Some elements similar to MARYSUE
World Store > Plot Points > Plot Lines > Simulator > Synthesize > Final
A database of all Nouns in the world.
What are nouns?
- Name
- Importance [0..10] (idk?)
- Appearance
- Location
- Wardrobe
- Abilities
- Can be nested(?)
- List of nested locations
- Parent location
- Type
- Tool, clothing, weapon, trinket
- Weight (kg)
- Type
This is where Pathfinder helps out. In addition to all of the attributes listed above for characters, they also have attributes and skills that Pathfinder characters would have.
- Strength
- Agility
- Constitution
- Charisma
- Intellect
- Wisdom
- Acrobatics
- Appraise
- Bluff
- Climb
- Craft
- Diplomacy
- Disable Device
- Disguise
- Escape Artist
- Fly
- Handle Animal
- Heal
- Intimidate
- Knowledge [Subject]
- Linguistics
- Perception
- Perform
- Profession
- Ride
- Sense Motive
- Sleight of hand
- Spellcraft
- Stealth
- Survival
- Swim
- Use Magic Device
Characters have "memory" Each character has a dictionary of what they know about an noun
Who/What/Where/When/Why + Noun
That means that when an unfamiliar noun comes up in conversation, they may ask questions to develop the dialogue and increase their memory.
They also have 'feelings' toward objects or nouns.
Love/Hate/Confusion/Anger/Sadness + Noun
These 'memories' are what drives dialogue.
Relationships are also generated for characters.
Examples: Brother/Sister/Co-worker/Friend/Idol/Leader/Rival/etc.
Each plot point contains a subset of the world state, like a checkpoint for the story that describes some key things that have to occur by that point. It is defined by certain locations, items, or knowledge that certain characters must have.
Plot lines are the actual paths between each point. They contain specific events. Events are limited to 4 types:
- Travelling
- Dialogue between party and NPCs
- Dialogue between party and party
- Combat Encounters
Simulation takes these plot lines and expands them into individual actions that can be
PlotLine(Goblin Encounter) -> [action(Bob, stab, [Goblin]), action(Goblin, die), action(Bob, loot, [Goblin])]