This document describes how to set the options available in the c sdk.
Setting an option in the c-sdk is dependant on which api set you are using:
// Convience Layer
IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_SetOption(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, const char* optionName, const void* value)
// Single Thread API
IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_LL_SetOption(IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, const char* optionName, const void* value)
An example of using a set option:
bool trace_on = true;
IoTHubClient_SetOption(sdk_handle, OPTION_LOG_TRACE, &trace_on);
memset(&http_proxy, 0, sizeof(HTTP_PROXY_OPTIONS));
http_proxy.host_address = PROXY_ADDRESS;
http_proxy.port = PROXY_PORT;
DPS_LL_SetOption(handle, OPTION_HTTP_PROXY, &http_proxy);
Option Name | Option Define | Value Type | Description |
"messageTimeout" |
OPTION_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT | tickcounter_ms_t* | Timeout used for message on the message queue |
"blob_upload_timeout_secs" |
OPTION_BLOB_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT_SECS | size_t* | Timeout in seconds of blob uploads |
"product_info" |
OPTION_PRODUCT_INFO | const char* | User defined Product identifier sent to the IoThub service |
"TrustedCerts" |
OPTION_TRUSTED_CERT | const char* | Azure Server certificate used to validate TLS connection to iothub |
Option Name | Option Define | Value Type | Description |
"logtrace" |
OPTION_LOG_TRACE | bool* value | Turn on and off log tracing for the transport |
"sas_token_lifetime" |
OPTION_SAS_TOKEN_LIFETIME | size_t* value | Length of time in seconds used for lifetime of sas token. |
"x509certificate" |
OPTION_X509_CERT | const char* | Sets an RSA x509 certificate used for connection authentication |
"x509privatekey" |
OPTION_X509_PRIVATE_KEY | const char* | Sets the private key for the RSA x509 certificate |
"x509EccCertificate" |
OPTION_X509_ECC_CERT | const char* | Sets the ECC x509 certificate used for connection authentication |
"x509EccAliasKey" |
OPTION_X509_ECC_KEY | const char* | Sets the private key for the ECC x509 certificate |
"proxy_data" |
OPTION_HTTP_PROXY | HTTP_PROXY_OPTIONS* | Http proxy data object used for proxy connection to IoTHub |
"tls_version" |
OPTION_TLS_VERSION | int* | TLS version to use for openssl, 10 for version 1.0, 11 for version 1.1, 12 for version 1.2 |
Option Name | Option Define | Value Type | Description |
"keepalive" |
OPTION_KEEP_ALIVE | int* | Length of time to send Keep Alives to service for D2C Messages |
"auto_url_encode_decode" |
OPTION_AUTO_URL_ENCODE_DECODE | bool* | Turn on and off automatic URL Encoding and Decoding. |
Option Name | Option Define | Value Type | Description |
"cbs_request_timeout" |
Amount of seconds to wait for a cbs request to complete |
"sas_token_refresh_time" |
Frequency in seconds that the SAS token is refreshed |
"event_send_timeout_secs" |
Amount of seconds to wait for telemetry message to complete |
"c2d_keep_alive_freq_secs" |
OPTION_C2D_KEEP_ALIVE_FREQ_SECS | size_t * value |
Informs service of maximum period the client waits for keep-alive message |
Option Name | Option Define | Value Type | Description |
"Batching" |
OPTION_BATCHING | bool * value |
Turn on and off message batching |
"MinimumPollingTime" |
OPTION_MIN_POLLING_TIME | unsigned int * value |
Minimum time in seconds allowed between 2 consecutive GET issues to the service |
"timeout" |
OPTION_HTTP_TIMEOUT | long * value |
When using curl the amount of time before the request times out, defaults to 242 seconds. |
Batching is the ability of a protocol to send multiple messages in one payload, rather than one at a time. This can result in less overhead, especially when sending multiple, small messages. This SDK supports various levels of batching when using IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync / IoTHubClient_LL_SendEventAsync.
AMQP uses batching always.
HTTP can optionally enable batching, using the "Batching" option referenced above.
MQTT does not have a batching option.
None of the protocols has a windowing or Nagling concept; e.g. they do NOT wait a certain amount of time to attempt to queue up multiple messages to put into a single batch. Instead they just batch whatever is on the to-send queue. For customers using the lower-layer protocols (LL), they can force batching via
IoTHubClient_LL_SendEventAsync(msg1) IoTHubClient_LL_SendEventAsync(msg2) IoTHubClient_LL_DoWork()