates a configurable attention mechanism for GNN integration.
- CrossAttentionPlus: Enhances cross-attention with additional parameters.
- LatentTransformerLayerPlus: Extends latent transformer layers with more advanced configurations.
- PerceiverAR_Fixed_Token_Per_Latent_Scaling: Adds scaling capabilities to the PerceiverAR class.
- CG_Attention_Interpolate: Interpolates between local and supplied attention.
The CG_Attention
class handles the encode-attend-decode process for latent representations using fixed token-per-latent relationships. It uses PerceiverAR_Fixed_Token_Per_Latent
- Encodes input tokens into fixed latents and applies causal attention masks.
- Provides methods:
: Processes input tokens into latent representations.decode
: Transforms processed latents back into token representations.
- Ensures causal masking to maintain proper sequence-based processing.
- Extends
with scaling functionality. - Dynamically adjusts latent features or attention weights using interpolation parameters.
- Enables blending of multiple attention mechanisms.
In the following we provide a more detailed look at these two experimental classes.
Initialization (
):- Configures the attention mechanism using
. - Defines layers like
- Configures the attention mechanism using
Layer Configuration (
):- Sets up:
: Handles multi-head attention with causal masking.LatentTransformerLayer
: Wraps attention with feedforward layers.
- Sets up:
Forward Method (
):- Input:
- Latent representations (
). - Optional attention parameters like causal masks.
- Latent representations (
- Process:
- Encodes input latents using
. - Applies the attention mechanism with causal masking.
- Decodes processed latents using
- Encodes input latents using
- Output: Processed latents after the encode-attend-decode process.
- Input:
Input Tokens
Encode with PerceiverAR_Fixed_Token_Per_Latent.encode
Apply Causal Mask from PerceiverAR_Fixed_Token_Per_Latent
Latents → Attention → Latents
Decode with PerceiverAR_Fixed_Token_Per_Latent.decode
Output Processed Tokens
The CG_Attention_Interpolate
class extends functionality to blend local and external attention using scaled latents. It uses PerceiverAR_Fixed_Token_Per_Latent_Scaling
- Extends
with scaling functionality. - Dynamically adjusts latent features or attention weights using interpolation parameters.
- Provides methods:
: Encodes input tokens into latent representations with scaling adjustments.decode
: Decodes scaled and interpolated latents back into token representations.
- Enables blending of local and external attention mechanisms.
Initialization (
):- Configures interpolation parameters.
- Calls
to define attention blending.
Layer Configuration (
):- Sets up:
: Extends multi-head attention to support blending of local and external attention.LatentTransformerLayerPlus
: Processes blended attention with feedforward transformations.
- Sets up:
Forward Method (
):- Input:
- Latent representations (
). - Local attention and external attention.
- Latent representations (
- Process:
- Encodes input tokens using
. - Applies scaling adjustments to attention weights or latent features.
- Blends local and external attention using interpolation masks.
- Decodes interpolated latents using
- Encodes input tokens using
- Output: Processed latents with interpolated attention.
- Input:
Input Tokens
Encode with PerceiverAR_Fixed_Token_Per_Latent_Scaling.encode
Scale Attention/Latents (PerceiverAR_Fixed_Token_Per_Latent_Scaling)
Blend Local and External Attention
Latents → Interpolated Attention → Latents
Decode with PerceiverAR_Fixed_Token_Per_Latent_Scaling.decode
Output Processed Tokens
This file implements several classes that integrate the Transformer FF MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) with GNN processing:
- LlamaMLP_HalfwayGIN: Likely defines a halfway integration of GNN with MLP. Handles initialization and forward computation.
- LlamaMLP_MultiHop: Extends GNN functionality to support multi-hop message passing with MLP.
- LlamaMLP_HalfwayGIN_MultiAggregation: Combines halfway GNN with multiple aggregation strategies.
Contains utility functions for working with GNN-integrated Llama models, including configuration, initialization, and processing functions.
Extends the Llama model to integrate GNN layers:
- FlashAttentionKwargs: Defines arguments for configuring Flash Attention.
- LlamaModelWithGNN: Extends Llama models to include GNN layers and custom configurations.
Wraps the causal language model to include GNN-enhanced capabilities:
- LlamaForCausalLMWithGNN: Adds GNN functionality to the standard